exact syllable matches

3 John
3 Juan
3 March
B plot
B plots
b sharp
B sharps
be called
Be star
Be stars
be wrong
beach ball
beach balls
beach box
bean ball
bean balls
bean jar
bean slot
bean slots
beat cop
beat cops
beat off
beats off
bee ball
bee balls
bee balm
bee balms
bee moth
bee moths
bleve na
breeze block
C sharp
C sharps
cheap John
cheap Johns
cheap shots
cheat on
cheese box
cheese dog
cheese dogs
cheese off
cheese sauce
cheese slaw
cheese straw
cheese straws
cheesed off
cream off
D lock
D locks
d sharp
D sharps
de balde
de blancs
de charge
de choc
de chocs
de da
de fond
de garde
- Charles
de Gaulle
De Haag
de Haan
de Haas
De Jong
de la
de longe
de marque
de palme
de poche
de sa
de Tal
de Vos
de wa
dede na
dede op
deed na
deed op
deel op
Dene lawe
di kon
di notte
dream on
dream pop
E chart
E charts
e sharp
E sharps
e tal
ear drops
ear rocks
ease off
East Slav
East Slavs
eat dog
eat twat
eaves trough
eaves troughs
eist op
feed dog
feed dogs
feed off
flea bomb
flea bombs
free ball
free balls
free fall
Free thought
Free thoughts
freeze pop
freeze pops
g sharp
G sharps
Greek cross
Greek god
green box
green card
green cards
green crop
green crops
Green Hmong
Green Mong
green prawn
green prawns
green salt
green spot
green spots
green top
green wall
green walls
heap on
heat plot
heat shock
heath cock
heath cocks
hee haw
hee hawed
hee haws
heel palm
heel palms
hield na
hield op
Jean Arp
Jean Paul
keek op
keel haul
keel hauled
keel hauls
keen on
keep off
keep on
keep watch
keeps off
keeps on
key card
key cards
key fob
key fobs
key log
key logs
key off
Kleene star
Kleene stars
knee sock
knee socks
Lea Hall
leads off
leaf frog
leaf frogs
leaf lard
leaf scar
leaf spot
leaf wasp
lean on
leap frog
leap frogs
leave off
leef na
leef op
leek moth
leek moths
leve na
leve op
lieg da
liege da
mead hall
mead halls
meat draw
meat draws
meat floss
meat rod
meat sauce
meat shot
meat shots
mee grob
mee krob
mein Gott
mele cotte
mi sa
ne ja
Need Moms
need not
Needs Moms
neem op
nie ma
pea pod
pea pods
peace bond
peace bonds
peace talk
peace talks
peach palm
peach palms
peat bog
peat bogs
peat moss
peat pot
peat pots
pee off
pee pot
pee pots
peed off
peel off
pees off
Pete Stark
please God
plein pot
qi gong
queen conch
queen heart
Queen Kong
queen palm
queen palms
reads off
real gone
real part
real parts
ream job
ream jobs
Reed Noss
reed stop
reed stops
reef knot
reef knots
reel off
reeled off
reels off
rees op
reest op
riepe op
scheme arch
scree plot
scree plots
screen wall
screen walls
sea card
sea cards
sea cob
sea cobs
sea cock
sea cocks
sea dog
sea dogs
sea fox
sea hog
sea hogs
sea lark
sea larks
sea loch
sea lochs
sea mark
sea marks
sea moss
sea moth
sea moths
sea salt
sea salts
sea star
sea stars
sea stock
sea thongs
sea wall
sea walls
sea wasp
sea wasps
seal off
sealed off
seals off
seat lock
seat locks
see off
see stars
see ya
seed gall
seed galls
seed pod
seed pods
seed stock
seed stocks
seed vault
seed vaults
sees stars
Sheep dog
Sheep dogs
sheet rock
she's hot
shield law
shield laws
shield wall
shield walls
si com
Si La
si non
skee ball
ski cross
ski lodge
sleep off
sleep on
sleep start
sleep starts
sleep talk
sleeps off
sneeze guard
sneeze guards
speed bomb
speed bombs
spie chart
spie charts
squeeze box
St Barbe
St John
steeg op
steel bronze
stege op
Steve Jobs
stream clock
stream clocks
street art
street smart
street smarts
Swede saw
Swede saws
sweep saw
sweep saws
sweet ball
sweet balls
sweet FA
sweet John
sweet Johns
sweet on
sweet shop
sweet shops
sweet spot
sweet spots
sweet talk
T Dot
te rog
tea card
tea cards
tea cart
tea carts
tea cloth
tea cloths
tea shop
tea shops
tee ball
tee balls
tee box
tee off
teed off
tees off
teeth mark
teeth marks
theme park
theme parks
theme song
theme songs
Three Cocks
three laws
Three Rocks
tree bark
tree farm
tree farms
tree frog
tree frogs
tree lawn
tree lawns
treed op
twee pop
V block
V blocks
V card
V cards
V moth
V moths
viel op
viele op
weak sauce
weak spot
weak spots
wheat starch
wheel arch
wheel dog
wheel dogs
wheel shop
wheel shops
ye gods
yee ha
yield cos
z car
z cars

with 1 extra syllable

Ali Wong
Amit Shah
Archie Carr
army golf
Artie Shaw
blahdy blah
Bobby Clarke
bobby socks
body art
body clock
body clocks
body con
body part
body parts
body shop
body shops
body shot
body shots
body wash
Charlene Wong
Charlie Frost
coffee bar
coffee bars
coffee pot
coffee pots
coffee shop
coffee shops
copy shop
copy shops
dolly knot
dolly knots
dolly shop
dolly shops
donkey cock
donkey cocks
donkey drop
donkey drops
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kongs
Ghani Khan
Groene Hart
hockey stop
hockey stops
Honky tonk
honky tonks
jaunty car
jaunty cars
Johnny Law
Johnny Marr
Johnny Moss
kwame na
kwame op
laundry ball
laundry balls
laundry mark
laundry marks
lobby card
lobby cards
lolly pop
lolly pops
Maltese cross
molly wop
naughty parts
parsley frog
parsley frogs
party wall
party walls
phossy jaw
pommie wash
salty dog
salty dogs
toddy palm
toddy palms
tommy bar
tommy bars
Tommy Farr
tommy logge
trolley car
trolley cars
trolley park
trolley parks
zombie walk
zombie walks