exact syllable matches
and suddenly
a cloud comes
a rule is
be dinner than
He died like
I weak and
I'm not
It makes him
Personally, he is
they'll think I'm
You are
a coward
and awe of
sucks honey from
a flower
look around for
a hour
a hill by
ever going over
Olympus is
Or is it
shepherd's fold on
test that it's
this molehill into
a mountain
spirit, a drive,
a power
a libertine, and
Foster Kane is
liar, a slanderer,
put down as
a scoundrel
instinct was
a sound one
A hundred or
he will use
him out of
hundred acres or
kill, they cure
many sharks, maybe
a thousand
Could I get
a towel
voice crying from
a tower
turning Medicare into
a voucher
doesn't even have
a vowel
making a programme
about cults
do you remember
to forget
about 'em
That's the thing
about girls
a real elegance
her and was
how he feels
I didn't think
I forgot
It's all
just love that
other dancers felt
rise and look
something so intoxicating
There's something
about her
focus is all
about HER
Because this is
I know
man who knew
they don't talk
about love
I know
want to know
about mud
to admit that
about Trump
beauty and wonder
chord tells truths
devastation lay around
don't know anything
has never been
He's forgotten all
him the truth
It's all
that is said
Then you forget
was always thinking
what bothers them
what He knows
world of affairs
about us
'Cause you're talking
about what
It wasn't
Shakespeare is all
shall avoid disputes
about words
were warning me
about, huh
be an actor
had his arm
observes the world
the culture unfolding
around her
all those others
and the world
another world all
be erupting all
for the environment
honored graves all
is night all
is torn down
It is all
meaning of everything
of creation falls
of the world
of those all
ordinary people feel
speck of material
spirit are all
There's dangers all
to every thing
Truth is all
understand the world
were happening all
with the world
world that lies
around us
like knows and
avows hers
not my message
not their fault
but ours
most part nothing
but scoundrels
but always
comes out one
are entirely distinct
their standpoint, not
was profoundly different
from ours
must be removed
to remove them
from power
of the discovery of
he's gonna bring
sure to take
her flowers
to keep
her mouth shut
church used all
made use of
makes use of
the foundations of
wreckings can weaken
her power
winged lion marks
her tower
mostly empty and
husked-out world
Her housekeeper
just found her
time together is
just ours
peace there -
just power
want to
just wound her
sat at segregated
lunch counters
one during my
that was my
this is my
lunch hour
he digest so
to wield so
much power
a garden, full
in a field
of flowers
in a Prospect
of Flowers
for a couple
in a matter
through the course
of hours
around this globe
decision is all
from this hometown
in this country
into the light
is this world
long as one
of a world
or the beginning
She's a friend
this great country
this little globe
you killed one
of ours
a great deal
a jealous monopolizer
a new balance
a new source
a tremendous amount
a unique degree
actuated by love
aggrandisement, the glorification
an awesome manifestation
and other sectors
and some concentration
and strategic application
and the source
attaining a position
be no impairment
by a lack
concentration and centralization
defiance and grandeur
demand a share
do you know
fear the loss
for the dressings,
for the sake
from economic considerations
from the abuse
has a lot
have a lot
have that kind
in every hall
in the distribution
in the halls
in the plenitude
in the uses
in their days
is a man
is a question
is no abuse
mean the love
more traditional view
of a loss
of classes and
of this kind
or disguised love
other rival center
The glow
the iron hand
the successful seizure
the true nature
their immense sense
to prevailing forms
to the exercise
What a source
with their want
of power
me the Sword
replace the Love
of Power
of powers
just a couple
of thousand
ruined the lives
there are hundreds
of thousands
compressed into this
one minute or
one hour
at eighty miles
at fifty miles
per hour
friends Ping is
some clouter
compelled by
some power
enough to have
such power
incredible creation that
surrounds us
my Binky
the Clown cup
appropriate committee of
to go without
the council
decision to
order and from
the Council
the wall opposite
the counter
glass and threatening
the counters
does not help
the way of
the coward
are cockroaches in
the flour
queen over all
she would buy
You'll ruin
the flowers
the other corrupteth
the fountain
off from
the ground first
presidency from
the ground up
exactly suited to
from memory by
fully matched with
getting wronger by
So you kill
the events of
the man for
the man of
the hour
never think about
the hours
Sermon on
the Mount, sir
depth, or climb
far off in
go up to
on top of
pink granite of
the great up
with Isaac into
you cannot see
the mountain
And King of
the Snow upon
the Mountain
family up in
high part of
home again in
look back at
Skiing in
yet heard among
the mountains
come west of
the Mountains
a stake at
in mid-air pending
no doubts about
no thought of
the outcome
is effected by
one except through
the outward
He worships
the Outward
Enough to have
for they have
if it has
mean, you have
money, you get
no longer have
submitted to confer
The powerful keep
whenever they have
the power
the control has
the Power
Emperor of
the round world
last refuge of
the scoundrel
double up in
jerking off in
off, even in
Sing in
the shower
And there's
the showers
the Yin-Yang of
the Taoists
and non-combatants by
to starve by
the thousands
like throwing in
the towel
that painting in
the tower
his way to
the Tower
to thin out
the vowel
this building, in
Trump Tower
bad it
turns out worse
Then they blew
up ours
want to give
up power
opening to challenge
US power
a wedge between
us, Howard
But his fears
were groundless
peace as a
to remain a
world power
some of the
worst outcomes
with 1 extra syllable
We treated him
after hours
conception of the
ancient Taoists
came against the
world as the
Axis powers
So are bell
bottom trousers
the spectacle of
brutal power
had given her
certain powers
claims of the
church's founders
deference, to the
civil power
Cliff Richard boring,
clever trousers
drifts across the dun-
coloured houses
to combat that
corrupt power
the blood of
countless thousands
garage for a
couple hours
us through our
darkest hour
has brought about
dual power
enough cow dung
that would
equal power
of Japan, was
ever mounted
of danger their
finest hour
installed by a
respectfully of that
ruled by a
foreign power
is really a
fragrant flower
We have shown
freedom's power
the number one
global power
Danae in a
Golden Shower
always meet a
greater power
Harold Powers
to survive its
harshest hour
seeds instinct with
hidden power
name of a
higher power
directed by this
Higher Power
connection with the
higher powers
be afraid of
be Divine, not
human power
maybe even a
the other couple
hundred thousand
Joseph Joubert
carpet with the
kitchen towel
appear at a
later hour
we'll yell a
little louder
the canidae with
mental power
vigor and in
moral power
To respect strength,
never power
worthy of the
Ninja Power
pretended to no
occult powers
These are
office hours
flow from the
older fountain
heart, soul, and
other bowels
containing threats against
other powers
went to each
other's houses
the vision of
our founders
Anger only diminishes
even respect for
get all of
how to exercise
how we use
our wealth or
We give away
We must exercise
our power
we've lost
our powers
the drain in
our showers
not stop building
our tower
passion flower
suck, Thou
Phallus, Thou Sun
need of the
present hour
They called him a
the examination of
random outcomes
Rocket Power
was Lenin of
Russian power
prized beyond the
sculptured flower
used remotely for
seven hours
stand the thought of
Quaker raised to
sovereign power
that he has
sovereign powers
gives it a
it has some
special power
nothing but a
spineless coward
is in two
standard hours
wrong from a
stronger power
Student council
other side of
Tinker Mountain
an instrument of
unjust power
full rights by
Western powers
William Cowper
truths and the
wisest counsels
be jealous of
women's power
From his lonely
wooden tower
with 2 extra syllables
I testified for
11 hours
for at least
another hour
up their fucking
billable hours
meaning of transnational
cultural power
yourselves with your
deviant powers
they live in
different houses
the sunshine of
earlier hours
always at the
come at the
eleventh hour
have already an
enchanter's power
what is beyond
everyone's power
a garden of
exquisite flowers
financial power
Plus, no tie,
flexible hours
insolent scoundrel
is life, creativity,
limitless power
will be a
marvelous hour
You are the
murderer, coward
said to contain
mystical powers
hideous danger of
Periphery they've lost
they're to restrict
nuclear power
a truant
officer found us
means of achieving
personal power
been triumphing over
physical power
by size and
go to make
physical prowess
the will of
prevalent power
essential to his
need balances of
regional power
commercialized wealth bestows
sexual power
themselves guilty of
similar howlers
deprived of its
temporal power
small body harbored
tremendous powers
is not a
triumphant power
testament to my
unbridled power
Nehru to assume
untrammeled power
There are
various powers
by the Second
Vatican Council
with 3 extra syllables
the service of
American power
need to take
governmental power
into a great
industrial power
media dog-and-pony bullshit
infotainment hours
within them an
invincible power
misery of a
miserable hour
bound by some
relations with this
mysterious power
thou possess a
perpetual fountain
a thirst for
perpetual power
and therefore no
reckless faith in
representatives is called
the history of
would not hold
political power
sweethearts in the
pomegranate flowers
beliefs to gain
presidential power
great factor, a
remarkable power
landlord a terrible
sacramental power
has outrun our
spiritual power
or of a
spiritual Power
with 4 extra syllables
leverage to gain
dictatorial powers
a malicious and
incorrigible scoundrel
and decay,And Death's
indomitable power
character but tremendous
intellectual power
source of the
Intelligible Powers
irresponsible daubers
credit him with
supernatural powers