exact syllable matches

them were children -
the envied possession
becomes ours
my hands it
becomes power
has never
been about us
together, it's
been about work
You haven't
been around much
That unspeakable prepared
biscuit flour
Brereton Townsend
he's gonna
bring her flowers
Bring her flowers
flower, Nora
brings the power
company that
built the tower
No business during
business hours
mystics, other
children found her
over patient about
Christian counsels
Christmas flower
Christmas flowers
trip through a
citrus mountain
deference, to the
military upon the
civil power
superior to the
Civil Power
civil powers
has absorbed the
Crystal's power
dinner hour
dinner hours
reference to the
Eifel mountains
Yes, and
England's power
enough cow dung
knows I've found
Scepter wouldn't have
enough power
I'm such a
fearful coward
But his
fears were groundless
give up power
raised to a
given power
seeds instinct with
hidden power
draw upon thy
hidden powers
Hill, the founder
and considered
It makes
him a coward
didn't tell
him about us
given a
hint of Power
he could get
his allowance
questions during
his lunch hour
hit the ground first
I'm gonna
hit the showers
Hit the showers
their feet
in a fountain
conference held
in a shower
a chance
not one
one chance
in a thousand
a hall
you shower
in a towel
alone, locked-up
Watchmen sitting
in a tower
it ends
noun ending
that ends
word beginning
word ending
words ending
in a vowel
the Army
in about, uh,
Be gone
find her
illustrious Gauss
kick off
move out
tofu eaten
in one hour
in the cow, Sir
are cockroaches
in the flour
falls back
found this
in the fountain
of architecture
in the houses
far off
myself am
in the mountain
always here
family up
ferryman back
hills and
home again
isolated themselves
she had
Sunrise hike
the eagle
the God-spirit
this pass
to death
to live
us up
winds howl
you up
in the mountains
in the noun Schlund
any doubt
in the outcome
came off
can sing
coming down
double up
each other
getting wet
heard them
He's there
him I'm
hot water
I sing
I slipped
I was
jerking off
Let's hide
my ass
off, even
on him
one morning
one out
pink razors
snapping towels
take dumps
that I'm
the scene
this hat
to get
to hop
wear flip-flops
while I'm
you spend
in the shower
a shiv
no water
in the showers
once numbered
in the thousands
like throwing
in the towel
that painting
the girl
to safety
in the tower
close prisoners
in the Tower
in the town of
of openness
in the vowel
in the wound, what
this building,
in Trump Tower
somebody's back
that guy
that there
is a coward
touch here
is a flower
is a loud thump
is a mountain
Foster Kane
is a scoundrel
what it
your sister
is about her
Because this
Making music
is about love
is about us
great peace
notice what
is around us
dream, the effect
is compounded
But this
is just counsel
time together
is just ours
friends Ping
is some clouter
by which it
which the person
which the sinner
is surrounded
monthly period
is the flower
is the ground work
which slavery
is the groundwork
is the mountain
My Beloved
is the mountains
but what
is the outcome
There's something irresistible-
ish about 'em
house that really
isn't ours
hill, is
Or is
it a mountain
What is
it about her
it turns out worse
several persons rendered
it undoubtful
I feel
it, the power
yard, and
it's a flower
test that
it's a mountain
above all,
it's about love
It's about love
It's about trust
It's about work
it's done, now what
It's the towers
bowl on the
kitchen counter
carpet with the
kitchen towel
kitchen towels
little brown jug
little brown jugs
were a dirty
little coward
It was a
little doubtful
over a silly
little flower
little hours
little houses
say it a
speak up a
to talk a
we'll yell a
little louder
for our
little mouse hunt
now a
little powder
room with a
servant, and had
little power
endangering the
ruined the
lives of thousands
satisfied with making
mere pronouncements
minster houses
ways I'll
miss the mountain
Beware my
ninja power
worthy of the
Ninja Power
I found thee
out,Little Flower
plans for a
Prism Tower
reserved powers
But its
results soured
reverse cowgirl
by the algebraist
Richard Brauer
9, translated by
Richard Howard
2 by
Richard Powers
to be a
ring announcer
Not the
ring of power
have the
Ring of Power
rivet counter
rivet counters
don't give
shit about us
sing about her
vision of a
single flower
And that's every
single hour
and a
skin of powder
seal their
spheres of power
spirit houses
arrive at the
Spirit Mountain
to do with
spirit power
heel is then
swivelled outward
That's the
thing about girls
every last
thing about her
the craziest
the same
thing about us
to every
thing around us
things about mud
have such
things about us
of nice
things around us
I didn't
your secretary,
think about her
what people
think about us
When I
think of cowards
every man
thinks about Smurfs
this a flower
I liked
this about her
he likes
this one flower
this one out, huh
out of
this somehow, huh
also named after
Tilghman Howard
other side of
Tinker Mountain
been acting
weird around her
those Alps
which surround us
of ignorance
which surrounds us
Our enemies
will surround us
Eponym, after
William Cowper
but not
with a coward
with a loud crunch
it end
nouns beginning
that begin
that end
with a vowel
They deal
with accountants
controlling it
with her powers
kabouters names beginning
with kabouter
once played
road blazed
with the flowers
and ends
with the Founder
fully matched
hour, die
with the hour
some help
with the outbursts
be happy
with the outcome
the one
with the power
all communication
constant touch
with the tower
wizards now, huh
so beauty gives
women power
be jealous of
women's power
wriggle out of
wriggled out of
wriggles out of
Zygmunt Bauman

with 1 extra syllable

An elephant
bearing a howdah
be always
beating the cowards
and stop
being a scoundrel
Berliner Mauer
aiding and
blessing the outer
They have the
We have the
building surrounded
by occult and
capricious powers
cardinal flower
Cardinal flower
cardinal flowers
comes so
carings about stuffs
end in
clashes of power
clearing the ground first
is like
climbing a mountain
he had that
consistent power
most elevated and
critical hour
death throughout the
critical hours
I forgive his
critical outburst
its offerings of
delicious flowers
It's that
delicious power
are entirely
distinct from ours
for the
dressings, of power
eating a cow's butt
We cannot
even earn ours
had a
feeling about her
and the
of a
feeling of power
buzzing and
flitting around her
some birds
flying around her
Gennifer Flowers
the gale
howling about us
Thai script with
implicit vowels
and much less
indifferent counsel
the cupidity of
indigent power
generated the prosthetic word-
initial vowel
as a
leading world power
suicide by
leaping from tower
fruit and
leaving the flower
information about a
magical flower
enormous amounts of
ridiculous amount of
some sort of
magical power
believed it had
ceased to have
children to have
gave their riders
give up his
It's got
I've actually
some dark, prehistoric,
this necklace has
we already have
magical powers
Proper Use of
Magical Powers
through this
marriage of ours
Monica Mountains
could beat Matthew's
said to contain
were gifted with
mystical powers
Mystical powers
don't know
nothin' about fun
I knew
It said
nothing about her
you know
nothing about love
Now, it's
nothing but flowers
people respect
nothing but power
most part
nothing but scoundrels
up of
nothing but vowels
institutions, procedures, and
official powers
seeds, forming large
panicled flowers
in mid-air
in midair,
pending the outcome
relying on his
personal counsel
He had
instrument of arbitrary
means of achieving
the goal for
was nothing but
personal power
limits of his
personal powers
he is a
physical coward
been triumphing over
physical power
by size and
go to make
physical prowess
establishment of legitimate
position power
round, invention of
printing, gunpowder
of a certified
public accountant
public accountants
Public accountants
not his
saying but ours
by the
seeking of power
buying and
selling of houses
these people
singing around us
They said
something about a
he say
something about does
my father
there is
something about her
you know
something about love
Is it
something about us
who suspected
something about Us
he is a poor-
spirited coward
unable to command
sufficient power
get seasick
taking a shower
or even
taking the power
cross without
taking up ours
what I'm
talkin' about, huh
he was
talking about gum
can't stop
I was
school was
standing here
talking about her
I was
talking about love
he was
I was
talking about us
'Cause you're
talking about what
what you're
talking about, but
guys kissing,
was just
thinking about girls
ever stop
I'll stop
I've been
never stopped
you're still
thinking about her
I'm just
thinking about stuff
was always
thinking about us
transmission tower
at the cell
transmission towers
until the cows come
laid by the
Vatican council
by the Second
of the Second
Vatican Council
run home
wearing a towel
wearing the trousers
pregnant just
within the counter
the castle
to work
we leave
within the hour
within the town of

with 2 extra syllables

more than
100 per thousand
order and multiply
simple jealousy of
the service of
American power
you know
anything about girls
never said
anything about guns
to know
you know
anything about her
don't know
anything about love
don't know
is not
anything about us
are unmoved by
artificial flowers
spot behind an
artificial mountain
of the
atmosphere around her
balances of power
or the
beginning of ours
which is
circling around us
this forest
collapses around us
the other
corrupteth the fountain
kind of
crumbling around us
I knew
I liked
everything about her
connections determine
government knows
she remembered
everything about us
in almost
intensely pervades
meaning of
everything around us
Everything around us
forensic accountant
forensic accountants
meet manpower with
visual intensity with
mechanical power
were the
opposite of ours
the wall
opposite the counter
is no
predicting the outcome
got the whole
pyramid surrounded
How did
Republicans counter
kids series
revolving around bugs
supposedly possessed of
significant powers
statistical power
statistical powers
Superstition Mountains
glass and
threatening the counters
lawyers of
usurping her power
instead of
worrying about us

with 3 extra syllables

activated a tower
after adjustment for
demographic confounders
are of the
economical power
to the
economics around us
that of
educating one thousand
evangelical counsels
over their
prejudices about us
sat at
segregated lunch counters
and steadily
transpiring around us
behaviour and
understanding of power

with 4 extra syllables

be unironically
enthusiastic about stuff
world represents a
geopolitical power
That's called
hydroelectrical power
something so
intoxicating about her