exact syllable matches

can stop on a-
- Quarter
dramatic pause -
the Joker
and influential of
all composers
synonym for
all of Corvus
all of those months
utterly out of
all proportion
his head
all slumped over
stats of
all the corpses
and ate
all the donuts
burn down
all the forests
to shelter
all the homeless
the bloodshed,
all the horror
I've got
all the horses
blood of
all the Howards
but at
all the organs
you know
all the shortcuts
sympathetic to
all the sources
bothered about
all young poets
Syme, you
are a poet
are a smoker
are a Taurus
and the conditions
self, his manners
are atrocious
and I
are much closer
my standards
are much lower
voices as there
are performers
In fact, both
Indeed, you
are promoted
defiance and bravery
are recorded
in this country
are supported
the fields
are the forest
that you
are the former
are the homeless
other cops
are the lowest
are the Old Ones
we lack
are the poets
Raven, you
are the portal
and who
are the warders
are tough for us
personalities and relationships
are unfolded
knows when things
aren't normal
so my children
aren't orphans
to your
arm control nerve
Arm control nerve
Arnold Schoenberg
Written by
Arthur Golden
Arthur Koestler
sort of
artist or what
August Dvorak
many opportunities for
me out of
There's lots of
we had many
awkward moments
the history of
Bach performance
by an orange
blossom odor
that I
bought a doughnut
I just
bought a Porsche
brought up for one
sing, I
call a poem
I shall
call the normals
further growth is
called abortion
called the Old Ones
called the Orphans
could have
called the warden
car comes closer
tear your
carcass open
I highly recommend
Carmen Golden
very principle of
causal order
a box of
chocolates, Forrest
Clarkson Clothier
heard of a
clockwork orange
title suggests, A
Clockwork Orange
struck, by a
common soldier
Conor Oberst
the urge to
conquer Poland
has been in
constant motion
have been my
constant portion
game would
if it
cost a fortune
is they
cost a quarter
a baby
and it
Apparently everything
park, and
costs a fortune
Magic flowing into
Crocker's Fortress
they illegally
cross the border
mountain and
crossed the ocean
engulfed in a
darkened forest
contemplated in our
his brightest and
rock in my
darkest moments
show Sara the
darkness, Laurel
is an awkward mother-
daughter moment
up your daughter's
daughter, Roman
wives, sons, mothers,
daughters, soldiers
just what the
doctor ordered
Doctor Stoneman
to disobey the
doctor's orders
Doctor's orders
heir to a billion-
dollar fortune
and then the
dolled-up Lauren
Donald Norman
singing songs of
Donna Noble
Drop the shoulder
fallen for her
far from normal
fight is
fortune is
night is
nightmares are
tell is
This is
war is
far from over
hoping that the
father's normal
Or your
father's orders
blue, every
garden grows one
into one
garment for us
Hunter, Herbert Knight,
Gartner, Jordan
god of motion
mean the
God of Order
worship the one
God, Jehovah
gone a short cut
world was
gonna blow up
So you're
gonna go first
gonna go up
are you
gonna grow up
People are
smiling no one's
you're gone, who's
gonna notice
and you're
know who's
gonna show up
think I'm
up, I'm
gonna throw up
got a boner
got a corn nut
got a Gold Run
got a mortgage
got a short-cut
The engine's
got a snorkel
I just
got a toaster
got a warrant
Then you
got promoted
got the clover
got the whole world
so I
gotta go SON
Scrooge, it's
gotten colder
as I have
gotten older
my arms have
gotten shorter
Has the Earth
gotten warmer
Doesn't every heavily
guarded fortress
is politically
harmful for us
heart, word for word
in the
hearts of voters
here, now my
heart's unbroken
with me an
honest broker
, be
honest for once
bourgeoisie, and yourselves,
honoured poets
most part from
quotations from secondary,
us only through
hostile sources
will positively impact
job performance
John Travolta
an affair with
Juan Corona
the path of
karma yoga
for the luminous
Karma Yoga
drawing Shere
Khan towards her
groups, to a
large proportion
would need a
larger dosage
monster known as
Lava Golem
justice which
law alone serves
not the
law of mortals
Newton's Third
the Second
Law of Motion
on the
the general
the Newtonian
to the
laws of motion
than the
laws of Solon
even that
long ago, but
in the
long run hopeless
there have been
longer homers
a dialect no
longer spoken
broken circuit,
loss of order
loss of your son
get a
have a
lot of homework
lot of horse dung
take a
lot of notice
eat a
lot of yogurt
Bob Schooley and
Mark McCorkle
mark of Borgia
mark of your worth
mines of
Mars were opened
Marsha Norman
The Sarah
Marshall Show sucks
Martin Borman
Martin Bormann
Martin Lawrence
Models don't burp
the bad
monsters for us
monstrous ogre
an extraordinary and
monstrous order
for political heresy and
anyone, why
not a moment
not a phone, duh
hand is
not a poem
I am
poetry is
not a poet
You are
not a soldier
other words,
not a toaster
not a token
not abortion
he was
not alone, sir
not bums or thugs
make inventors, innovators,
not conformists
They will
not control us
time, it's
not just Bolton
not performers
grow through attraction,
not promotion
The statements were
not recorded
Cause you're white,
not Samoan
which I have
not supported
Not the bore worms
This is
not the focus
not the Golem
I hate,
not the Normans
not the old one
This is
not the Romans
not work for us
write a
novel for her
to ward
off the boredom
off the horse, huh
a little
off the shoulder
Will you
offer your son
has been
offered so much
And remember, the
offer's open
They're all
office holders
in the
office or what
pigged out
on a donut
on a globe, sir
spent it
on a soda
About our stand
Change our attitude
has always been
Supreme Court decision
on abortion
on her own blood
on her own terms
a chip
an arm
her hand
massive chip
on her shoulder
hands settled
it fall
the sky
on her shoulders
nice job
on her, Norman
on one moment
holding maneuvers
on the border
It's standing
some wino
on the corner
Infectors working
on the corpses
on the forefront
almost entirely
on the former
loved working
on the Holdens
on the home front
catching it
on the hosel
was seated
on the lotus
can't linger
on the moment
happened out
nice sailing
Not pushing
stay out
This one's
was supreme
white caps
on the ocean
operate vessels
on the oceans
foully charged
on the order
20 lessons
on the organ
that perches
on the scrotum
Betelgeuse be
pats him
patting him
touched her
try tapping
on the shoulder
answers rest
on the shoulders
get it
on the social
any stains
I was
putting it
to sleep
on the sofa
or informal
on the sofas
on the stove, just
The thing
on the totem
address wrong
on the warrant
on the whole world
not an
option for her
I keep my
I kept my
nothing, keep my
to keep my
options open
have career
options or what
of a national sip-
otter shortage
is it,
park the porpoise
Park the porpoise
worm the
part of Cora
part of your world
been loyal
were great
partners for us
write about
pasta or girls
film, directed by
Paul Verhoeven
It's nothing to
ponder over
birth certificate
problem or uh
address or the
to have the
proper postage
killed by another
Like a
proper soldier
back to being
proper soldiers
changes it into
Raja Yoga
Robert Fogel
David Howard and
Robert Gordon
Robert Jordan
Robert Lowell
Robert Moses
Robert Orben
Robert Owen
His name is
Robert Porter
Robert Rosen
Powerful edited by
Robin Morgan
Robin notice
rock of your love
to the basic
rock performance
rocked the whole bird
force with its
rocket motors
Ronald Cohen
Jean Arthur and
same title starring
Ronald Colman
saw a Gorka
Shawna Vogel
The Little
Shop of Horrors
Glue Factory, which
slaughtered horses
you eat, only
smaller portions
hasn't been
softened for her
marriage ceremonies are
solemn, sober
them as a
solid opus
Song of Roland
Homer, the
sovereign poet
your commitment to
Sparkle Motion
and survivors of state-
the return of state-
sponsored torture
got a little
squabble goin'
squads of soldiers
the infection
started for us
do-hickey that
starts the motor
to be better,
stronger soldiers
them into the
strongest soldiers
swamped the whole world
about time we
talk promotion
better to
target those guns
Thomas Coburn
was married to
Thomas Cohen
Thomas Morton
Thomas Warton
Todd Trust no one
the novel by
Todd Field and
Tom Perrotta
top of your jump
top of your lungs
easy on your
top performers
Vargas Llosa
walk the horses
and Wakefield
walks toward her
that don't
wanna grow up
and you
wanna know what
make me
wanna throw up
if you
want a coaster
you don't
want a doughnut
do you
want of Florence
want the whole world
was a close one
then he
was a grocer
was a home run
was a horrid
and he
like I
was a loner
thought there
was a moment
those men
was a Norman
all else,
My grandmother
yes, Sebastian
was a poet
technically it
was a porpoise
was a short one
was a slow one
was a soldier
in Boston
was first opened
one Friday, I
was promoted
month when that
whole way it
was recorded
of wildlife
was run over
thought I
was the former
thought I
was the gopher
was the Lord's work
that this
there, that
was the moment
I practically
was the ocean
and what
was the poem
was the warped one
was the whole world
we know it
wasn't opened
always knew it
over, then it
wasn't over
if he
wasn't so dumb
Maybe it
wasn't your son
bulls, and
wasps from horses
Watch the doughnuts
watched her grow up
counters and the
water boarders
and into underground
water courses
this bog
water or what
didn't solve a
water shortage
horror of the
The chinese
water torture
sex in the
wrong proportion
screws to
ya, huh, Norman
Yah from Georgia

with 1 extra syllable

a ranch
be shots
come back
immigration coming
make it
more raids
sending them
sponsored from
across the border
and carried
grounds from
skeletal boardwalk
take us
that jumps
the peach
we fly
across the ocean
empire expansion
across the oceans
such instances
across the warfront
across the whole world
case that
alarms the soldier
that corporate
apartment for months
flank or
assault a fortress
hundred miles
beyond the border
beyond the borders
me go
beyond the corner
they want
beyond the moment
If you
cannot afford one
in the
department or what
decision making and
EA conformance
That is a
guitar controller
divided into karma-yoga and
was a highly
regarded poet
resolve the old ones
is indeed real,
unaltered, normal
it rested
upon a tortoise
which hangs
upon the former
ripe,I chanced
upon the poets
Jeanette Dunwoody from
Valdosta, Georgia

with 2 extra syllables

dialogue a whole bunch
the philosophical
noumenon of motion
called off our
restaurant proposal