exact syllable matches

course, the
act is ended
on a superior
acting method
it with a fast-
acting venom
variety of other
acts developed
Alfred Bester
Alfred Brendel
Alice Evans
a woman called
Alice Sheldon
spelling variant of
Alistair, from
And yes, I
Now I
am embarrassed
much I
am in heaven
Conclave was not
not I won
than to influence
the day after
the same as
they don't want
they had had
time to have
years they had
an election
prepared for such
succeed in such
an endeavour
died smiling on
I have
It'd give us
less transient than
that he has
an erection
every rule has
Happiness is not
Or as
Schumpeter was
the guise of
usual Rule without
Vietnam was
You, Lenin, were
an exception
to serve as
an exemplum
it was just
It's just
suspect at such
That's just
using it as
an expression
both get on
it is just
an extension
cousin makes quite
have made quite
the beginning of
an impression
was a virus,
an infection
giving the man
or discomfort of
an injection
be much of
to me over
an invention
inspired to become
of nations, and
proverbially characteristic of
that I was
an inventor
in value of
It was just
the profit on
This is just
an investment
the astrological 7
and 11
of May, September,
year in November
and December
nothing but lies
of passion, seduction,
there is deception,
tyranny, butchery, corruption
and deception
Reciprocate both cooperation
and defection
be both prosecutor
and defendant
they are articulated
and defended
of the innocent
and defenseless
law is subordination
of identity, separation
and dependence
celebration of weakness
even to unemployment
of schizophrenia, mania,
shootings, hate crimes
topics of suicide
years of effort
and depression
abolition of position
equality of position
Spinoza calls thought
and dimension
All memory, existence,
and dimensions
done without wisdom
therefor, without reason
and discretion
been brutally murdered
and dismembered
a great feigner
and dissembler
the chief opposers
and dissenters
nominated for judge
and elected
sold a hundred
and eleven
today feeling stupid
and embarrassed
merely human thought
and endeavor
appropriate methods, constants,
understanding of nuance
and exceptions
constantly keyed up
and expectant
became quick, conscious,
and expected
a new language
liberty of thought
motivate their character
way of life
zone of action
and expression
extended, and extended,
and extended
attributes of thought
and extension
and fill their purse
dog-napping veterinarian
war criminal
and his henchmen
her memoirs
and his letters
younger sister,
and his parents
bounce off
and hit Eggman
through passion
and ill temper
the girl
and impress her
most vital convictions
only selected thoughts
and impressions
and in their lungs
See indentation,
and indention
regular conjugations, declensions,
and inflections
etymology 1
and instead from
a definite plan
and intention
all his actions
ends and purposes
and intentions
come of reflexion
and invention
of goods services
returns on work
and investment
And it gets worse
an organization
and its members
about science
and its methods
its aspirations
and its tensions
Tobe Hooper
and Kim Henkel
Balzac, Zola
and Link Steffens
and pick them up
independence against treason
should celebrate violence
voice of faction
and rebellion
for their disobedience
and rebellions
regarding business contracts
and reception
visiting, dances, dinners
and receptions
a great deliverance
Gospel of love
of forgiveness, rehabilitation
tales of violence
to find repentance
and redemption
generation of Destruction
and Redemption
of continual observations
and reflections
fear of failure
turns into bitterness
and rejection
into my eyes
put, stay calm,
to look back
to see, reason,
and remember
Touch, Listen
and Remember
be noticed, recognized
and remembered
cynical, bitter, vicious,
and resentful
deal of bitterness
It's anger
of this anger
that carries hatred
viscerally satisfying anger
and resentment
of popular causes
and resentments
always love
like her
and respect her
to be tolerant
and respectful
It is cruel
and revengeful
physical condition
and skill level
breathes fire
and spits metal
and this letter
with frankness
and with fervour
Anil Deshmukh
Allah is sufficient
God is sufficient
as Defender
none so useful
as discretion
didn't quite work
inflectional endings are
as expected
she is regarded
as extension
as much
as it beckoned
with man
as its center
the sun
as its centre
has Dharma
as its essence
consequently classified
as Near Threatened
laughter as much
as rebellion
I just
ask it questions
also all about
available by just
he has stopped
him trying and
One learns by
play along, without
the means of
they never stop
to act without
was told, without
why you were
you're snooping around
asking questions
in Carnegie Hall
at 11
at once surrendered
at discretion
among the archives
at Edessa
that laughs
at himself first
four bases
that order,
at his leisure
closed down
at his peril
ge-wo-haw, just
at his pleasure
place work
powerful man
at its center
father a chance
have a shot
one, gigantic shot
sees a shot
at redemption
so fast
at this epoch
make decisions
at this level
axe in their skull
Babbitt metal
Babbitt metals
back except her
back it gets worse
back, it's messed up
back, Prince Hector
and makes a
bad impression
did not have
bad intentions
bandage dresses
banded penguin
banded penguins
bassin versant
bat detector
bat detectors
white and
black, in Heaven
I like the
blanking better
ugly social situations
can develop
an aluminum
can in seconds
can miss them, huh
actually was and
far as I
I never
long as anyone
long as I
long as life
Not that I
streaky shot I
That's all I
times than I
can remember
can't give them up
but I just
me, you just
once, but I
those days I
can't remember
cash dispenser
cash dispensers
for a gorgeous
cashmere sweater
You're a
cat, remember
the manhood of
Catholic parents
chance exception
chance exceptions
the other
Clans respect her
Class dismembered
sow religious and
class dissensions
Yeah, that's the
classic setup
Cranch, December
I'm the
dad, remember
the funniest
damn thing ever
love with a
damned Eleven
of the worst
dancing ever
him off, about
dancing lessons
call for such
to take such
drastic measures
not what the
fans expected
that bought the
flag, remember
fatigue, into the
flashing tempest
Franklin Shepard
the reporters
up and
gasp in terror
I'm not
to piss off
Gavin Belson
in a
glass with ketchup
give us this-a
grand reception
also include the
graphics engine
graphics engines
could not
grasp his method
Ronald Reagan
had 11
had depression
before the witch-hunt
had developed
killings, as liberals
quick as I
than what I
had expected
had his bell rung
sphere are but
half developed
Something gone and
guide my
hand in vengeance
hanging parrot
a President
has been censured
has been mentioned
has been set up
and action
has been severed
the map
has its edges
could not
timing couldn't
have been better
have been well served
rules which others
have detected
things exist and
have dimension
have dimensions
I'd rather
have distemper
have endeavoured
not what I
have expected
though it doesn't
have intention
French and Germans
that other people
With what I
have invented
nothing Celtic about
having legends
can't be bothered
having lessons
forget ever
having met her
Kan extension
Kan extensions
Katharine Hepburn
Clinton in the
father during the
started before the
This is our
vote in the
voters in the
last election
I'll make one
last exception
damage at the
last split-second
tasting pure and
lasting pleasures
on their covers,
laughing Terrans
no, that's
Mads Mikkelsen
just needed a
magic feather
magic pendant
defense as a
magic weapon
Man defences
Man defenses
the young
man in question
O Immortal, mortal
man's deception
mass ejection
mass ejections
staff are under
massive pressure
tell you the
matching letter
max-min fairness
help with the Pan-
Pam dilemma
Parish Engine
pace of the
passing seconds
loose about the
passing vessel
certain modicum of
passive pleasure
From the
passive stem of
- It's half
past eleven
path dependence
Patrick Geddes
Written by
Patrick Melton
Patrick Redmond
were my back-up
You got a
plan, remember
qualified for our
planned endeavor
plant is set up
the biggest
the greatest
ranch in Texas
Sam Winchester
the result of
sampling error
sampling errors
cartels, dictators and
sham elections
Possibly from a
slang expression
snap election
snap elections
Spanish chestnut
Spanish chestnuts
to English and
Spanish error
Devonshire challenged the
tax exemption
also given similar
tax exemptions
measures are the
tax inspectors
far more meager
It took longer
melting much faster
Much sooner
plan proves harder
price far heavier
proved far greater
things happening earlier
things happening later
Uh, it's better
was much worse
than expected
find better
than Kim Wexler
not misfortunes
that befell us
enough to justify
that exception
Don't learn
that expression
that is left us
That is messed up
That is settled
That is special
here and
that is treasure
that it gets tough
wasn't her
that killed Kara
officer loved
that lip ferret
that Sphinx mentioned
infinitesimally from
that, is present
That's expected
Day and
that's his present
That's it, Ellen
That's rebellion
that's Redemption
That's still tender
tractive effort
tractive efforts
reclaim a single
tragic second
Weapon, it's a
tragic treasure
total labor has
vanquished leisure
they are
whacked with tariffs

with 1 extra syllable

listen to only
abstract impressions
Humans just
adapted better
term for a
balsamic resin
meant the most
barbaric methods
on the Christian
Broadcasting Network
international community in
combating terror
voice and a
commanding presence
contract, remember
purpose of all
dogmatic efforts
history of a
dramatic era
dramatic gesture
dramatic present
of the system
dynamics method
It's a
fantastic entrance
for us, a
fantastic message
distances from the
light-years from the
galactic center
landowners in his
galactic sector
Genappe, in Belgium
Kombat 11
number of quantum
mechanics experts
metallic metal
He had these
outlandish methods
the semantic and
pragmatic levels
opposition to the
scholastic method
Rita Hayworth and
Shawshank Redemption
argumentation, or the
Socratic method
Titanic Tempest
this as the
Titanic, Ella
Wrapping presents,
unwrapping presents
of his potentially
volcanic temper

with 2 extra syllables

achromatic lenses
automatic teller
automatic tellers
automatic or an
self-defense with an
to buy a semi-
automatic weapon
get rid of semi-
havoc came from
their little lobster semi-
us dead with
with vastly superior
automatic weapons
That is the
democratic method
the application of
democratic methods
and biomedicine, and
ethnographic methods
ethnographic present
matters is the
everlasting present
is eternal and
everlasting splendour
constitutes the transmitted
hydrostatic pressure
hydrostatic pressures
Magellanic penguin
Magellanic penguins
serious and most
systematic efforts
and without any
systematic method
his insights and
systematic methods
Systematic methods
She's a
telepath, remember
thermoplastic resin
thermoplastic resins
I could
me to
we shall
understand him better
attain must
understand his weapon
until we
understand things better

with 3 extra syllables

is by the
axiomatic method
erotematic method
had its own
intergalactic despot
are all these
melodramatic gestures

with 4 extra syllables

into a military-style
semiautomatic weapon
telephotographic lenses