exact syllable matches

was the
- was the
Aga saga
Aga sagas
aka aka
all her marbles
golf across
all of Scotland
all Sir Garnet
facts, and
all the drama
all the hard work
them laughed
all the harder
all the marbles
solutions and
to solve
we have
all the problems
one and
all, were slaughtered
alla marcia
Alma Ata
choice of an
alma mater
Alma Thomas
alta gama
alta mater
Altered carbon
and your problems
soon pass and
are forgotten
levers that
are the problem
and girls
are the target
and intermediate rocks
are uncommon
Arnold Palmer
Arnold Palmers
artful dodger
artful dodgers
Arthur Balder
Arthur Compton
Arthur Rostron
marriage with an
artist's daughter
ata ana
ata ata
Austin Dobson
austral conure
austral conures
unconsciously an
awful lot of
baka baka
bar of chocolate
Barra Longa
bars of chocolate
by Ernst and
Barta Scharrer
Basel problem
Bob McDonnell
bonnet drama
bonnet dramas
at a
Boston law firm
bottle collar
bottle collars
Bottle Rocket
bottle rockets
bottle stopper
bottle stoppers
chief cook and
head cook and
bottle washer
chief cook and
chief cooks and
head cook and
head cooks and
bottle washers
Bottled promise
doesn't run on
stocked up on
bottled water
bottled waters
chief cook and
head cook and
chief cook and
chief cooks and
head cook and
head cooks and
bottom dollar
Call the coppers
Call the doctors
I was
called a monster
a man
called the Doctor
So Mom
called the office
bounced into far
calmer waters
carbon audits
carbon market
carbon markets
Carnal Knowledge
carpet washer
carpet washers
carta blanca
carta bomba
cartas bombas
cartridge boxes
casa barca
Casa Blanca
That's gonna
cause some problems
Ben Hecht and
Charles MacArthur
Charlton Ogburn
Chocolate Waffles
closet auger
closet augers
closet drama
closet dramas
common alder
common dolphin
common dolphins
common foxglove
common foxgloves
common lobster
common lobsters
Common Market
common pochard
common pochards
common rock thrush
The salon, the
concert, opera
conquers all worlds
conscience clauses
constant problem
copper chopper
copper choppers
The damn
coppers are stuck
dala dala
Dama dama
Dick's weirder and
darker novels
darkness, darkness, darkness,
darkness, darkness
daughter sauces
Dharma Raja
Rajah, generally called
Dharma Rajah
Doctor Faustus
Doctor Binder, and
Doctor Lawson
dodge the column
dollar auction
dollar auctions
Donald Barthelme
Donald John Trump
Donald Watson
even as
doth the Darkness
drama llama
drama llamas
draw the wrong ones
drop a bollock
end job, and
fallen arches
Fallen Arches
farmers market
couple at the
ours at the
farmer's market
faucial tonsils
Faustian bargain
Faustian bargains
flog the dolphin
fossil water
fossil waters
foster father
foster fathers
Foster Johnson
Foster's office
Frosted chocolate
garden balsam
garden office
Garland Pollard
garza blanca
gobble, gobble
God of all worlds
God the Father
goggle boxes
sins that have
gone forgotten
I'm not
gonna stop her
of y'all
gonna stop us
got a lot worse
unbeliever has
yous has
got a problem
never have
got the cottage
gotcha, gotcha
gotten started
guard of honor
guard of honour
guards of honor
guards of honour
Harper's office
Hartman, Robert
Harvard comma
Harvard commas
heart does not burn
heart of all worlds
am the
Heart of Darkness
They are
heartless monsters
law of
spelling by law of
holler copper
Jarvis Cocker
John MacArthur
Harry McGurk and
John MacDonald
John McDonnell
Andres Heinz, and
John McLaughlin
Widows, any Doc
Johnson products
Johnson solid
Johnson solids
Kaczor Donald
on the
law of Karma
law of markets
the painter and
llama farmer
this issue was
yesterday's news and
long forgotten
it's hurting that
long-term market
all a
lot of bother
lot of hard work
cause a
Got a
has a
have a
solve a
lot of problems
drank a
lot of vodka
Monica Nordquist, and Anna-
Lotta Larsson
madra alla
Marcia, Marcia
Marcus Martin
Market Bosworth
market garden
market gardens
years more than
Marshal Stalin
Lily and
Marshall Awesome
Marshall Harlan
Martial artist
Martin Gardner
Martin Grossmann
Bryan Habana and
Martin Johnson
Martin Parker
Martin's partner
Marxist scholars
mata mata
mata matas
truly and conscious
modern artist
Modern artist
course on the
modern novel
Indian critics and
modern scholars
Molva molva
you are
not a father
voyage and
not a harbor
a path,
not a model
man was
not a monster
this was
not a problem
But that's
not a promise
not a sausage
moderate proposal was
not adopted
Alone, perhaps, but
and it was
But I had
good ideas are
I have
not forgotten
art but
not from botchwork
Not just on guns
cold and
not of darkness
Not some monster
cheese and
the daughter,
not the father
not the lawyers
not the long term
but that's
No, that's
not the problem
not uncommon
off her rocker
cinnamon, and
often chopped nuts
olive boxes
Perhaps the
the bill at
Olive Garden
declared jihad
on a possum
on a promise
aimed at
on a target
sneak attack
the attack
on Pearl Harbor
Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbour
but we fought
on regardless
this 60-second answer
on Rwanda
as fuck
the chart
on the bottom
on the carpet
on the chopper
on the docket
on the knocker
well as
on the margin
compact model
exchange transactions
is back
plants are
tranq gun
on the market
mines and
on the markets
Chronicle and
On the Martyrs
on the novel
the bombs
on the target
Seafood restaurant
who walks
on the water
but not
on the waters
on the wrong Earth
Oxford comma
Oxford commas
Parker Palmer
Ulster and
parts of Connacht
England and
parts of Scotland
pasta sauces
Paul of Tarsus
Paula Wallace
Plata dolphin
Plata dolphins
pocket rocket
pocket rockets
wedding rings and
pocket watches
all the
pomp of harvest
popup blocker
popup blockers
you, you're a non-
profit lawyer
profit margin
profit margins
That's a
promise, Carter
quantum solid
quantum solids
Robert Aumann
Robert Capa
Robert Hawker
Robert Johnson
Robert Marshak
That's from
Robert Palmer
Robert Pollok
Robert Proctor
Robin Hartshorne
rock 'em, sock 'em
rocket docket
rocket dockets
rocket larkspur
rocket larkspurs
rocket launcher
rocket launchers
Roger Caras
Roger Codger
Roger Waters
Johnny Grasso and
Ronald Farber
Ronda Alta
Ross Macdonald
Roxburgh model
Sabra Johnson
salsa blanca
salsa sauces
salt of tartar
Sarda sarda
sauce, from salsa
Saul of Tarsus
line, me and
Sean one-on-one
slobber knocker
slobber knockers
The world got
smaller, darker
solid rocket
solid rockets
They can
solve the problem
Solve the problems
Sparkles sparkles
spot of bother
spots of bother
spotted dolphin
spotted dolphins
Stoddard solvent
Undead, and
stop the bomber
Shelley Hack, and
Tanya Roberts
target market
target markets
She was the
target's daughter
tartar sauces
Thomas Arnold
Thomas Boston
Thomas Chalmers
Thomas Kochan
Thomas Parnell
Thomas Watson
Thomson problem
todger dodger
todger dodgers
trodden water
vomit comet
vomit comets
yeah, yeah, yeah,
waffle stomper
waffle stompers
waffle, waffle
Walker Arnold
on the
wall of honor
two years at
Walla Walla
Wallace Donham
Walter Kaufman
Walter Kaufmann
Walter Model
ghosts have
wandered on earth
Damage than
want of Knowledge
Want some water
Want the options
his father
was a doctor
My father
was a martyr
when the law
was adopted
of all
was Buck Clarkson
but that
was her problem
was lust, not love
codes that
die, that
Maybe that
paranoid that
regulation that
understand what
was the problem
was the promise
partially dressed and
was unconscious
by action that
was unlawful
down and
watch the daughter
water bomber
water bombers
boats or Mars
Water Bombers
and a hot
water bottle
water bottler
water bottlers
water bottles
water boxes
pun based on
water closet
water closets
water column
water columns
water doctor
water doctors
evaporation of small
water droplets
water dropworts
under the hot
water faucet
water hardness
Water Margin
water pocket
water pockets
fixing the hot
water problem
water rocket
water rockets
water, not mud
water, WATER
Wrong apartment
right and
wrong, but conscience
been sighted, yadda
yadda yadda
yadda, yadda

with 1 extra syllable

Along the bottom
Bahama Mama
Bahama Mamas
calmar colossal
Show wasn't an
ensemble drama
grandfather clauses
him by his
grandfather, Alden
Kalpana Chawla
Lugbara proverbs
malanga blanca
obnoxious Mama
with a dirty,
obnoxious monster
Rwandan proverb
Rwandan proverbs
sacar a la luz
of a
snapshot, 'cause Connor
tata bahasa
I walk
upon the water

with 2 extra syllables

kalamata olive
Maharana Pratap