exact syllable matches

am not, repeat -
between 12 and
15 March
anything farther than
15 yards
16 March
for the last
of more than
50 yards
have them run
60 yards
up at
all,If be all
eh, ya
been here long
some things could've
their problem has
been resolved
church, I must
believe all
seen of her,
believed not
I never
believed ya
between jobs
and refined relation
between parts
never ending talks
used to transition
between songs
in the spaces
between stars
A long time
between stops
a hundred thousand
between ya
do not
bid thee call
what the
big deal was
Billy Bob
billy cart
billy carts
bitty box
actually, of Nathaniel
Bixby Mark
Blitzkrieg Bop
busy box
laughed and
cheered me on
my wife
cheers me on
it was a
nothing like a
chili dog
Anybody for some
wrongs, eater of
chili dogs
chili sauce
chilli dog
chilli dogs
bellend out the
chilli sauce
of sane and
chilly parts
chimney pot
chimney pots
chimney stalk
chimney stalks
with the
chippie sauce
chippy sauce
and incinerating entire
radius of Manhattan
city blocks
much, too much
city bop
city car
city cars
that if Superman's
city falls
30 minutes at
here in the
is tearing apart
that coming from
the name on
the street from
you cannot fight
city hall
Emergency at
Equalists didn't attack
got married at
hanging over the
mugged outside of
would be at
you can't fight
City Hall
state houses, the
city halls
in The Kansas
City Star
of of a
city wall
children, from the
city walls
commander of the
City Watch
and you are
Other things are
clearly wrong
Clytie knot
Clytie knots
rights that were
dearly bought
You'll never
defeat God
How far
did he fall
last time,
the Law,
did he not
Oh, what
did he want
guy that
did me wrong
like another I
did revolve
did she want
diddly squat
It's a little
diddy called
son of Adam
dimly longs
It's a
disease Tom
know what the
disease wants
the wings of
Disney Hall
ditty box
speeches, all that
dreary pomp
down at the
Eerie Mall
Orthodox chotki of
fifty knots
have people
in and
fill these jobs
Or a
fish, he thought
the guy
flipped me off
give me job
not reason,
gives sweet thoughts
gypsy moth
gypsy moths
gypsy tart
gypsy tarts
treatment on
him we want
out about
him, she's gone
kind of a
hint, sweetheart
his character and
his resolve
the soldier, and
his sweetheart
The words
hit me hard
flame out, just
hit restart
a cigar
if he wants
a disaster
if he was
if he's wrong
to work
if she wants
if she's all
act as
if we are
British ones
have one
if we want
Except, what
lucky, months
if we're not
as fat as
Iggy Pop
five bands
in D block
and dies
in Dean's arms
a shot
in each arm
ever after,
in free fall
as represented
in Greek art
bloom,Now fettered
in he dark
was and
in he walked
kings there and
in Leon
laying down
in these parts
everything out
in three parts
is cradled
in zee arms
of freedom are
indeed dark
General Theory, and
indeed was
indie pop
indie rock
before the user
is deopped
image maker,
is he not
television network
is he on
is clam, meatball
is meatball
is real God
how the crisis
until this crisis
until this matter
is resolved
see who that
is, sweetheart
it be smart
round, and
it eats dots
by what
it feeds on
Cadillacs was
it he bought
to rock
it real hard
thief, according as
it resolves
itchy palm
itchy palms
board, and
it's me John
Named after
its seed pod
like a pan of
Jimmy Carr
of the south,
understandably, have unloaded
Jimmy Hart
Solved by
Jimmy Wong
They'll never
kick me off
neat little
kid he was
kiddie car
kiddie cars
kiddie songs
kiddie thong
what a
king he was
heavier-than-air flight at
Kitty Hawk
job back at the
the head of the
Lindy Hop
Micky Maus
Bears from the
standing by the
mini bar
Found these in the
War, destruction, genocide,
I mean that's
nearly all
its vitality was
Mine are
nearly gone
in Spain was
nearly lost
It'll just
just kinda
piss me off
Piss me off
They just
pissed me off
Pissed me off
pity pot
pity pots
pixie moss
girl was a
pretty blonde
pretty far
down on her
for this girl
He went down
my doggy bag
Sometimes I ask
pretty hard
pretty harsh
night it sound
pretty hot
kerchief in a
pretty knot
person I was
pretty lost
it - a
pretty pond
It is all
pretty raw
It's a
pretty rock
Overall, I was
pretty shocked
That was
pretty small
Turns out I'm
pretty smart
or Wow, I'm
pretty strong
See Notes and
Queries, Oct
out what a
quickie was
they are
quickly gone
fake my powers
joke we people
the way the
They never
what the masses
who these people
really are
shit that I
really bought
it is sometimes
really dark
They haven't
really dropped
hell is never
I was never
leave, they're never
that she was
that they are
really gone
be normal was
but I'll work
has tried
It's not
she'll, she bucks
We've worked
your day sounds
really hard
He was
It was
on and are
That coffee was
ya, the pressure's
really hot
I was
really lost
am, but I'm
Atlantic, I'm just
really not
mean, chances are
really small
My brother was
of us are
That must
really smart
this time, like,
really stop
You can
really talk
of what I
them what I
wrote what I
really thought
all I
get what I
me what I
That's what I
things that people
what all Americans
what these people
really want
out what Arla
really wants
great her performance
knew what I
out who Suvorov
stuff than I
sure I ever
what a prosecutor
Who my father
really was
though nothing was
really wrong
repeat on
basis of God's
revealed law
That's how
rich we are
and directed by
Ridley Scott
kind of
ripped me off
in the television
series, Lost
deck was
sheared clean off
to make the
shitty call
to have a
shitty car
doing such a
shitty job
tearing down my
shitty wall
shallow moods, and
sickly thoughts
silky soft
she admires my
silly charm
sweet tongues and
silly hearts
us avoid the
silly law
act of a
silly snob
It's just a
Schmidt is a
silly song
Here's a
silly straw
silly straws
sense is not
simply lost
can no longer
simply watch
psychotic and not
simply wrong
pass by
since we stopped
sissy bar
sissy bars
sissy squat
sissy squats
few are
six feet tall
That's, like,
sixteen walls
old gray-and-white tight
skivvies on
powerful can
still be wrong
many of us
still beatbox
striptease bar
how useful econ
theories are
get the
thing he wants
a terrible
thing he's stopped
of such
things seemed wrong
get the
of the
things we want
We all
think he's hot
because I
think he's lost
Damn, I
think she's hot
does Carter
think we are
We didn't
think we want
this feel wrong
on top of
this kiosk
Australian landscape reflected
this see-saw
I'll handle
this, sweetheart
coins for another
tickey box
ticky box
titty bar
water slides and
titty bars
vin de palme
the figures
which he saw
young man,
which he was
ground on
which she walks
are believers,
which we are
from that
which we want
Which we're not
wiki farm
wiki farms
will be all
This weapon
will be called
will be carved
get out
will be caught
you are
will be gone
The work
will be hard
that house
will be harmed
the missiles
will be launched
my life
will be long
adult man
and all
continue, all
of surprise
or all
the battle
the tide
white soldiers
will be lost
military orders
will be shot
all problems
the cafeteria
will be solved
this bomb
will be stopped
have gathered,
will be strong
Western nations
will be swamped
no god but
whole world -
Willie Stark
house Under a
windy knob
Named after
Winfield Scott
great bow, and
wins Sita
with cream frost
seriously and
with deep thought
perhaps for resonance
with eon
a problem
with me arse
of bother
with me car
to consult
with me on
the matter
with me, Mark
with me, Paul
play stupid
with me, Sarge
in love
with me, Tom
lose contact
with me, Walt
then rub
with sea salt
me fiddle
with these knobs
it out
with three stars
me with a
witty barb
about heroin and
Ziggy Pop

with 1 extra syllable

a man
admit he's wrong
ghost hunter in
Amity Park
argent de poche
me at the
bathysphere dock
might start
calling me John
calling me pop
Clemente how
charming we are
chemins de ronde
they call a
college Bihar
of the Non-co-operation
Committee are
number of municipal
committees called
cosmic teapot
himself, he is
cunningly smart
dammit, he was
Swiss Family
DeVille, he's not
unicorn and the
flying teapot
Forgive me, John
it's a
fucking sweet car
advantage of
having me shot
by a pariah
hunting peacocks
grown into a
massive beanstalk
fucking just
mouthing me off
Piet de Jong
and you're
way, you're
putting me off
putting me on
some of those
rancid meatballs
of reference is
shockingly small
get, or
something he lost
to get
something he wants
something he's not
offer her
something she wants
you have
something we want
to be
something we're not
it is easily
statically charged
I said no
talking, Leon
That's false,
tragically false
this Obama was,
tragically, wrong
now you're
turning me off
coming back
discuss it
until he's gone
on killing
until he's stopped
keep falling
until she walks
her close
until she's gone
and anger,
until we are
our planet
until we starved
gonna die a
virgin, sweetheart
you have
wanted me gone
What'd she want
whitetip reef shark
whitetip reef sharks
a 60-acre
working beet farm
People are
should be
we was a-
working real hard

with 2 extra syllables

memories had become
alarmingly small
Astoundingly long
greater evil of
disrupting jihad
unity czars, not
diversity czars
where THE
EXORCIST leaves off
exotic mesons
who once
frequented these parts
of a new
galactic eon
as the
goddesses we are
your little
homecoming queen was
struggle that made
humanity strong
nation, attend to
humanity's call
Icelandic Sheepdog
Icelandic Sheepdogs
full part in
Islamic jihad
of the Egyptian
Islamic Jihad
Donna, if you're
listening, sweetheart
maternity bra
forget how
menacing we are
by his
pseudonym, Jean Paul
questioning and
questioning real hard
increased, Mosul remained
relatively calm
fellow man is
relatively small
Marriages in simple
societies are
but I was
surprisingly calm
A real
therapist, he was
tumbling E chart
tumbling E charts
most of them
undoubtedly are

with 3 extra syllables

customer has to
affirmatively cross
Can the
apocalypse be far
forward that art
automatically calls
be religious and
Christianity not
certainly right and
Christianity wrong
They will be
embarrassingly large
transcription errors and
personality flaws
She be Miss
Trigonometry Ross