exact syllable matches

show created
by Keith Chapman
it was only
by reaction
by Steve Barron
shamelessly marred
by these actions
not live
by these standards
Chinese anise
a kind of
Chinese cabbage
Chinese dragon
Chinese dragons
like in a
Chinese famine
Chinese hamster
Chinese hamsters
Chinese handcuffs
difficulty of the
stage of the
ultimate determinant of
Chinese language
Chinese lanterns
out and re-
fight these battles
with an animalistic fight-or-
flight reaction
guy, we had fun
I mean, scrabble
I mean, yeah, duh
I need answers
I'm lost,
I need balance
I need that, sir
in trouble, and
i reacted
I reacted
I seen and done
I speak Latin
I teach language
ice cream and fudge
clear of those
icy patches
four seconds,
I'd be stranded
is apparently an
ideal answer
fascism was an
ideal balance
ideal gases
to such an
ideal language
relative to an
ideal standard
I'll be bankrupt
IP tracker
IP trackers
Her name was
it is of
to love for
Irene Adler
Lauren Bacall as
Irene Jansen
Jaime Jackson
assigned me to
Jaime's dancers
phrase from their
spoken by their
kindly master
of tambourine just
lightly jangled
like me that much
Like Sleep Bandits
like weeks and months
meanings used are
likely after
Likely calqued from
and this ridiculous
lime-green jacket
a lot, you
limey bastard
my petition
might be answered
might be at work
Wilson's leadership
might be challenged
by warriors astride
mighty dragons
your sword and
mighty falcon
mind meet and merge
be interested in
my reaction
Afghanistan and
my Sri Lanka
haven't returned
my weed whacker
his feet into
Nike sandals
ninety and one
the bell is
Reilly Campbell
things which
rightly have none
Reviewers were,
rightly, dazzled
rite de passage
rites de passage
in with your
shiny apples
How much
than to go
slightly faster
strike me as one
style sheet language
in no
time be bankrupt
time here at work
by the
time we landed
time, we have fun
updates in a
timely fashion
correspondence in a
die in a
timely manner
Go to sleep,
tiny dancer
rose millions of
tiny maggots
corners of our
tiny planet
and complete,
while He passes
a little
while she answered
gospel of James
Wiley Shannon

with 1 extra syllable

alright me babber
new emperor
despite these actions
Sneeze, and it's
goodbye, Seattle
Goodnight, Seattle
incised meander
incised meanders
suppose to
inspire these actions
fast as to
invite reaction
Fox News' The
O'Reilly Factor
subject to all
outside reactions
might just
politely hang up
monetary history is
precisely backwards
Sometimes he has won
surprised me at first
thermite reaction
thermite reactions
be as
unsightly as one
Untie me at once

with 3 extra syllables

capable only of
stereotyped reactions