exact syllable matches
Because it's hell
they can,
because it's there
Because it's there
at all costs
become event
such skepticism has
become immense
Confidence and fear
becomes Despair
than David Duke
becoming Prez
been a big help
can have
been nothing else
must have
been something else
been worth it yet
looks like
Big fucking Ben
there's nothing
bigger, is there
Wallace brings up
Bishop himself
with a
bit of finesse
a little
Have a
with a
bit of respect
natural sounds to
brilliant effect
and this
business is dead
have no
have sexual
no further
business with them
lad into the
business, instead
your fucking
chicken in there
by the
children in flesh
life at your
children's expense
homophobic misogynist fake
Christian shitheads
the Imperium
Crystal with them
and you
deserted them
all equal and
But all kids
deserve respect
idea that religion
of whatever station,
religiosity of Muslims
deserves respect
of hitherto unknown
destructive strength
time I
did something then
didn't deflect
things that you
didn't expect
but it
didn't kill them
didn't rip them
cause I
didn't spit then
over their
dinners in there
me when I
disappeared eh
Absolutely nothing will
discourage them
and Ena are
discussing death
you from your
disgusting flesh
from serving this
others are a
disgusting mess
players of widely
disparate strengths
disturbing them
had also
emerged in tears
Europe, Eurasia and
emerging threats
life, part of
England itself
you got
enough in there
you don't get
enough respect
who does not
exert himself
the positive must
exert itself
of images,
fears, loves, regrets
claims Sir Robert
Filmer defends
get my
Put your
finger in there
put your
your fucking
fingers in there
eat with their
fingers, instead
using the Mel
Gibson defense
twittering birds and
giggling elves
what had
given him strength
When it's
given it's blessed
whom He
gives nothing else
Have you
hidden it there
to the
hill of incense
I called
him a shithead
includes protecting
him from himself
him from his men
that reminds
him of himself
mumbling under
his fucking breath
thousands on
his fucking hair
bullet in
cut off
his fucking head
His son is dead
upon which
his Trust depends
if you
hit the princess
man bring it
hither himself
actions, I mean
direct orders from
immediate commander was
that was like
Hitler himself
hypocrite squares
on board,
one thing,
yet result,
if nothing else
a world of
imperfect men
no share
in earning them
to fight
in her defence
and fight
in her defense
in love with death
in love with them
her fall
in love, Vincent
humankind, and
in nothing else
is untrue
in one respect
statues standing
in public squares
fat penguin
in some knitwear
live victim,
that promise
in some respects
In some respects
a root
I believed
was interested
in something else
in the big chair
God participating
in the event
once more
in the inkwell
for peace
on vacation
in the Midwest
in the rear end
in touch with them
Inca Princess
of pleasure in
indulging them
bicycle, lying
injured, near death
go find your
inner princess
instant is prayer
not if anybody
insulted them
I'm not
insulting them
is a big step
is a request
This stuff
is cutting edge
is done in jest
organization that
is hunting them
so virtuous,
is kufr itself
Bad Wolf
is lurking, there
because there
Gentleman and
is nothing else
like there
until there
wrong, there
is nothing left
And there
confirm there
is nothing there
frightful team
is public debt
But sex
Gotham City
say marriage
is something else
that there
is something there
My body
is the event
Is the king dead
The blade
is turning red
is what is theirs
hollowed out by
Islamist cells
bedroom floor
isn't fixed yet
quite impressive,
isn't it Jeff
it a bit then
it a whim, then
it come near bed
it done in ten
to save
it from despair
and save
that saved
it from itself
tall but
it fucking helps
is involved
it just depends
It just depends
it just sits there
not make
or is
others call
to make
it something else
it stuck with them
really knew
thought about
it until then
it up in there
logistics of
it were intense
it work with them
it, but it's there
It's a big help
It's a big step
It's a gift, then
right in
its cutting edge
this place,
it's fucking dead
middle and
it's fucking rare
It's nothing, Meg
the steak,
it's something else
It's something else
It's the defense
It's the reject
dance do
its work instead
and they
killed her instead
Don't get
killed until then
students, they seemed
kinda depressed
and no
limit is set
counted on to
counted upon to
limit itself
party of
Lincoln is dead
eventually die a
lingering death
on the
list of dickheads
place is
littered with them
up a
little bit DEAD
But every
little bit helps
by a
just a
little bit less
just a
little bit Red
just a
little bit scared
was a
little bit wet
cry your
little bitch tears
He's a
you get a
little depressed
It takes a
little finesse
Oh grow
little inchworm
lot of
were two
little kids there
a precious, precious
His beautiful
How is my
little princess
on your dumb
little requests
Have a
just like a
Show a
to show a
wanted was a
little respect
Up yours, you
little shithead
There's a
little thing there
the least
little thing, well
pathetic, spineless
little wimp then
lives of his men
in the
midst of despair
several hundred
million years left
departing, leaves
millions in tears
that is
mingled with prayer
dense masses of
minute insects
missed a trick there
This is
transferring you to
missile defense
still had
missiles in them
mixed blood with them
think the
nigga in there
nigger lives there
pick something else
account for the
picture itself
at silly television
pictures instead
even Billy
Pilgrim is there
been quite a
pitcher himself
Crash Bandicoot and
Pyramid Head
Pyramid Texts
you both to
quivering shreds
escape may
result in death
which he later
reversed himself
to be
would be
rid of himself
It's a
the pun, a
ripple effect
over the
river with them
sick of it, Jeff
to one of
simple defence
since the pigs left
Sing something else
participated in a
statement concerning a
single event
sister is dead
a real
sister, with hair
Inches about
sizzling death
Let your
Spirit descend
away His
spirit in prayer
The Forest
Spirit is dead
mean, she's
still a princess
medium, it's
still fucking rare
have been given
symbols instead
bounded within the
down the technological
faith in the
feeding of the
into the free
might threaten the
preservation of the
willy-nilly, by the
system itself
filled his
system with lead
plan, the
thing does itself
does not
think of himself
them to
think something else
don't need
this fucking stress
shit out
this fucking turd
this thirst is prayer
this, what is left
Trickster is dead
at least
triple in strength
made of
twisted silk threads
vigour relents
were no Armenian
villages left
villain is death
weird, but it's there
the population
which commits them
religion from
which none dissents
which serve its end
will burn in hell
will love it there
to pick the
winner instead
who the
winner is yet
authority of Sir
Winston himself
winter, is Father
Winter himself
With blood in them
are faced
with crushing debt
with her, Vincent
be washed
by him
with loving care
be satisfied
with nothing else
it along
with something else
payoff associated
with such events
treated me
with such respect
long ring
with the event
getting along
he regained
with the Princess
of reaction
with, something else
have any
women in there
That's what all
women resent
words of the dead
years of his death
Almost two
years, nothing mends
with 1 extra syllable
great and the
ambition intense
asking what this meant
and stop
being fucking scared
being stuck in bed
group from
bombing the event
for me a
capital event
power of finance
qualities inherent in
capital itself
catches up with them
a good
character in them
narrow than the
on the Chinese
character itself
you power, but
character respect
perturbations which characterize
chemical effects
deed is
chronicled in hell
to have the air-
conditioning checked
time the air
conditioning went
Consider him well
Consider this well
to bear in
considering them
felt the
the quiet
courage of despair
popular success with
critical respect
fullness, though
deficient in depth
thought you
delivered it well
shrank back from
the means of
delivering them
enforcement and
doing nothing else
if they're
doing nothing, then
be busy
easier than
is the
somewhere else,
doing something else
with cold,
dying of distress
well, ultimately did
Ephesus itself
proof -
save humankind,
even from itself
makes fun
even of despair
even of himself
and structure of
happiness should justify
It belongs to
nothing which is
with injustice of
existence itself
I'm the freaking
surviving the ultimate
extinction event
Are you
become somewhat
have been
one isn't
familiar with them
ever-closer to
finding the Princess
fucking run it then
getting a bit scared
glances, turning heads
going just sit there
had been
groping until then
hanging from his neck
strength in
tricked into
hiding from itself
is already
implicit in them
walls would only
imprison itself
who was
leading the defense
by the
logic of events
with a high
magical index
he's been
making of himself
to try
making something else
published it with
There's no
malicious intent
in this
matrix of events
not have
meaning of itself
called the New
Musical Express
thinks of
nothing but himself
points to
nothing but itself
to say
nothing of respect
so horrible as
nothingness itself
it sets on
use it against
Olympus itself
known to the
Omniscient Himself
Bring your
personal effects
also have a
personal request
strong feelings of
physical distress
capable of producing
physical effects
Those where
way of changing
physical events
popping from his head
the prone
position in bed
record just was
precision itself
congratulate our first African-American
punishment is death
science and found
religion instead
coming from some
religious event
the national and
religious respect
connected group of
rhythmical events
pretend it's
you are
saying something else
not enough
shaping of events
very reason with
Sikhism itself
eyes with
something from himself
let's get
something fucking checked
to show
something of himself
something turns in them
taking us with them
he stops
thinking of himself
Hibbs, who
wanted Duckett dead
tour of
Washington with Pres
whirlwind of His breath
workmen were still there
with 2 extra syllables
flag, all
America is there
a challenge to
as old as
of conservatism and
secret heart of
America itself
American Defense
Social Security card,
American Express
little native
American in there
image of
anything but itself
generating an
atmosphere of dispair
into a
babbling fucking wreck
only by destroying
barbarism itself
beginning what it meant
think a very
beneficial effect
universal in its
beneficial effects
higher level through
biblicism itself
was sparked by
Communism itself
I'm in
competition with them
News helicopter
covering the event
somehow more
demanding of respect
a people
deserving of respect
be deprecated as
despotism itself
suicide note
detailing her despair
an explosion
disrupted the event
purpose of
effecting something else
a mild
engineer, but descend
staff is
expecting nothing less
ground is
extinguished of itself
contemporary women than
feminism itself
decisions or unforeseen
of labour and
our understanding of
historical events
for the strange
inhabitant himself
that are
intermingled with them
mysterious power
issuing from himself
more sympathetic to
Judaism itself
the earth,
pacifism is dead
in relation to
paganism itself
of the
perspective of events
the most
relentless of insects
at least one
significant respect
three obvious, but
significant, respects
Moral repair precedes
societal repair
sophisticated, frivolous, or
superficial effects
some accidental or
superficial event
the presidency for
theatrical effect
thundering from his tent
traveling a ridge crest
with 3 extra syllables
recorded only for
allegorical effect
of the
apocalypse from himself
as old as
the reality of
capitalism itself
she defined contemporary
conservatism itself
desiring what is best
is not an
insignificant event
liberated a Princess
deference on which
progressivism depends
are not just
psychological events
with 4 extra syllables
do not deny
evolutionism itself
an escape from
existentialism itself
had remained
uncomprehended until then