exact syllable matches

- and triple -
It's all
become so
big records
Bill Monroe
bill of store
'cos we got
billions more
bills of store
Bishop Horne
bitte schoen
bitter gourd
bitter gourds
evil and long
bitter wars
anger was not
bitter, though
Bring some ropes
bring up short
bring us hope
brings up short
Bristol board
Bristol boards
myself a small
business loan
gut comin' along,
Chicken Joe
It's mom's
chicken mole
chicken roll
chicken rolls
cinder cone
cinder cones
civil code
civil codes
civil court
civil courts
civil war
devastation of long
civil wars
Clear the board
clearance hole
clearance holes
cribbage board
cribbage boards
Critters 4
crystal stone
crystal stones
dimber cove
dimber coves
dimber mort
dimber morts
dinner roll
dinner rolls
discus throw
distal goal
distal goals
Bastard does not
drink alone
driven home
challenge isn't hard
enough, so
figure 4
figure four
finger bowl
finger bowls
finger hole
finger holes
the box,
fit the mold
flicker show
flicker shows
frigid zone
frigid zones
gear towards
geared towards
Gears of War
gears towards
gibber stone
that was God's
gift alone
give the floor
do not
give up hope
give what for
given forth
and God
gives the growth
gizzard stone
gizzard stones
gypsum board
Here's the dope
and toss
him a bone
fairly call
him a drone
That'll cost
him a stroke
anger that taught
him control
Let's call
him Ramon
you've bought
him some clothes
him up close
to stop
him, of course
humiliation is not
his alone
He shrugs off
his control
them wiped off
his record
to sing on
his records
magnate patron withdraws
his support
hit the board
hit the road
bees are
in a horse
see God
in a rose
crosses all
them all
in a row
Boris Karloff,
in a skort
a rock
dolls caught
sheltering rock
was caught
We got
in a storm
midges are
in a swarm
and pop
in a vote
we are
who's fought
in a war
He was bought
in alone
Its headquarters are
in Atherstone
and change costs
dimension that are
He's not
knew I was
most of all,
no one was
see you're not
She's not
thought I was
We are not
Zero was
in control
the ball's
in her court
actual frog
in her throat
in lungo
'em all
energy all
up all
in one go
in one stroke
were all
in the boats
The God
in the Bowl
who was
in the coach
in the cold
finest restaurants
in the core
of all
in the courts
he walked
I walked
they walk
to walk
you walked
in the door
is dark
ya got
in the hole
not sought
in the home
in the know
hair all
in the mold
are all
in the north
a shark
in the nose
has lost
in the Old
in the post
they are
in the prose
wide spot
wide spots
in the road
Who was
in the Rolls
get lost
in the smoke
a walk
in the snow
are locked
moves awe
in the soul
a wall
got lost
in the storm
and abroad,
no discharge
she lost
take part
in the war
Everyone fought
in the War
in the wars
am not
I was
in the zone
Inn of Court
inner core
inner cores
Inns of Court
Perl god
is a role
a memoir
is a whore
whose God
is the Lord
is the norm
that God
is the source
type of cloth
is unknown
it alone
I brought
it from home
vision upon
it once more
it the clothes
that wants
it the most
it the pork
it up slow
It worked though
a law
it's a joke
It's just clothes
which it draws
its support
It's the clones
It's the source
demands on
its work force
Kids love those
17 all
killed the host
killer poke
killer pokes
kitchen roll
kitchen rolls
knicker drawer
lichten toe
lingual bone
lingual bones
liquid gold
liquid golds
liquid smoke
liquor store
liquor stores
little folk
little go
little goes
little old
little ole
little toe
little toes
midden crow
midden crows
middle note
middle notes
Mink, of course
minstrel show
minstrel shows
pay premium on
mint records
miss the boat
missed approach
missed the boat
mizzen course
We're not
near the roads
nickel note
nickel notes
nigger nose
nigger toe
nigger toes
NINJA loan
NINJA loans
Ninja Scroll
ninja sword
ninja swords
pick her nose
pickle fork
pickle forks
picture show
picture shows
picture sort
picture sorts
pigeon hole
pigeon holes
pigeon pose
pigeon post
pigeon toed
Pinard horn
Pinard horns
pinch a loaf
pinched a loaf
Pit of Voles
pitch a loaf
prince consort
the world are
prison folk
pritchel hole
pritchel holes
return flow
return flows
revert war
revert wars
rhythm pole
rhythm poles
Richard Edwardes
Richard Ford
Richard Roe
Richard Roes
Richard Rohr
Richard Stone
river horse
river oats
scissor door
scissor doors
work the Graveyard
Shift, y'know
shingle oak
shingle oaks
ship of war
ships of war
silver goal
silver goals
silver storm
silver storms
afford to talk
simple prose
single quote
single quotes
Six of Crows
after Gloss
slits her throat
importantly we got
importantly, we've got
spin control
spirit board
spirit boards
spirit road
spirit roads
splinter bone
splinter bones
spring of pork
springs of pork
stick a fork
stick up for
Greece, are
still the fourth
ignored or are
its teachings are
still unknown
if they are
still unsold
systems go
it was all
system's go
would not
think of force
You call
this a storm
you call
this a war
be us on
this record
load all
this stuff though
This sucks more
Timber Cove
timber drawer
timber drawers
triple croche
triple O
twinkle toes
Tyndall stone
Tyndall stones
Victor Borge
vision board
vision boards
Which one, though
whisker pole
whisker poles
whistle blow
whistle board
whistle boards
whistle for
whistle note
whistle notes
whistle post
whistle posts
whistled for
whistles for
William Doane
William Jones
Windsor soap
Windsor soaps
windsurf board
winter coat
winter coats
winter road
winter roads
winter sport
winter sports
winter storm
winter storms
Winter War
a dog
with a bone
cheese clawed
with a fork
photo op
with a goat
It starts
with a horse
head off
with a sword
you off
with a toast
the last part
with borough
burned along
with her corpse
the park
with her or
-- Not
with her thorn
it off
with one stroke
you start
with the courts
kept on
with the dope
you want
with the joe
with the Lord
going on
with the probe
with the show
making off
with the souls
another drawn
his arm
with the sword
go on
with the war
wizard mode
the ads are
written for
But that was
It was
it was lost
Kennedy assassination was
now some twenty-odd
sound of gunshots
That was
years ago

with 1 extra syllable

Auspicious Hope
autism or
are frantically
barring the door
large tree
blocking the road
are you
calling a dork
are you
calling a whore
earthquakes, and other
cosmical throes
Holiday-In-Dixie Festival, eating
crawfish gumbo
crosses of gold
crosses the floor
crossing the floor
darling, once more
Darwin Award
Darwin Awards
new outlook that
Darwin proposed
reading, or
drawing a horse
roundabout and the
hospital road
hospital soap
hospital ward
could empty the
hospital wards
horn through the
is in a
hospital zone
the instruments of
logic alone
is the
logic of war
originate in improper
logical form
in words or
logical forms
is a detailed
logical quote
is not completely
logical, though
I started
mopping the floor
all be only
optical ghosts
listlessness that
parches the soul
it to
polish the floors
her father,
prompting the quote
down you're
rockin' the boat
emotional people
status quo,
rocking the boat
reason for
starting a war
talking one load
my hands
tied,Watching the show
tropical storm
tropical storms
I love
walking alone
I was a
walking drugstore
they were
walking her home
walking the floor
walking the floors
walking the porch
I've always
wanted a nose
your father
wanted one more
my gravy,And
wanted some more
You'd better let
Washington know
Bernstein of the
column for The
Guardian and The
guy at The
magazine, and The
scandal for the
space in the
worldwide, including The
writer at The
Washington Post
out front
you been
watching the show

with 2 extra syllables

Resources to
accomplish a goal
acknowledge the corn
Akashic Records
of love
crisscrosses the globe
My wife has
departed alone
named for
deposits of coal
its rich
deposits of gold
cost or
exhausting the store
pass readily under
hypnotic control
the patriarchal or
monarchical form
guilt for
prolonging the war
some hope
regarding the phone
I pledge my
wholehearted support

with 3 extra syllables

morning from an
astronomical source
part from a
biological source
to form a
cosmological whole
slogan of China's
economic reform
peace calls for
economic reforms
great legendary or
mythological roles
already become a
paradoxical joke
own physical and
psychological form
for lack of
psychological growth
content and a
psychological mode
topological sort

with 4 extra syllables

are in an
ideological war
in religious and
ideological wars
together Over some
ornithological joke
actually decreases your psych-
physiological load