exact syllable matches

had been granted
to confer such
which we consider
a boon
settles unfairly on
single person to
a few
Don't be
for speaking like
himself to be
wisdom is made
a fool
art made like
a goose
a part of
a group
Your God was
a jew
God he's not
I am not
one of them
say I am
that I am
will call me
a Jew
before he made
a move
it will be
a noose
fights don't, as
a rule
fire department and
was working at
a school
The microscope is
a tool
to admit such
a view
England ever gave
birth to
and want to
burn you
Nothing exists
but you
whom one loves
come through
dreams really can
shared did not
that wishes can
their dreams to
we make them
your wishes have
come true
ask no compassion
cannot be taken
not be taken
the other side
want to hear
withdrawing economic support
from you
don't know won't
hurt you
It isn't
just you
all eternity, I
Baby, I
I admire and
Jesus, I
shall continue to
Stella, I
that made me
we shall still
we will still
love you
Why Should I
Love You
But He
loves you
does what he
must do
in a drop
of dew
in the name
of food
with the basket
of fruit
into the country
of gloom
been completely cleansed
of Jews
a new kind
of proof
has no need
of rules
and the majesty
by any trace
by the problem
in the investigation
in the pursuit
namely the notion
on the road
than the cry
the greatest enemy
the tough hide
to the beauty
upon the poles
of truth
a certain amount
is the voice
The Ministry
of Truth
You are out
of tune
a financial point
from its point
Jewish capitalistic point
opposing religious point
of view
a human version
almost every one
ask the best
badly or wrongly
course, would any
gods can ask
it becomes part
of high admiration
perfection is inside
pull it out
They were proud
we expect something
what is required
what it demands
will never hear
of you
in the minds
of the attractiveness
the amiable self-assertion
the romantic tragedy
of youth
for support of
such views
out there in
the blue
the basis of
the blues
dubbed Empress of
the Blues
the law of
the brute
are unjust to
give luxuries to
the few
ones went up
the flue
and children acting
have to play
Let me play
the fool
great danger is
need to abolish
real god of
special treatment of
the civilized woodwork,
the prerogatives of
worldly religion of
the Jew
which never persecuted
the jews
harsh things about
my sympathy for
paid off by
the Jews
aimed to hit
and mountains on
first man on
get people to
joint expedition to
larger slices of
Look at
more splendid than
putting Americans on
the lights, under
the moon, over
yon dead world
You want
the moon
I change into
the Mule
do well under
the experiencing of
the sensation of
the new
to have heard
the news
Act in
the noon
had girls in
throw you in
the pool
being massacred by
I leave to
really lived for
rich without enriching
the leaders of
the poor
by pleasure in
the proof
true, and omitted
the proofs
and kindness around
Darcy walk into
else was in
every corner of
funniest person in
guests actually fled
He filled
until she left
up, walked about
the room
grasp things by
is striking at
the root
must destroy at
one can trace
the roots
the ruler upon
the ruled
the church, and
the school
and burn down
the schools
The Taming of
the Shrew
were acquainted with
the tool
the morale of
the people and
the troops
the false with
the true
a concern for
a perspective, not
and nothing but
are not telling
be further from
complete reversal of
confuse them with
genuine philosophers know
go along with
hanged for speaking
has to state
he was telling
immoral and know
immoral, and know
improbable, must be
into relation to
It is
It was
know nothing of
leads poetry to
liberal, tell him
lie, nor establish
mainly he told
man who knew
one gets to
only part of
receive for knowing
sometimes for speaking
Tell the judge
the reverse is
this country know
to bring out
to search for
tools to find
ways of seeking
who would obscure
will finally see
will pay for
will tell you
words to speak
you apologize for
You can't handle
the truth
a division between
don't even connect
liable to confuse
of demarcation between
synthesis which reconciles
the worse of
to discern between
working combination between
the two
may be our
turn soon
government programs to
turn to
based on sucking
earth is He
has not faced
was the intruder
up to
particular importance to
us Jews
hear all of
us soon
better if it
for ideas that
that the rumors
were true
would rather it
were you
the definition of
what's cool
that makes the
world move
ocean of former
world views
have made a
worse move

with 1 extra syllable

We should be
would normally be
able to
fortunes will ever
after droop
and to follow
after truth
We move
among you
have a good
answer to
are a sociologist,
aren't you
and the false
becomes true
name to Brook
Benton, too
you or not
bother you
one of the
bravest, too
no words can
capture truth
part of a
certain group
according to a
not follow a
certain rule
public, private or
charter school
language and a
common rule
civil rights and
common schools
with the simplest,
crudest tools
to ignore his
darker truths
that he somehow
deserves to
And at that
distance, too
Donald Knuth
I sure
enough do
best pilot I
ever knew
old one has
fallen through
of time Still
father Truth
I see The
forest through
This is Lady
Gaga too
you what you're
gonna do
just fascinated with
gospel groups
two has the
grander view
and started playing four-
handed blues
she ever gave
harbor to
something, a Pee Wee
Do love, prize,
honour you
gave us the
Hula Hoop
cultural differences between
human groups
he was my
idol too
same time one
injures truth
works if it
isn't used
And that point
isn't you
thing I can
listen to
in a great
measure new
way, is a reform-
minded school
of thy heavy
mother's womb
for 6 million
murdered Jews
while, but they
never do
number two
versus whites and
other groups
knowing there are
other moods
your dreams before
others do
the power behind
our moves
the interior of
our suits
find them supporting
our view
same right to
our views
and admiration of
our youth
an indirect censorship
over news
more than other
much as most
people do
a very nice
person too
all I can
promise you
with better long-range
results too
strict codes and
rigid rules
always arise between
rival groups
European standards have
ruined you
This is the
simple truth
as a structurally
stable cube
are likely to
succumb too
some demonic, destructive
suction tube
strictly meditate the
thankless Muse
him see his
trial through
be able to
trouble you
talented teachers in
troubled schools
wander you
But left-
wingers do
I saw that
woman, too
peasant and worn
wooden shoes

with 2 extra syllables

bear the most
abundant fruit
favorite term among
ambitious Jews
another, contradict one
another, too
protected by more
capable fools
universities developed from
clerical schools
for the more
complacent view
Who then has
created you
fragrant flowers, and
delicate fruit
has on two
different shoes
we've so far
discovered two
only enduring and
essential truth
based upon certain
evident truths
mind, triggering long
forgotten moods
Such is the
general rule
to the General
Hospital crew
think than their objective-
images do
arrive at the
liberal view
believe is the
literal truth
ample supply of
Mexican food
supra-national, because intensely
national, Jews
the carefully planned
official routes
then crept into
popular use
you are a
prodigious fool
rational life and
rational truth
or lack of
religious views
supplemented by a
rigorous proof
refused to face
unpleasant truths
a tense and
unstable truce
he was her
worshipper too

with 3 extra syllables

and immovable is
altogether new
for attacks on
in France by
American troops
must be great
audiences too
independence from British
colonial rule
is the Attila
comparison used
that I was
impossible moved
great voice and
incredible moves
are quite an
intelligent group
jacket, jeans and
motorcycle boots
more than most
philosophers do
sheet from the
Situation Room
and at length
spectacular, fruit
final formulation of
spiritual truth
scene dominated by
traditional tunes
change from this
traditional view
general laws or
universal truths

with 4 extra syllables

if from an
imperishable root
create the necessary
mathematical tools
sort of an
uncharitable view
incantation to silence
uncomfortable truths
and electors with
unpalatable truths