exact syllable matches
8 April
5, 6, 7,
8, tables
points within the
AIT framework
in a country
ay failures
Baine straightened
them into your
base makeup
details like assigning
blame later
knew how
brave they were
like a birthday
cake later
claim to fame
dialectical inventions that
doctrines like Christianity
territorial basis only
came later
In your
case, grateful
from the Altamira
cave painters
still had my
chainmail shirt
creativity and become
change agents
and pro-accelerated regime
change flavor
best friend, a
change maker
in society will
You can't
change nature
Can't we
I wished to
Perhaps we should
change places
speech has, like,
changed, Caleb
that Tertullian
claimed they were
this town, and
Clay Davis
crave danger
Chris Wood and
Dave Mason
hell on a day-to-
day basis
on eBay a
day later
become their latter
day shamans
I'm a
day trader
dollar for your
day's labor
a couple of
and die 13
declared independence 10
died a few
earth a few
from drowning five
go away three
He died two
I snapped ten
reply came five
shot himself several
to life three
to work 3
until a couple
watches it seven
days later
Dwayne Meighan
spirit of an
eighth grader
A leader must
face danger
cards, and
Fate plays hers
Obamacare is a
game changer
We'll finish the
game later
oriented, and core
game players
Life is a
game, Scaler
rank among the
game's greatest
It's a
this is a
gateway drug
Now I'm an ex-
gay, Megan
global oversupply of
grain staples
all be in
he is in
he was in
interests are in
it are in
themselves in some
We're in
you are in
grave danger
me to avoid
grave dangers
of the three
Great Angels
here in this
great chamber
been centuries of
great changes
a time of
been in too
country is in
He's in
pay, glorious adventure,
production is in
put yourself in
shortly go into
will bring you
you're all in
great danger
expose themselves to
great dangers
gave or withheld
great favors
Available in three
great flavors
been created without
great labor
obtain it by
great labour
geese are not
great layers
thinks you look
great naked
a good and
and rebuild their
as befits a
business of a
find us a
foundation of our
has deformed a
inside a once
landscape of our
of such a
place in our
president of a
pride of a
them again a
to defend a
unworthy of a
worthy of a
great nation
dignity of this
great Nation
great men and
in all the
the agonies of
the comity of
great nations
The Five
Great Nations
he is a
great painter
the majority of
great painters
rest, but for
great patience
can become a
ever be a
Gerrard is a
guy and a
he is a
is a great,
know he's a
Maradona was a
mark of a
will become a
great player
I'm playing with
Madrid only has
them were not
great players
But I'm a
great salesman
consider us the
thinks you're the
us the, the
great Satan
is really the
Great Satan
Christ is a
great Savior
great posters and
great trailers
standing with old,
grey faces
Latina and I
hate labels
hate nature, I
hate nature
Because I fucking
hate traitors
Hey, wait, what
James Baker
James Cramer
try to make
James famous
James Frazer
James Graham
unknown actress and
James Spader
James Taylor
a lot of
James Taylors
Jane Jacobs
Her sister was
Jane Taylor
get shafted by
Jayne Grayson
Kage Baker
are feeble like girl
spread out on well-
laid tables
It was a
lame station
humans always
made changes
Artists shouldn't be
made famous
them only
made stains worse
than a living severely-
maimed plaintiff
activated in the
main chamber
creatures of the
were uncommon in
main chambers
also overlook the
which is the
main danger
Bombay as its
main player
we're here to
maintain one
the American people
maintain us
things fall away,
make changes
why does he
make failures
he has to
make payments
may hate us
longer on a first-
now on a first-
name basis
name came up
unexpected side affects
name later
What's your
name, stranger
people, those I've
named Takers
the way, My
name's Caleb
Sorry, that
name's taken
deal with unbearable
pain later
you understand his
pain, Caleb
sleep next to a
paint were not
particularly paint,able
Poles you
pay wages
talkfests, studios full of
they attempt to
placate her
received than a
plain statement
weren't here to
play savior
and with it
play, Angels
run now and
pray later
race privilege and
race hatred
which are intertwined
race hatreds
have become the
Rail Tracer
rock does a
railway truck
back jobs and
raise wages
once into a fifth-
rate nation
You saw the X-
rays, Mason
to suggest amendments and
outside of my
the only true
safe haven
not made for
safe havens
processes have the
same basis
will reflect the
same changes
interpretation of the
same data
many of the
same faces
are of the
example of the
same nature
opposite of the
same statement
day, same time,
same station
eat at the
Even the
risottos of the
same table
We can still
save Mason
Even to
save Rachel
why do I
say angel
Did I
say failure
know what they'll
say later
Shane Claiborne
a profiteer of
be run by
food, weapons, and
profited mightily from
they derive from
was run by
slave labor
the conquerors for
slave labour
I was a
slave trader
off to white
them to white
slave traders
within the same time-
space framework
have acquired your
space laser
and keep that
space sacred
against rules of
jump to that
later, inside a
of this doomed
off to a
on this new
on to your
range of a
retreated to that
some sort of
That's a
to an entire
to my evil
Yeah, definitely a
space station
from the UN
like the International
way to the
Space Station
like the Mustard Shit-
Stained Ranger
proceeding on a state-by-
state basis
tribes, small settlements, city-
states, nations
finished, they can
stay later
does the machine
stay stable
daddy with a
get me my
got my damn
throat with a
with Typhoid Mary's
straight razor
Come to me,
Who are you,
strange angel
Come to your
strange Angel
show up in
strange places
That's a
strange statement
I can
take danger
These things
take patience
old sitting in
tame sameness
and where
be where
forget where
forgotten where
from where
go where
the place
to where
they came from
long will
they chase us
They know
they face us
the blankets
they gave us
more than
much as
school, and
superiority and
they hate us
He was everything
people love bands
they hated
they think
they made one
that's something
they made up
the hut
they make love
corruption wherever
they may lurk
'em when
they raise up
buildings, thereafter
they shape us
crush someone
they stay crushed
they strangers
cranky when
they wake up
back at the
happened at the
photograph of a
The cartoon
up at the
way to the
you at the
train station
trained agents
pulling down the
wage payer
the State the only
the disposal of
waste paper
Chinese Zodiac is
way ancient
the script my
way later
back the
be the
remain the
to the
way they were
and the
govern the
way they work
are, in a
way, failures
to believe you're
Zane Taylor
We had twice
ze flavor
with 1 extra syllable
He was so
afraid, Davis
choice of weapon
always changes
I didn't
always hate her
math teacher you
always hated
Wife is
always nameless
Once neighbours,
always neighbours
and I'd
always play dumb
nation can never
attain greatness
however far
away they were
was in our
backstage trailer
teenagers when they
became famous
These questions are
birthday basements
to celebrate your
birthday later
Cocktail shaker
constrains nature
the principle which
creates nations
DA's hate her
classical music and
decades later
this in more
detail later
fill in the
in on the
details later
you could truly
escape places
said something about
estate agents
explain later
cannot explain all
female failures
a defense against
female nature
resent being a
female painter
area of a
female patient
application areas for
charged with molesting
female patients
of the young
landscape painters
and of all
mundane natures
In everything I
obey Nature
obeys Abel
I've gone
onstage naked
He was wearing
pancake makeup
I found the
known as a
railway station
flocking to the
Railway station
of hotels at
of the big
railway stations
will attack microwave
relay stations
remain grateful
be marginalized and
remain latent
who shall
remain nameless
Wages should
you, she cannot
remain stable
but the system
remains stable
Rene Balcer
What happened
today Caleb
doesn't work, I'll
translate later
prosperous by their
too useful as
unpaid labor
with 2 extra syllables
be more specifically
ascertained later
laid in to
Carinae Station
Kill his
was a volunteer
CIA agent
as cover by
CIA agents
degradation and to
dominate Nature
do on an
everyday basis
hands of any
marketplace failures
so I can
masturbate later
than because they
mutilate nature
toothpick, noodle arm
NBA player
staying with the
runaway patient
with 3 extra syllables
we don't
appreciate trade much