exact syllable matches

It was
troubles were
all his fault
knowledge of
all his parts
sum of
all his thoughts
France was
Shepherd, but
all in all
I am
All in All
and livelihood are
are not at
all involved
matter at
all is called
dead, and
all is gone
eyes and
me that
all is lost
was worth
all it cost
all it wants
And that's
all it was
look past
all its flaws
greater than
all things are
gotten us
all this far
What's brought
all this on
be summer
goes on
all year long
here,considering the Encyclopedia the
Arctic char
Arctic chars
Arctic cod
Arctic cods
Arctic Dogs
arctic fox
their present demands
are discharged
which power relations
are dissolved
are his thoughts
and much knowledge
change of acceleration
follow a rhythm
genes nor discrimination
of the land
specific hereditary factors
theories of justice
Two cooking processes
we, the observers,
when beautiful women
where Quayle quotations
are involved
Bengal, murders
are still on
arm in arm
armed response
Life synagogue
armed with Glock
all represented, working hand-in-hand,
armpit fart
armpit farts
a distraction,
art is false
work of
art is lost
certain that
art is not
Arvind Ghosh
ballses on
ballsing on
bogging off
hour, the
bomb is armed
on bots and
botting shops
would have
bought this car
box guitar
box guitars
in the
box, will ya
broad-winged hawk
broad-winged hawks
I never
brought it off
Mind, others
call it God
We can
call it off
I just
call it smart
will NOT
call this off
The station's
called King's Cross
from a planet
called Krypton
went on that
calling card
calling cards
You're not
calling Mark
calling off
calling on
is and
calls it God
where the
car is parked
nearly eight million
cars recalled
but the
cause is lost
soil with all
charges dropped
it knocked the
charges off
childcare on the
chopping block
chopping blocks
chthonic law
chthonic laws
movement of the
clock's tick-tock
cocks in frocks
codlin moths
codling moth
codling moths
University of Maryland,
College Park
Triumph the Insult
Comic Dog
It was
copping on
and right, a
time, space, and
cosmic law
There are
cosmic laws
cosmic wall
cosmic walls
crossing guard
crossing guards
in the ancient
dark beyond
Devil Dwight, the
Dauntless Don
will, and a
dauntless heart
dawning on
catching ghosts and
dodging cars
where the
dog shits ya
dogfish shark
dogfish sharks
looks like a
dog's ding-dong
drawing card
drawing cards
that is, the
drawing lots
must have
dropped him off
sighed and
dropped his arms
dropping off
sleeps and
drops his guard
falling block
falling blocks
roofs without ever
falling off
falling star
falling stars
It's just
farting bombs
tail like a
fawning dog
at the
Fox Hills Mall
fox with stocks
that old sunken
garbage barge
garlic knot
garlic knots
ziti with some
garlic sauce
goblin shark
group of killer
goblin sharks
I am
God in all
us that
God is all
all that
God is not
Without us,
God will not
Love of
God, it's gone
gone beyond
gone in on
dead, and
gone is gone
things have
gone this far
I just
got his job
Thomas Lipton
got his start
should have never
got involved
Rich and
got it all
and her
got it on
We have
got it stopped
may have
Your Bible
got it wrong
and have
we kinda
got this far
to invent the
Gothic arch
gothic rock
Hafiz Khan
it, and
harmed it not
harp guitar
harp guitars
harping on
where the
heart is, Carl
hit by a
honking car
honking off
Jacques Deval
jaunting car
jaunting cars
jogging bra
John Pierpont
John Smith Bart
But John,
John, fear not
knock it off
knock it on
knocking off
knocking shop
knocking shops
lark sings on
an international
law is called
you, that
law is wrong
against the
law, it's wrong
locking on
door at a
locksmith shop
logging off
logging on
logging rock
logging rocks
But math and
logic are
logic bomb
logic bombs
longing mark
longing marks
wise man
lops it off
Jack just
lost his job
mute and
lost in God
awake and
lost in thought
it has
lost its heart
But the invasion
So the Cinema
marches on
Refugees of liberation
marching on
marking off
reason our
mom is gone
nodding off
distinguish between Islam and
that Saddam has
not disarmed
earth does
not fear God
size does
not fit all
conscience, but
not his heart
repeatedly, was
not his job
and cowardice are
scholarship admittedly are
not involved
it, but
not it all
You can't,
not with bombs
me and
not with Raj
And turn
off this spot
too hard
on him Fox
a cut
my hand
What's that
on his arm
pro-war messages
on his blog
put that
wrong license
on his car
a ram
on his crotch
in trouble
on his job
an expression
mean act
of effortlessness
that gesture
tremendous effort
on his part
Adolf Hitler
pin-up pictures
on his wall
activity occurred
his hand
the question
on his watch
military assault
the toughest sanctions
on Iran
answer the question
off the attack
their fateful decision
on Iraq
descent and researcher
is an assault
on Iran and
on Islam
fell flat
on its arse
are centered
on its gods
Vishnu Chakra
on its top
an inscription
on its walls
for what happened
on Krypton
that works
on this car
10 minutes
you can
on this job
life sentence
on this rock
better than
on this song
pay a call
on Yvonne
on, chip on
palming off
hold a job
parking cars
away in the
bus in the
car in the
doctor in the
fighting in the
fire in a
fucking in the
guy in the
hanging around the
happened in the
her in some
in the hospital
junk in the
me in the
meet in a
Out in the
pancakes in the
pee in a
put up a
said in the
taken in the
to repave the
up in a
view of the
walk across the
parking lot
in the Church
Parking Lot
parking lots
paycheck and the
parking spot
get all the
need some extra
parking spots
the visible
part is small
parting shot
parting shots
pawning off
Polish moch
polish off
Polish swat
polished off
pontil mark
pontil marks
popping off
popping on
Pops is gone
Robyn Ochs
when the
rock is gone
Roderick Long
miasma of a
rotting God
out of a
rotting log
saw beyond
someone's gonna
saw it off
sawing logs
scalding hot
Scott Eldon
parents sprang from
Scottish stock
sharp-shinned hawk
sharp-shinned hawks
shopping bot
shopping bots
I grab a
In a
pulling around a
shopping cart
shopping carts
and build a
exists outside the
or perhaps a
shopping mall
Airplanes, movie theaters,
shopping malls
shot his wad
smarting off
by a vicious
snarling mob
sodded off
Get in the
sodding car
sodding off
after the winter
solstice called
whom all
song is gone
sonne in lawe
of change and
sparkling stars
English splash,
splosh, splish, slosh
look at the
stars beyond
start in on
starting bar
starting bars
starting block
perfectly from the
starting blocks
it required a
strong response
kind of
talk is false
the garden
talked with God
talkin', stop
talking clock
talking clocks
cartoon about a
talking dog
fight against a
talking rock
talking shop
talking shops
lie instead of
talking tall
we have
thought is wrong
nontrivial a
thought it was
top it off
topped it off
topping off
tops it off
Tops with Pops
tosses off
tossing off
surviving after
Umar is gone
vaulting box
walk in on
walk it off
interrupts our
walk with God
I've ever
walked in on
walking boss
walking off
walking palm
walking palms
walking shark
walking sharks
chuckle from the
walking Shop
on the
wall is God
Ditch and the
walls beyond
wanking off
wanking sock
wanking socks
I just
want it soft
wapping moll
wapping molls
its last master
was Disarmed
was His Arms
His word
was his bond
so infinite
was his charm
was his job
that other
was in want
Anyone that
Every American
more than that
saying Lyndon Johnson
the same individual
was involved
all that
was is gone
was it called
was eternal,
was it not
was still gone
washes off
washing ball
washing balls
washing off
I can
watch it rot
stood and
watched in awe
their eyes were
watching God
wrong with Mars

with 1 extra syllable

blasphemy of an
agnostic tot
didn't get
along with Scott
get killed
along with ya
come as an
appalling shock
agencies as the
building of the
can make an
cannot disinvent the
city like an
give us the
have brought the
he created the
He invented the
is building an
It is an
just built an
opposite of the
power of an
released in an
Shortened form of
the Upshot-Knothole Grable
to build an
to hide an
use of the
victim of the
was with the
world than an
atomic bomb
Atomic bomb
the use of
atomic bombs
Atomic bombs
strength of it's
atomic bond
atomic clock
rotation measurements, and
the construction of
atomic clocks
bank, which safe
in a safe
deposit box
even has this
grandpas guitars
you pushy, obnoxious,
moronic DOG
at it in
narcotic awe
had hung
upon his arm
of God
upon his arms
for subsistence
upon his art

with 2 extra syllables

Amazon milk frog
Amazon milk frogs
of Milo
Axelrod, his boss
His Roman
counterpart is Sol
imposed a significant
economic cost
outweighed by their
economic costs
to be an
economic flop
head of an
the working of
economic law
workings of certain
economic laws
source of the
economic loss
a school of
History of
misleading sensible Keynesian
much of subsequent
social outlook and
economic thought
think, uh,
Holocaust is on
Short for
hyperonic charge
a hotel, in
Isfahan, Iran
area under a
parabolic arch
to match your
subatomic thoughts
telescopic star
telescopic stars
waterfall, it's gone