exact syllable matches

Where we are--
he knows
Ali Quotes
and we'll
quickly, we'll
all be toast
his cosmos is
all ego
All free-throws
He's not
all heel, though
got us
all here for
all means, Rome
all need hope
all seem so
pace That's
that was
Well, that's
all she wrote
What were
all these for
dissimilations in
all these forms
afraid that's
corrupted, for
eyes for
That is
War is
water, for
weeks for
all we know
ani mon
everywhere she goes,
Archie goes
Archie Roach
purpose we
the agencies
what we
are here for
are these for
particular connection,
are three fold
then why
are we born
But what
are we for
of sending her
secretly sending an
to send her
you send our
army north
quickly on an
army post
among the
artes or
Aubrey hole
Aubrey holes
and see if
Barbie's home
barley corn
blarg means no
Castle and the
See also
Blarney Stone
can kiss my
blarney stones
was killed by
Bobbi Morse
Bobby Joe
Number four -
Bobby Orr
parts of our
bodies, or
Body blow,
me with a
body blow
body blows
body coat
body coats
body cord
body cords
where did my
body go
do with your
body so
body throw
body throws
Your dad
brought me home
you get
brought real low
Broz Tito
Cali roll
Cali rolls
call me Joe
people they
call me Mau
call me Mort
call me Torch
get the
call, we roll
opinions about ourselves
called ego
in the
car, we go
Carley float
Carley floats
Charles Wheatstone
charley horse
charlie horse
spoon and watch
Charlie Rose
coffee bowl
coffee bowls
muffin or a
coffee roll
coffee rolls
a cup of
Thank heaven for
coffee though
Like a
colleague or
power, a skeptical
colleague told
Conky Joe
Conky Joes
copy sort
copy sorts
was watching the
Cosby Show
and a very
costly war
the semi-annual wheat
crop report
Fuck off,
My name's
She's been kidnapped
Da Fino
da zero
into the
dark we go
doggie door
doggie doors
Let's go,
doggies, go
running around in
donkey clothes
suicide, or make
donkey porn
donkey show
it was all
donkey shows
ende - a
donkey stole
donkey vote
donkey votes
or Donny or
Donny Joe
for filing a
false report
flossy pork
fond de court
foveal zone
foveal zones
call it the
Gnarly Gnome
God, please, no
film directed by
Godfrey Ho
hammer on big
godly toe
because it
got green bones
then he
got real close
a woman I
hardly know
but it was
hardly so
hardly spoke
hardy hole
hardy holes
your good friend
Harvey Jones
The Steve
Harvey Show
Incomplete records
haunt me so
in our
hearts we know
became his second
hobby horse
went after that
hockey coach
holly oak
holly oaks
batting a red
hot zero
build your
house,Call me home
jockey shorts
John C Holt
incredibly pissed off,
Johnny No
jolly boat
jolly boats
up thy false
jolly hopes
she make a
jolly row
leaders develop a
large ego
Is that
laundry soap
variety of other
lofty goals
an Arcadia for
lofty souls
down a
long steep slope
ma ni au
mar Negro
mar seo
Marley floor
Marley floors
molly bolt
molly bolts
mommy porn
This is why
Mong-tse wrote
Monty coat
Monty coats
million dollars in
tidy up his
Nazi gold
defence against the
fleeing before the
Nazi hordes
nom de code
noms de code
plans need
rulers will
not be born
Janus shall
not be closed
it and
not be gross
and then
not be home
passing shall
not be mourned
It need
not be so
like I'm
not here, go
which someone,
not me, broke
jihad does
not mean war
Not these though
the costs are
not zero
Right, then,
off we go
break their grip
on Freehold
you picking
on me for
Better get
on me horse
can rely
on me more
30 pounds
on me or
next one's
on me, bro
the coin shop
on Pico
on report
presumption, and fear
on reproach
notoriously keen
on team sports
have walked
on these boards
I've been
on these boats
second time
on these shores
get hurt
on these slopes
moet nog
op de post
miles for an
Ozzy show
party blows
party boat
party boats
party horn
party horns
party store
it at the
Party Store
party stores
late for the
party, yo
pas de course
the defense of
Pauly Shore
Ponte de Sor
the Insane Clown
Posse show
pot de colle
proxy vote
proxy votes
proxy war
proxy wars
What's it like at
rai stone
rai stones
one of them
Rani quotes
Rocky 4
of sailing along
rocky coasts
rocky road
blood type is
I only eat
Rocky Road
Saeed Jones
sari store
sari stores
by Hawke's of
Savile Row
Pizza or
sloppy joe
sloppy joes
sword fair freedom's
soft repose
A bit
soggy, though
conscience to be
nothing to be
that I feel
the artist I'm
sorry for
I really am
sorry though
sorry, folks
Hey, I'm
sorry, no
sorry, though
spot report
To seek its
starry home
the brightest
stars we know
it into a
stobie pole
Stobie pole
Stobie poles
and it
stopped me short
a car or walkie-
talkie or
And fill the
tawny bowl
thar she blows
he ever
thought he'd go
own The
Tom Green Show
over the
top we go
Usually called a
trolley pole
trolley poles
You don't just
want chemo
was he born
realize anyone
was here, so
pockets that it
was Leo
Negro community, everything
was Negro
original meaning
was real sword
and then I
regrouped and I
this, your brother
was reborn
for black folks
was morally acceptable
was zero
people, just
You just
watch me go
wonky hole
wonky holes
God rest her
zombie bones
away into the
zombie horde
go into full-on
zombie mode
Ignorance caused the
Zombie War
the sound of
zombies, though

with 1 extra syllable

Anthony Hope
Anthony Storr
frontier town of
Mexican settlement of
their arms at
Anton Chico
by Francis Bacon,
Laud by Bacon,
Apothegms, No
asahi no
immediately takes you
is beyond thought,
beyond ego
is not entirely
beyond reproach
the Emerald
Beyond, please hold
cannot be both
own, it
they go
cannot be known
affected man
evolutionist this
that this
cannot be so
that land
cannot be sold
went into the
darbari mode
ea, yeo
inbox zero
maguari stork
maguari storks
Milwaukee Road
well, there'd be
nobody home
And it's what
and nobody sees,
blows,No one cares,
I said
Nobody sees,
Sex is, well,
she came from,
Tell me something
That means
Where she lands,
you don't, because
nobody knows
owe us anything,
nobody owes
good songs, and
nobody swore
Some because
nobody told
Petoskey stone
Petoskey stones
each one has
somebody close
somebody know
Down there,
somebody knows
somebody or buried
somebody or
somebody whole
was about saving
somebody's soul
price as cutting
somebody's throat
key that
unlocks each door
a regiment
upon each road
anywhere sit
upon ye Throne

with 2 extra syllables

Busybody Holmes
Wait, where'd
Where did
everybody go
Nobody waits,
everybody goes
can't see what
It's the one
rock ahead that
That's right, Mona,
will name what
everybody knows
Everybody knows
a cold, it's
everybody's cold
folks, my folks,
everybody's folks
ram it down
were crammed down
everybody's throat
singing voice of
Giovanni Jones
hoyo negro
kamikaze no
John lets
Moriarty go