exact syllable matches

I am the
- undead
couldn't imagine what
Abdullah meant
in the
absence of bread
indicate the
absence of ends
measure the
absence of health
or the
absence of them
absent oneself
acid of air
act of a friend
in the
action of death
thousand inconceivable
acts of neglect
material, but not
actual lead
to be an
actual threat
a glimmer of
Adam again
infinitely fine and
adequate sense
admiral shell
admiral shells
the Baron's
after her, eh
not live
after the flesh
crummy luck
one horrible
after the next
the riots
after the Rev
warnings come
after the spells
to and
after the test
to clean up
to pick up
after yourself
then looks at
Allan again
You'll be an
Alpha again
exemplar I
out and
am among them
am one of them
City, I
night, I
am someone else
am such a mess
am the subject
mine, when I
am unaware
survived upon
an upper shelf
kind of
anchor the rest
a sunrise
and a sunset
the world
and among men
is Karnataka
Kerala, Karnataka,
and Andhra Pradesh
and Bernadette
palms out,
and circle them
always so guarded
and circumspect
and clubs of men
and gather
and come again
Seek shelter
and cover head
way of pious
and humbleness
mostly for hacks
and knuckleheads
and learn from them
deceive, despise
and murder men
you fuck
and murder them
the people
and observe them
and of the flesh
your masters
and of yourself
other worlds,
and other friends
Buddhist, Jaina
and other sects
broom-like appearance
and pungent scent
in Lincolnshire, Oxford,
and Somerset
More conversation,
and somewhat less
my wife
and son again
and son, but friends
already thought
and suffered them
and the first check
and the First Men
the oppressor
and the oppressed
the verb
and the subject
and the sun sets
And the word spread
in bunk
and trundle beds
and what the heck
consecutive and grammatical
and word-perfect
and younger men
And, um, what else
Angelus bell
Angelus bells
of plant and
animal cells
always wanted an
animal friend
I have secret
Invite your stupid
animal friends
millions of such
animal men
of fairly mild
animal pests
Animal tests
in the
annals of men
answer again
draw an
answer from them
answer the helm
know the
answer, just guess
I'm biased
as a subject
as much again
as one of them
was not
as other men
as the first sense
as much
as the success
as the sun sets
ask from a friend
think I'll
ask someone else
Ask someone else
have an
ass under there
at her again
every people
at her arrest
at the first step
at the front desk
at unawares
he shot
at us again
Satan's minions
at work again
Back cover text
back from the dead
back of her head
back of her NECK
back of one's head
back of the chair
back of the head
Back of the head
back of the neck
back of the net
popping right
those emotions
went right
back up again
you count
backwards from 10
Just count
Let's count
us count
backwards from ten
and work
backwards from there
all the
balance of them
out of the
basket again
calls character a
bastard again
Her boyfriend, Graham
Bathurst confessed
an ethical
battle from hell
to fight the
battles ahead
go empty my
bladder again
calendar spread
calendar spreads
calf of her leg
play World Champion
Caliber Chess
fire of the
Calvinist press
camera left
like a large
camera lens
I'll just have
Cameron then
camp from the air
members of my
camp personnel
than laws
can among friends
traction I
can work against
you just
cancel the cheque
Stay disbarred,
can't run again
He's just a
casual friend
a thing as
I'm terrible at
self-damaging, such as
casual sex
Casual sex
tracksuit used as
casual wear
himself cannot
catch her again
catch one of them
Catherine pear
Catherine pears
Challenge again
a better
a reasonable
have some
increase MY
chance of success
Daffy changes the
channel again
chapel of rest
chapels of rest
by the
Chaplain, the Rev
Dance of the Dead
to be my
fabulous self
fact of the text
a blister
factor of 12
fag, but what else
carried on by
fallible men
you can buy
flag underwear
a horrid
flash of regret
go with simple
fractional lengths
conversation with Al
Franken again
we have
gathered the rest
grandmother cell
grandmother cells
issues in the
gravest affairs
computer nerd
Muscle Man
had a girlfriend
say, I
had a subject
had but one leg
had but one neck
had come from French
had none of them
had served her well
had such a friend
Hadn't turned yet
and a
half bucks somewhere
lay in a
hammock somewhere
hand her her head
handed her head
handle oneself
let us
handle the rest
You can
handle yourself
that never
handled the air
hands her her head
and Brainiac never
and it's gonna
avoid having that
believe that can
but it can
can't let that
crime to ever
crisis would never
finished, it'll never
first, it'll never
I let that
is never gonna
It cannot
it might never
It shan't
it will never
It will not
it would never
It--it will never
it's never gonna
It's not gonna
let like that
must never, never
once will never
once, it can
so it's gonna
sure it doesn't
sure that doesn't
sure they all
that can never
That can't
that they never
that this didn't
that will never
that will not
that's never gonna
That's not gonna
this will ever
this will never
This will not
to have that
to let that
will never ever
will never, ever
William and I
years, may not
You know it'll
happen again
It has
It just
lifetimes, it has
McBride it all
sure it never
happened again
happened up there
anything ever
happened there never
It never
like this ever
like this never
So it never
happens again
his image,
the director
has a girlfriend
has a world's fair
Ken doll
has her somewhere
its work
has just commenced
I didn't
have a girlfriend
which outsiders
have covered them
help people
have fun again
have hung a net
have one of them
have someone there
Indonesian cinnamon
have somewhat less
things I
haven't done yet
that I
haven't learned yet
hazard a guess
olives in my
on a life
jacket again
knack of the French
or future
lack of success
Hawk and
lacks the offense
land of the dead
Land of the Dead
a different
language from theirs
constant, the
language of prayer
---- From a
an unknown Eastern
be from some
Borrowed from a
From a
from an Eastern
from an Iranian
is from a
Or from a
Perhaps from a
Possibly from a
Probably from a
word from a
language, compare
last of the dead
Last one upstairs
to the
last person left
and at
last suffered death
in the
Latin word et
was patterned after
Latin, compare
TV with the
lavender hair
lavender scare
by German sexologist
Magnus Hirschfeld
frustration, and all
malice repelled
are a
as a
but a
rebellious, a
man among men
Clyde ambushes Neander-Pac-
Man from ahead
man from the dead
Man of the West
kind of
man suffers them
genius of
man the subject
are you gonna
manage yourself
to produce the
Mandelbrot set
Mandelbrot sets
polishes the
manners of men
Oh, the Portland
Mansions affair
chose the
mantle of Death
defined as a
masculine realm
did the child
massacre them
action of
of the
on large
that by
masses of men
called a
master a friend
crystals is the
Master herself
become the
Master of Chess
make one
was the
master of death
I'm a
master of stealth
itself the
master of them
one of the
master's affairs
and meer
Masters of Sense
not a
matter of strength
it's a
matter of when
your life a
maximum hell
beloved country, from
national death
ballooned the
I obliterate the
increase in the
interest of the
off this new-found
size of the
to pay the
national debt
National debt
sludge onto the
National Debt
20 of Works,
national ed
national contentment, and
national health
we grow a
national pair
still embryos of
national sense
public sentiments and
national trends
a source of
expansion of the
to increase the
treasury with the
national wealth
He's a
natural chef
Christianity die a
didn't die a
is not a
they died a
to die a
natural death
Originally made from
natural hair
is to the
natural realm
He had a
in some vague non-
natural sense
but it's a
natural step
a series of
natural steps
you a fudge
packer again
down on a fag-
packet somewhere
the windowless
palace of rest
perpetuate and
pamper the self
out into the
passage again
army of Middle
Passage undead
passer le temps
the horizon,
past the sunset
past, but from them
pastoral care
to the
path of success
like, a
phantom third leg
Pluto be a
to see our
planet again
place of
Planet Earth, yet
the black
rabbit of death
ran up against
that I'd
with memories I'd
rather forget
in an otherwise
rational deck
rational end of
rational men
back in the
saddle again
sagittal crest
sagittal crests
wear that dreadful
satin again
they'll never
stand up again
stand up against
Law ever become
standard again
standard of care
be a moral
standard somewhere
stands up against
Stan's brother, Ted
status offense
in a black
taffeta dress
need a brilliant
talent somewhere
than a duck's head
more musical
than a sunset
are higher
than among men
sounded more glamorous
than Bernadette
I'm better
than someone else
them rather
than suffer them
-cy rather
than the word-stem
getting on
that bus again
the problems
that confront them
grass sods
that cover them
much was
that cup again
that doesn't end
That doesn't help
must find
that love again
indications that
that occurred, yes
feeling was
that of regret
that of the elm
that of the French
you asked
you, ask
that of yourself
know what
that pervert said
with eyes
that wonder when
that's a tough sell
power over the
Traveler, yet
You got
traveler's checks
Travelers Rest
gift, from a
valuable friend
Papers of Senator
Vandenberg, ed
yeah, shut up, Del
Yeah, what the hell

with 1 extra syllable

and he
abandoned her there
and most
abandoned of men
the most
advanced among them
attack from the air
they might
attack us again
has its
battalions of them
canals, some of them
combat personnel
at my
command once again
doctrines the
commandments of men
Contracted from them
Contraction of emme
Contraction of en
Contraction of et
diagonal spread
diagonal spreads
take care of
financial affairs
has been a
represent success especially
spiritual contentment and
tactics focused around
was not a
will be a
financial success
goddamn one of them
goddamned one of them
kill a
Lavash, once again
and offering every
miraculous help
perhaps a girlfriend
it will be
refactored again
subtract from the rest
that India
supplanted the West
unnatural death
Start to
unravel from there

with 2 extra syllables

in the
manufacture of them
manufacturers rep
the crazy
motherland once again
a spirit of
preternatural flesh
considered quite a
propaganda success
understand Hermann Hesse
understand one of them
does not
required to
understand the subject