exact syllable matches

an empty set ---
- From
See tele-
, mental,
a game of
cryptic game of
20 questions
a period of
six minutes and
20 seconds
able to challenge
can take down
any bender
Ain't gettin' around
am I
can explain it
can't explain it
certainly not getting
could not write
could they be
couldn't ask for
couldn't have done
Do you feel
forty, it isn't
going to get
have written this
He doesn't know
her brother killed
I didn't know
I have done
imagine it being
Is that
it didn't get
least he wasn't
make me feel
make you feel
make your situation
makes you feel
making my patients
no, they're not
not making this
one will succeed
Rodney, ya feel
software in general
the director know
there, my friend,
They didn't get
They didn't know
to make it
twenty-first is going
up for tonight
who didn't know
who doesn't know
will never be
will not fare
Would things get
you think me
any better
for giving people
going to get
the paper get
wants to take
any credit
he ain't gettin'
any deader
go on making
any effort
and stronger than
any engine
medical techniques from
That's rare in
any era
up and eradicating
any error
evidence, to correct
his partner in
I don't see
any errors
I'd have minded
Is there
any extra
any feathers
that's not getting
any fresher
can be of
any gender
any help, sir
and well-intentioned as
any Legend
you ever read
any legends
first thing about
any Legends
Have you got
any lemons
be made in
want to get
we never got
any letters
a problem on
as equals at
breeds violence on
era and at
in education, at
may fight on
works out on
any level
wildly and beyond
your own by
any measure
he didn't get
any medals
you have acquired
any merit
any means and
any methods
he doesn't have
I didn't have
any parents
children never get
do Christmas without
any presents
unable to bear
any pressure
Ask me
me a question,
one side of
there is never
time to ask
we can answer
any question
and hadn't asked
and not asking
Are there
do you have
don't ask me
ever gonna ask
him or asked
I won't ask
if you have
Now are there
orders without asking
supposed to ask
to ask me
uh, don't ask
upon to answer
you wouldn't answer
any questions
the sign said,
you don't have
any rebels
beam me up
blow anybody away,
could drive up
go off at
gonna be here
It'll blow
might fall apart
own prayer at
She'll be back
will be along
any second
if they're hiring
any Sheriffs
and not of
any temple
any army, in
more powerful than
any weapon
He doesn't have
I don't have
any weapons
nihilistic endings of
any western
no race of
any wreckage
I can
barely get up
alchemy, which is
barely mentioned
beli medved
belly vengeance
Benny Wenda
Betty Edwards
dive, dive for
just looking for
mark to indicate
buried treasure
Buried treasure
buried treasures
cherry currant
cherry peppers
chien de terre
clair de Terre
dead these ten months
instead of a
deadly peril
the grip of
deadly terror
will be a
deadly vengeance
a sinister and
Assault with a
It was a
murder with a non-
deadly weapon
authorized to carry
quarters of carrying
deadly weapons
Eddie Fisher and
Debbie Reynolds
Leon Schlesinger and
Produced by
Eddie Selzer
makes faces like
Eddie Vedder
would be an
empty gesture
empty nester
empty nesters
empty netter
empty netters
and become an
soon to be
empty vessel
It's oozing
everywhere, sir
out to be
fairly sterile
previous, less powerful
fairy level
fairy penguin
fairy penguins
vinegar into its
fleshy center
rather than his
friendly gestures
Just a
friendly heads up
Gary Becker
Get mad at
Gary Bettman
Gary Brecher
and directed by
Gary Nelson
Geoffrey DeGraff
Geoffrey Elton
get me revved up
make them
get these presents
him that
gets me pregnant
One is
Harry Evans
they send such
heavy letters
I like
in all of
heavy metal
heavy metals
steel roller under
heavy pressure
and the
heavy swell cut
rockets and other
shit up with
heavy weapons
heavy weather
Help me, Clarence
you will
help me, Ember
Henri Bergson
enough to walk
The batter was
The Braves have
The same for
Henry Aaron
beloved wife of
Henry DeVore
Henry Jenner
and only friend,
Henry Lesser
Henry Sellers
Named after
Henry Wenker
Henry Weston
jefes de prensa
Jeffrey Pfeffer
Jenny Shepard
Story by
Larry Clemmons
that they
left me breathless
left recursion
Leslie Wexner
Let me get some
Let's be careful
Let's eat dead bird
the first-born among
many brethren
been prepared, despite
many efforts
passages, and escape
many errors
have to learn
many lessons
been disturbing on
being wounded on
just, just so
mind on so
that function on
works on so
many levels
the preparation of
many metals
is beset with
many perils
I had so
I have so
know you have
life worth so
Oh, so
short sentence raises
things ask so
many questions
indicated by its
many temples
matter how
many there were
aquila di
mare di Steller
twice what never-
married men earn
married sector
married sectors
zebras and leopards
marry leopards
mer de Barents
I like
Nellie better
Penny Dreadful
penny dreadfuls
At the
Pepsi Center
pesci vela
of apathy and
petty vengeance
stretch, so she's
plenty rested
performed in Grand
Prairie, Texas
and to its
prestige level
Hester and very
rarely Ester
known and more
rarely welcome
I found a
ready welcome
be rarely and
scarcely mentioned
of legal action
scarcely trembles
He's got our
Selfie Scepter
in any
sense be present
Cheaper than
Sherry Feldman
smelly freckle
smelly freckles
to make
Sven feel welcome
telly tennis
I'm Sergeant
Terry Jeffords
Greg Ford and
Terry Lennon
so don't
test me, Spender
the moment
their dream ended
their dreams end up
new sun-roof in
their Sierra
just made
them feel better
show, make
them feel clever
make any of
them three-legged
then he met her
Then he met her
then he'll tell us
Then we're melted
the game of
twenty questions
lasted for perhaps
see for approximately
to within about
twenty seconds
of Ohio, Number eighty-nine
and was therefore
day must be
food, but be
have to be
I was
I've been very
Me, I'm
or of being
She was obviously
So be very,
to be very,
Trixie should be
Unless you are
we gotta be
We were
you been very
very careful
desolation to her
journey to the
river, to its
very center
evening, is not
Oh clever,
She was also
These rats are
way, but she's
very clever
crank like the
Frenchman like the
very devil
ourselves become these
very devils
heart, in man's
very entrails
assaults on its
bad in their
bareness of their
succession is its
system are its
very essence
is not Thy
very Essence
were, you were
you were
very gentle
- may be
along have been
It was
it would be
It's very,
of crisis, not
That was
that would be
Well thanks, that's
You've been
very helpful
along, I was
Christine will get
I would be
I'd be very
very jealous
sweep is level,
very level
him very engaging,
it can't be
It was
It wasn't
It's not
makes the earth
say this is
the complexity is
very pleasant
from you that's
genuine and, therefore,
would lose something
very precious
air with your
created by its
very presence
very irreverent and
very reckless
I find it
very restful
you doing this
very second
game but very,
very seldom
been strict and
very sheltered
dismissal are really
very slender
brain did something
but his was
have lost someone
it makes him
makes it very,
makes us so
makes us something
makes you very,
Our relationship is
owes them something
personality that are
relationship is still
studio was not
the telephone, was
them around something
These children, they're
This box is
this is a
to see something
Yeah, he's
very special
but planning is
It is
very stressful
shot by that
very weapon
it would be
made me feel
money would be
very welcome
very interesting,
very well done
be a fabulously
wealthy temple
Are we in
Webby heaven
well, she left us
Middleburg, Virginia with
Wendy Pepper
when she gets up
when we met up
Where we headed
'cause that's
where we're headed
Where we're headed

with 1 extra syllable

Adelie penguin
Adelie penguins
to get
ahead here, Harold
for the reason
already mentioned
one is
already set up
States on the
AMC network
Cadbury, Edward
Compare freak, freckle
Compare twi-headed
a film
contest she enters
it most
directly helps us
Especially Cera
word to anyone,
especially Emma
Especially parents
represented our Society
especially, Messrs
emanating from the
etheric centres
could make
herself feel special
jefe de prensa
New York Public
Library, fella
to make
myself feel better
Unidentified flying
object, 3 letters
in the
perfect heat engine
primary sector
primary sectors
rifle was the
primary weapon
spaghetti western
film and the
spaghetti westerns
Spaghetti Westerns
to make
themselves feel better
to make
you making
yourself feel better

with 2 extra syllables

by Australian National
Dictionary Centre
February 7
You're an
honorary member
honorary mention
proud of these
literary efforts
in resisting the
military despot
military engine
military engines
a dramatically increased
military presence
These are
military weapons
week through indigenous
missionary effort
success of Muhammadan
missionary efforts
missionary rector
missionary rectors
the attainment of
momentary pleasures
determined in the
monetary sector
a timely and
necessary lesson
was not an
ordinary peasant
it is no
ordinary question
normal howl of
ordinary terror
Left me
permanently temperate
from the second
Quaternary era
medium at its
salutary level
any of the
secondary measures
acquire but a
secondary merit
secondary sector
secondary sectors
armor and his
secondary weapon
visionary parents
definite place for
voluntary effort
management of unprecedented
voluntary leisure

with 3 extra syllables

accretionary wedges
Masculinity in the
contemporary era
of Batman of
contemporary letters
contemporary sense from
outlaw a more
contemporary weapon
been the basic
disciplinary method
than the haphazard
hereditary method
much as the
imaginary spectre
some real or
imaginary treasure
Nation's economy against
inflationary pressures
and the wearisome
preliminary lectures
three or four
preliminary sketches
unnecessary letter

with 4 extra syllables

doing in that
extraordinary get-up
to remember any
extraordinary pleasure
of military and
paramilitary weapons