exact syllable matches

the freer
air of America
after Pennsylvania politician
first race against
Benjamin Harrison
is the
best of America
help build a
better America
Central American
Central Americans
death of the character
Devil of Hell's Kitchen
from the
edge of America
of the
end of America
America, drugs have
man when he
entered America
yet be an
excellent president
Federal Register
a solid
friend of America
friends of the President
customs nor a
of the same
general character
once again by
General Harrison
and constitute no
general precedent
say something to
General Tennyson
breeze, suggest softness,
gentleness, reticence
help, but the end result
the path of
Jennifer's character
the same
totally different
whole new
level of existence
the three
levels of existence
medical technician
medical technicians
the great
men of America
men weren't wearing skirts
Nevertheless, Mr
People and
Press of America
in them a
reckless aggressiveness
seminal vesicle
seminal vesicles
several less big ones
growth and
the true
strength of America
strength of the President
flowing through this
temporal existence
and he's a
to me a
terrible character
more frightful and
terrible existence
to never
threaten the president
offense to
threaten the President
Well, fuck America

with 1 extra syllable

now is
our chances
with us
against the Americans
between consumption and
benevolent sexism
concept of the character
context of the President
wanted a thoroughly
dependable president
descendants of their children
predicting both
dimensions of sexism
electoral register
to be
Empress of America
a man of
exceptional character,
expect from a President
based for scientific
experiments, chemicals
intentions of men It worked
Human rights
invented America
wealthiest 1
percent of Americans
used to avoid
potential offensiveness
noble, noteworthy, outstanding,
preeminent, prestigious
and this entire
process un-American
remember America
Remember the precipice

with 2 extra syllables

read authors in
antebellum America
unity and
confidence of America
things first John,
independence America
Spain in our
independent America
for the
interest of America