exact syllable matches
From and English
Our constitution has
been evolved
Juice may have
been involved
British Agent has
that have just
been recalled
me has
been ripped off
it has
been switched on
of mystery has
our attack had
The offer's
been withdrawn
bidding box
encounter and
Bit did not
I was a
bit distraught
bitches off
blinks in shock
breeches part
breeches parts
bring it off
Come on,
bring it on
Bring It On
bringing off
bringing on
The cross
The work
brings it on
British Raj
building block
proteins and carbon
building blocks
hand outs and
building bombs
building on
TV off a
building top
The large
building was
One must
cheer it on
Chicks dig scars
chinning bars
for a lost
cricket ball
cricket balls
his anger,
Dick did not
to thine altar
did belong
did it want
I gotta
ditch this car
I'm gonna
drink it all
drinking song
drinking songs
drinking straw
drinking straws
English Bob
English bond
English bonds
uniting for an all-
English cause
Swedish Karl and
with French and
English Charles
same root as
English god
Cognate with modern
More at
English hard
English knot
English knots
See etymology at
English March
More at
English stall
French trotter and
English trot
fear is not
do not
fear this law
wings shall
fill its slot
Filled with sharks
finish off
finished off
fishing frog
fishing frogs
fishing rod
fishing rods
flipping off
does not
give it pause
giving off
the strap on his
judge will have
him disbarred
looked at
him in awe
stares at
him in shock
natives call
him King Kong
hinges on
hinging on
bulge and
his ears block
is playing on
his guitar
a kafir after
his Islam
has got
his lips locked
died immediately after
soldier, this was
This was
his response
his wristwatch
hissing hot
chance and
hit him hard
I wanna
it and
hit it hard
did not
hit it off
his father
hits him hard
hits it off
hitting off
hitting on
a dog
if it's bald
But what
if it's not
if it's wrong
imprint on
imprints on
in default
with rockets
in his arm
the skull
in his arms
40-caliber handgun
in his car
a song
and rankle
as first
does what's
rest stop
shut up
the words
Witch's Sabbath
in his heart
bloody sack
in his palm
installed the Shah,
seen as much
the ruling laws
in Iran
fought and worked
National Guard off
opinion does matter
the Islamist death-squads
the Republican Guard
with al Qaeda
in Iraq
names of God
in Islam
guiding hand
in it all
Pandora back
in it's box
in it's heart
whole than
in its parts
decisive part
in this art
from her
in this bar
you are
in this job
hundred cars
in this lot
of stuck
in this swamp
go that
inch with ya
as mind and
instinct are
and the alarm
is disarmed
but that
is his ah
is his art
man's word
is his bond
And son
is his God
he's got
is his heart
because that
But that
is his job
is his law
and God
is in all
is in All
Joe Clark
is in charge
even if chocolate
feature of chance
No swinging action
point where action
say which romance
is involved
qualities of Allah
is Islam
that what
is it called
old banger,
is it Mark
everyone wants,
the one,
us monsters,
womanish passion,
is it not
is it, Rod
by art
is still art
the plan
is still on
is this Carl
But what
is this thought
every barrier that
is withdrawn
them, that
is, in God
is, it was
my answer
is, it's not
Thank God
it did not
he watched
it drift off
a mutation and
it evolved
haven't got
it in ya
a fraud,
dyspepsia, as
Republics, as
seal as
welfare, as
it is called
alone and
cry that
weep that
it is dark
find that
forgets that
know that
show that
it is false
except that
it is God
fascinating as
it is long
a clot
am glad
asserts that
context, and
hot, but
Note that
proof that
recognized all
something that
it is not
know that
it is on
notices that
it is raw
And that
conclusion that
is orthodox,
offensive and
it is wrong
how hard
it is, Han
campaign, and
it still bombed
swing on
it 'til dawn
problems than
it will solve
praying that
it will stop
it with Paul
ever abandon
it, it's gone
it drop
it, this bomb
it, will ya
it's been washed
it's Klingon
absolute prediction and
its pitfalls
It's Prince John
in banquets,
its still on
jilling off
I can
kick his arse
kicking arse
kicking off
of the
kids is gone
could not
kill his dog
killing off
Except for that
kissing part
knitting chart
knitting charts
lick his chops
lifting off
who, that
lifts this arm
linking r
list is long
sphere, half
lit with dawn
not have
lived this long
lion than a
living dog
He was a
You are a
living god
the true and
living God
living off
living rock
living rocks
living wall
was a tramp,
Mildred thought
milking barn
I was
miming salt
because of that
missing drop
Mister and the
Missus gone
I can't ask
Mrs Croft
Mrs Mop
Mrs Mops
its sacred and
mystic charm
niblick shot
niblick shots
Phillip Blond
Phil's in charge
piercing shot
piercing shots
the cotter
pin sheared off
pinches off
pinching off
pink cigar
pink cigars
Piss him off
The duck
pissed him off
Pissed him off
Pisses off
pisses on
Pissing off
pissing on
fiercely criticized for not
Prince Bismarck
printing shop
printing shops
Quintin Hogg
but the
rich will not
those bells are
ringing, John
lieth down and
riseth not
We can't
risk it mom
scrimping bar
scrimping bars
searing hot
shilling mark
shilling marks
shitted on
shitting on
shrinking frog
shrinking frogs
it long and
sincere thought
singing dog
singing dogs
turns playing and
singing songs
sit in on
branch they are
sitting on
skimming off
and hands from
slipping off
a very good bra-
sniffing dog
spinning off
spinning rod
spinning top
spinning tops
steering arm
steering arms
who he stands
still withal
stilted arch
string guitar
string guitars
swim with sharks
good cut and
swinging hard
switching crops
switching on
Thibet cloth
Thibet cloths
but that
thing is long
thing killed Mom
know that
thing with Walt
whole cancer
thing, with Jon
things evolve
Seeing All
Things in God
all the
things which are
Things will stop
We all
think it wrong
my thoughts are
thinking thoughts
I was just
thinking, ahh
with all that
this involves
must understand
this is all
girl stuff,
this is Doc
I imagine
know that
this is false
When all
this is gone
this is hard
you, that
this is wrong
just shut
this thing off
this year starts
thrill is gone
ticking off
the crap
till it's gone
tripping balls
ear and
twists it hard
vintage car
vintage cars
do that,
true and
which is false
own conscience,
which is God
save that
which is lost
into that
true and
wise and
which is not
understand that
which is sought
phone call,
right and
which is wrong
whipping off
whistling shop
whistling shops
whistling swan
whistling swans
Will Smith walks
They shall
win it not
the eye and
winking stars
it's called the
wishing star
with his arms
hard and
with his heart
with his jaw
the basket
with his paw
confusing Al Qaeda
with Iraq
strong man
with it all
with Slingshots
with this job
was smashed
with this rock
within call
with 1 extra syllable
Related to the
adjective fromm
From the
adjective rot
a taste for
Alfred Hitchcock
how incompetent these
Amethysts are
befriended by the
artistic Fox
made between the
artists involved
what you're
asking is wrong
where some
axes will fall
in favor of
bombing Iraq
Otherwise we'll get
bosses involved
busted his chops
busting his chops
I am
you are
calling him on
and not
calling it art
don't mind
calling it God
than by
calling it large
it, I'm
Cladding, it's called
know how
college kids are
living equivalent of
comic-strip art
see that
coming did ya
whenever the
conflict is sharp
is in
conflict with all
long green
crosses his palm
I believe there's
dancing involved
while you're
dancing with stars
a kid
grabbing his crotch
thought of the
hardships involved
of wine
having been brought
by their
having been caught
everything worth
having is lost
We are
having it large
having it off
hunting with dogs
Hunting with dogs
successful Moon
landing it was
the boom,
magic is gone
that there was
nothing beyond
not wrong,
nothing is wrong
Nothing is wrong
h-h-he w-who
panics is lost
idea of
passing it on
underwear holding a
plastic guitar
polishes off
polishing off
practice is called
than our current
practices cost
and has been
practicing hard
gonna get done
practicing law
Published it was
his hand,
pumping it hard
insisted on
putting it on
Robyn Hitchcock
connection, through
Sanskrit, with haunt
by just
scanning this card
a man
scratching his arm
you grocery
shopping with Mom
know that
see that
warnings that
something is wrong
Something is wrong
Spanish guitar
Spanish guitars
specific charge
Jake before
strapping him on
is traditional American
Thanksgiving garb
topping it off
all the same
trafficking charge
frequency that we're
transmitting on
Trusting is hard
this robot,
turning him on
This is an
unlisted wall
we have
until it's gone
but still
valid, is con
and the no
walking involved
thought he
wanted him honk
wanted it all
life without
wanting it all
winds up
washing his car
it's not
working it's wrong
with 2 extra syllables
a two-to-one
advantage in arms
Aladdin is gone
allergic response
Artemis is gone
It is an
astonishing thought
either capitulation or
attacking Iran
political case for
attacking Iraq
uncannily prescient, occasionally
barbative, remarks
the process of
conquering Iran
establishing shot
establishing shots
cause is
exalted with God
geometrid moth
geometrid moths
noted for his
laconic remarks
who call skaters
masochistic twats
of the
mechanic, is false
which the
narrative is carved
that its
opposite is false
Artisanal cheese,
organic pig farms
he saturates
politics with thought
you get any
positive response
romantic guitar
romantic guitars
is out
watering his lawn
with 3 extra syllables
alternative hip hop
categories in mutually
antagonistic slots
silver with an
automatic gearbox
is actually
corresponding with law
a free and
democratic Iran
electronic cigar
electronic cigars
no moderate or
immoderate Islam
complexity of the
mathematics involved
to my
supersonic spin ball
with 4 extra syllables
electrostatic discharge