exact syllable matches

I heard a
bear outside
on the inside,
bread outside
ornaments of the well-
bred housewife
usual convenience store
checkout guy
check-out time
check-out times
Women are like
fairground rides
Just a
flesh wound, right
mean, we're
friends now, right
You got
friends outside
what some
Gems sound like
couldn't wait to
I'm supposed to
get outside
hair, brown eyes
cry for
help sounds like
gnome girl we
met outside
to keep your
pets outside
wearing a
red bow tie
my wife
says how high
had everything
spelled out right
square outline
falling down the
stairs outside
You wanna
step out, fine
girls would please
you care to
You want to
step outside
shut up
their mouths tight
also to deny
them outright
up and chucks
them outside
rightful world is
there outside
They're outside
went down twice
Maybe I
went mouth-blind
went out twice
horrible when we
went outside

with 1 extra syllable

Compare downright
I heard a
footstep outside
I listened for
footsteps outside
distinctly pulsating in
perfect outline
you could handle
yourself outside
did you enjoy
yourself, outside

with 2 extra syllables

She blew chunks
everywhere outside