exact syllable matches

Al Tabor
the Bureau as
we got
You have
an agent
revealed he was
an Ancient
be born as
Is that
Lucifer was once
me he was
out radiant as
Really, I am
sure I'm not
there, revealed as
an angel
a jersey than
go-go boots and
an apron
it up as
an Asian
Myself and
an EVA
confusion of hectare
and acre
our arms
and aid us
revelation, Koran, Prophet
and angels
released in March
and April
Europe, America, Africa
finally to Africa
and Asia
to be black
and Asian
See also and
and Aylmer
And break stuff
no promises
and breaks none
and changes
I lose Stefan
mistakes with Stefan
and Damon
world of chaos
and danger
Janeway and Picard
and Data
boat, hands
and face burned
but their hands
and faces
disappointment, tragedy, loss
of the incompetence
and failure
You are black
AND famous
all is gas
and gaiters
next to Aristotle
and Galen
is diverse, strong,
and gracious
is be fragile
and grateful
filled with anger
Joy destroys passions
the pettiest rancor
and hatred
identify John
and Jane Does
he's name was
and Kramer
all beautifully classed
and labelled
and big fans
and labels
between the parts
of hard work
and labor
live at rack
and manger
to Drake, Josh,
and Megan
disrespecting our flag
tribe, people, language
and nation
knowledge of God
laws of God
laws of man
man bridges art
reconciliation of art
spirit in man
view of man
and nature
science includes man
silence of God
and Nature
from loving God
and neighbor
practice of tolerance
years of jihad
and patience
a wonderful man
and player
Come on
and raise up
to train officers
and Rangers
deceived Ahalya
kidnapped her
and raped her
---- From
and Raymond
arrival of Thatcher
and Reagan
son that's strong
and sacred
inherently evil monsters
and sadists
nothing but manner
and sameness
by both God
and Satan
go back
and save her
with strong
and straight trunks
usually worn long
and straightened
Their awfulness
and strangeness
and take her
Hawaii part
and take us
a monster
too long
and they run
And they sucked
the cops,
and they uh
and trailer
expose individual Communists
and traitors
in the job
and wages
your balls,
and wake up
Her sister was
Ann Taylor
world, as ambassadors
as lameness
cruel and abandoned
as Nature
teeth as sharp
as razors
glossaries, was glossed
as taper
And just
as tasteless
and hard
As bad
as dumb
take jobs
as they come
in stall
as they stirred
was not
as they were
No, it's Half-
Ass Hagan
at places
pig to bark
at strangers
at table
back bacon
back labor
back labors
back labour
back labours
away and come
Can you call
I'll call
you can come
back later
back pages
back payment
back payments
bad neighbour
girls are not
bad players
she taught some
ballet stuff
bank paper
bank papers
bank statement
bank statements
bath scraper
them by long
black cables
black caiman
black caimans
black chamber
black chambers
a whole lotta
black faces
your reliance on
black labour
black maple
black maples
I worked at
so tight at
was back at
we had at
Black Mesa
Black Raider
Black Raven
drape and a
black table
however, we have
blank pages
From a
brand name, from
Brand name, from
calf raises
more encouraging than
camp labour
Campaign funds
nothing that
can save her
a god
Henry's that
can save us
false doctrine
can take us
cap table
cap tables
of my grandfather, a
catch phrases
dogs and
cats came from
Chad Basin
Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, and
Chad Vader
industrial unrest and
class hatred
shrank agricultural and
craft labor
odds at the
craps table
You're gonna
crash later
in the wrong
damn places
food on the
damn table
damp hazes
Anthony Hines and
Dan Mazer
drag racer
drag racers
drag races
We'll kill that
fag later
fan bases
fan pages
fast-paced run
faz favor
flash paper
flash papers
flat major
rather than a
flat racer
flat races
flat spaces
Gas chamber
gas chambers
gas gauges
ice, water, and
gas phases
back at the
island at the
rack at the
saw at the
working at a
gas station
gas stations
Grand Haven
it on curved
graph paper
graph papers
the official photographer
had taken
Hal Draper
are more than
half Asian
half cadence
half spaces
in the play was
hand paper
hand shaker
hand shakers
hand wavered
handbrake turn
handbrake turns
hang paper
sound of laughter
has faded
hash table
hash tables
dealers did not
have agents
the dreams that
have faded
quiet then, and
have patience
where circumstances
have placed us
society, they all
have shamans
have they done
Jack Baker
Jack Layton
Jack Tatum
jackstay search
Jam came first
kant maken
kraft paper
kraft papers
land agent
land agents
lang acre
last case, huh
from the
last eight months
Oh, and one
last favor
Last name first
of that
last phrase, sir
teaches man, not
man nature
man pages
More at
map, apron
inspection on a
mass basis
Ben Affleck and
Matt Damon
the halls of
Max Rager
past paper
past papers
production on a
planned basis
pram faces
rag paper
rag papers
Ralph Nader
name and
rank, sailor
rat racer
rat racers
rat races
sack races
sad cases
was a flat,
sad statement
history after
Sam Rayburn
sand mason
sand masons
sand table
sand tables
affair with that
sax player
scrap paper
scratch paper
scratch papers
scratch races
slap bracelet
snap bracelet
splash pages
stack traces
tab pages
tak ada
tak akan
tax haven
tax havens
dies and the
tax papers
good experiences rather
than failures
Anya sooner rather
built sooner rather
down sooner rather
him sooner rather
Sooner rather
technologies sooner rather
than later
decision rather
than make one
is not stronger
than nature
to me, rather
than places
action sequence faster
than players
a rack, rather
than tailored
and throw harder
than Waner
Thanks, Graydon
a release on
be saved upon
ignore it on
monthly pension on
nations is on
one acts on
subliminally accepted on
to inflict on
understand them on
with you on
that basis
I wasn't
that brave but
that cable
the one
that came first
Then all of
This changes and
that changes
her novels from
that danger
pie is all
that famous
shortcomings are not
that fatal
pay for all
that flavor
coming in on
that freighter
the one
that gave up
also bet on
that greatness
You're not
that jaded
the product of
that labour
but more on
More on
probably focus on
that later
terrifying hand
the God
that made us
What does
that make us
do, and
that makes us
those clothes and
that makeup
that painter
the date on
two weeks on
that paper
I have
that same gun
I've had
that same one
the one
your plan
that saved us
alright, I retract
I challenge
that statement
My momma watches
that station
No, not
that straight stuff
I am
that Stranger
were dying on
who belongs at
you down on
that table
That takes work
sing, and
that they love
mar all
that they touch
the dogs
that they were
you could understand
that, Caleb
Love does
that, Damon
shouldn't have done
that, Nathan
the moving on
that's painful
That's phase one
tramp data
trans patient
trap maker
trap makers
traps cases
wax paper
waxed paper
waxed papers
Yeah, straight up

with 1 extra syllable

abstract painter
one-legged physiological and
abstract tables
advance payment
advance payments
Anzac wafer
Anzac wafers
when the Shark
attacks later
Bombax ceiba
broadcast station
broadcast stations
Canal Caper
is to acquire
combat data
command paper
command papers
of a bushly
compact nature
compact spaces
contact tracer
contact tracers
contact traces
in tort or
contract cases
contrast agent
contrast agents
call it a
Goddamn failure

with 2 extra syllables

marzipan layer
marzipan layers