exact syllable matches

ab intra
Abt system
Abt systems
act chicken
acted up
I'm not
acting dumb
acting up
active front
active fronts
mainly dependent upon
active work
added up
adding up
Alfred Bunn
carefully puts on
an earplug
an injury, not
an illness
a queen's got
an image
this child was
when he was
an infant
Come off
an Injun
coward was not
It was not
an insult
cold, and hard,
and brilliant
migrated from Denmark
and Britain
make ourselves strong
and cheerful
with soy sauce
and chicken
American people want
and deserve
down your arms
and disperse
writings of Marx
and Engles
abstraction, on mirage,
and fiction
upper arms, forearms
and fingers
his balls
his heart
and his guts
a rock
and hit one
in heart
and in work
miserable little jobs
and incomes
tends and guards
and instructs
a lot,
and it just
him off
and it's done
And it's worked
attacks Sonia
and kills her
care for laws
and limits
luxury automotive marques,
and Lincoln
wearing good cloth
and linen
and look on
seat, look hard,
soften their hearts
to remain calm
and listen
on the walls
and mirrors
Adventures of Ichabod
all I want
Francis Beaumont,
safety deposit box,
visited the Park
was studying law,
and Mr
robots, lasers, sharks,
and ninjas
cult of bomb
and pistol
including our Guard
and Reserve
the National Guard
and Reserves
to Phil, Jon
and Richard
with a cigar
and slippers
are green lawns
and sprinklers
with chocolate sauce
and sprinkles
And stillbirths
See also icon
and symbol
of Confederate icons
and symbols
the muddy bogs
and thickets
on every dot
and tittle
and tittles
on a wall
and whistles
two sons, John
and William
exercises in fall
we have fall
and winter
Ann Richards
Anne Simpson
anted up
I, I Call
App Britain
break our hearts
as Christians
is usually not
as clear-cut
as far
as it does
a rock,
soul, supercharged
take stock,
wild card,
as it were
And as far
in the car
as Mr
call, it's not
as simple
as far
as this one
Ignorance pawned off
as wisdom
live as long
who we are
as women
Ash Williams
I will not
ask Mr
ass kisser
ass kissers
ass licker
ass lickers
a lucky shot
at billiards
December 6, not
at Christmas
oh I was
We'll talk
at dinner
at swimmers
at symbol
at symbols
ass off
at this firm
can fall
back in love
Can ya
back it up
back kitchen
back kitchens
You better fall
back, nigga
on tenor, was
backing her
backing up
bad bishop
bad bishops
Broken dreams are
One Ishtar was
The guilt was
bad enough
good, not
bad, it's just
banging up
bass fiddle
bass fiddles
bat mitzvah
bat mitzvahs
batting glove
batting gloves
suffer, Ruckus are
black children
black liquor
Black Mirror
black princes
black silver
black skimmer
black skimmers
black witches
Both strong
black women
blacking up
Bragg mirror
Bragg mirrors
brand image
brand linkage
cacking up
camp it up
what South Africa
can become
can't kill us
cap pistol
cap pistols
We're an all-
cash business
cash limit
cashes up
cashing up
casting up
cat litter
catches up
catching up
chadless punch
chalice drum
chalice drums
It's not
chance, Mr
chatting up
Chiang Pin-kung
clack dishes
clamming up
claret jug
claret jugs
Cracked his skull
cracking up
cranking up
crapping up
crash cymbal
crash cymbals
crash scissors
dabb lizard
dabb lizards
dad, pick up
Dan Glickman
no word on
Dan Miller
Dan Millman
Dan Simmons
dancing girl
dancing girls
dragging up
Those are
facts, Mr
fan fiction
fan fictions
Car not
enough, still not
fast enough
fat finger
fat fingers
flash fiction
flash fictions
flat silver
Frank Miller
Frank Pittman
Frank Richards
gang signal
gang signals
ganging up
Ganz system
gas fitter
Gatling gun
Gatling guns
glass lizard
grand iftar
grand princes
grass sickness
hacking run
hacking runs
people have not
had children
like a fog
had lifted
Half sister
Half sisters
ham it up
hamming up
hand bridges
hand in glove
hand spinner
hanging tough
hanging up
Hank Williams
a bomb
has hit one
Prince Charles
has picked her
hash slinger
hash slingers
hat switches
would not
have been done
may not
have been much
have been served
could not
have been won
Children should not
or may not
she will not
have children
that does not
have fingers
Have it stuffed
have kittens
could Shakespeare not
I should not
have written
We were all
havin' fun
course, we'd start
glad you're all
I was
I would stop
It was called
other people are
People are
having fun
having words
ago, he was
Jack Fickens
Jack Gibson
Jack Gilbert
Jack Nicklaus
jack timber
jack timbers
jacking up
the ring on
Jack's finger
Katharine Kerr
Katt Williams
land bridges
land clearer
last minute
laughing dove
laughing doves
laughing gull
laughing gulls
were all
mad in turn
mad minute
mad minutes
Mad River
magic mud
magic mug
magic mugs
magic up
magic word
magic words
magicked up
magics up
man children
maybe you're not
me, you're not
you are not
man enough
guard the wrong
You're a smart
man, Mr
excuse for not
manning up
Matt Dillon
cure, I'm not
Max Dillon
Max Fisher
packing fudge
palling up
placing Hot
Pants in first
parish church
parish clerk
parish clerks
passing up
past simple
past simples
Pat Spillane
and Doc
patched it up
Patrick Pearse
Patrick Stump
plant kingdom
practice run
practice runs
prat digger
prat diggers
ram cichlids
ramping up
ratline stuff
Sam Hinton
sand lizard
sand lizards
sand nigger
sand niggers
sand pillar
sand pillars
sand winner
sand winners
Sandwich tern
Sandwich Terns
scalping tuft
scalping tufts
shacking up
slash fiction
slash fictions
Smashed mirrors
snap it up
snapping up
spam killer
spam killers
splash cymbal
splash cymbals
stacking up
staff system
staff systems
staffing up
standing cup
standing cups
while I was
standing up
straddling bus
swag it up
swagged it up
tacking up
Tad Williams
tan liquor
tank sinker
tank sinkers
tanking up
tap cinder
tapping up
tax return
tax returns
more awe
than it does
the dog
that bit one
that blister
You ate all
that chicken
it never was
that clear-cut
to stretch all
that distance
on tape was
that enough
that figures
a ring on
he really lost
wedding ring on
that finger
that glistens
that glitter
the car
that hit her
Oh, god,
that image
put all
that in words
personalizes all
that it loves
to go beyond
that limit
and I saw
have a card
instructing his charge,
The law
was noised abroad
that Mr
myself and all
that piffle
has happened on
that pixel
there right across
that river
That shit hurts
But it's not
can't it's not
fact, it's not
it is not
It was
It's not
Life is not
Only it's not
things are not
wish it was
you it's not
that simple
That thing hurts
You can stop
that villain
that Wilson
to act on
that wisdom
that's been done
That's brilliant
That's business
That's his lunch
That's millions
That's Scripture
traffic bump
traffic bumps
Times Square, block
traffic, uh
trans women
transit bus
Val Kilmer

with 1 extra syllable

What a
barbaric world
I hate this
combat system
to develop very
compact systems
its inventor, Johann
Conrad Dippel
avoid eye
never made
we lost
contact with her
No one ever
operative named Westen
contacted us
Nice, quiet, cooperative
contract killer
contract killers
contract system
contract systems
have a fucking
contract, Richard
is her own
it is nobody's
none of their
that's my own
goddamn business
him the wrong
goddamn finger
look like Adolf
goddamn Hitler
goddamn little
Like you're a
there's no fucking
goddamn Mr
guys in the
is in the
goddamn picture
dick like a
goddamn pilgrim
from me that
goddamn pistol
this whole
goddamn thing up
give me the
goddamn ticket
polynomials without a
quadratic term

with 2 extra syllables

exopassive of