exact syllable matches

That's not
a debate
That's not
a dumb name
fall on
Jumps on
a grenade
a per se
a man on
their ass on
a Sunday
family haven't got
a surname
in the
bar,What a shame
bird of prey
Birds of Prey
Brussels lace
bubble cake
bubble cakes
buffer state
buffer states
on a Paul
Bunyan scale
Burgess Shale
heart, are
but a day
butler steak
butler steaks
butter face
buttock mail
progress was on
certain days
chuck away
chunk of change
chunks of change
circle game
circle games
circle strafe
circle strafed
circle strafes
circuit race
cluster state
cluster states
color fade
color fades
color space
come away
come of age
come what may
comes away
comes of age
comfort break
comfort breaks
compass plane
compass planes
construct state
construct states
cover name
cover names
covered way
covered ways
crusher gauge
cupboard faith
custom made
cut some shapes
cuts some shapes
derma ray
derma rays
does the same
double base
double break
double breaks
double date
double dates
double day
double days
double play
double plays
double space
double spaced
double take
double takes
think God got
drunk today
Ernest Dale
Ernest Gaines
fer cul fain
the acid was
first obtained,
Firth of Tay
Flushed Away
has dawned
from the grave
From the phrase
from what place
frontal plane
frontal planes
function space
funnel cake
funnel cakes
funnel stay
funnel stays
futtock plate
futtock plates
German paste
add, taught
her a trade
her and tossed
her away
how I forgot
much fun on
her birthday
, on
her Birthday
bad on
her first day
You gonna call
her today
herb of grace
Herman Cain
Hermann Weyl
Hudson Bay
Hunger Games
hunger pain
hunger pains
Hutton Gate
you cannot
judge a race
the bag on
Judgement Day
judgement days
Judgment Day
judgment days
jumble sale
jumble sales
jump a claim
that was
was all
just a game
and I was
just amazed
hassles are
I was
runs on
just the same
Just the shapes
the future, not
just today
kernel space
London Clay
London paste
London plane
Lumber State
Lunan Bay
my mom on
Mothers Day
Mothers Days
muck-up day
muck-up days
mulga snake
mulga snakes
being cheated, robbed,
murdered, raped
muzzle brake
muzzle brakes
number eight
number eights
number game
number games
number plate
number plates
number ray
numbers game
numbers games
the start
of a game
just thought
of a place
precious part
of a State
last car
the cars
of a train
the heart
of a whale
for the loss
of Calais
has just cause
of complaint
was the cause
of complaints
and lots
of duct tape
of Lorraine
options off
of one play
found as part
of surnames
lateral part
lizard part
of the brain
the bars
of the cage
some god
of the chase
horizontal bar
of the crane
beautiful part
longest ball
loudest barge
of the day
considered part
of the Eighth
a lot
and part
first part
last boss
that's part
the start
of the game
the charm
of the place
of the plains
the heart
of the plate
the mark
of the rain
habitual lot
of the slaves
all part
become part
of the state
and not
exhibition art
the law
the laws
of the State
the laws
of the States
the gods
of the trails
as part
of the Way
the fall
of the weight
what was
once a race
king of all
lord of all
master of all
monarch of all
one surveys
people, everyone start
one today
One word, claimed
precedence of all
other claims
other day
more than all
other pains
plug away
puppet state
puppet states
purple haze
purple state
purple states
quirk of fate
referred pain
referred pains
rubber gauge
rubble drain
rubble drains
run a train
Dracula does not
Indian, you cannot
once, and not
stand and not
You cannot
run away
Run away
run of play
runs away
Russian gauge
Russian sage
Search the place
service game
service games
Both tracks are
shut away
shuts away
shutter shades
shuttle race
shuttle trade
slug away
smothered mate
smothered mates
the smile on
someone's face
From dance on
someone's grave
squirrel cage
squirrel hake
squirrel hakes
stomach ache
stomach aches
stubble rake
stubble rakes
stun grenade
stun grenades
Sturgeon Bay
first on
such a play
dance on
such a stage
Sucker State
sulfur rain
sulphur rain
on a hot
was a hot
summer day
him on hot
take walks on
summer days
on a hot
summer's day
Sunda Strait
surface mail
terms of trade
The Birdcage
shrine mark
the birth place
We shall mock
the earthquake
fuck on
the first date
lunch on
off on
work on
the first day
right on
the first page
agree upon
the first place
I'm on
people on
picture on
the front page
all on
the one name
every man on
kill someone on
quiet ride on
you murdered on
the subway
increased violence on
the subways
just sprinkles on
the sundae
The third stage
the uptake
America on
labors on
players on
the world stage
The world's changed
the worst way
thermal break
thermal breaks
thermal paste
thermal pastes
Thunder Bay
thunder snake
thunder snakes
Touch the waist
Tough first day
trunnion plate
trunnion plates
tuck away
turban snail
turn a phrase
turn away
turn of pace
turn of phrase
turn the page
turn the scale
turned away
turned the page
turnip cake
turns away
turns of phrase
turret lathe
turret lathes
under age
under sail
control negotiations are
under way
under weigh
heap that washed
up today
upper case
Upper Lake
Urn of Fate
ago, is upon
us today
what a shame
what the hay
what the hey
What's her name
What's one name
What's the make
What's the name
What's the phrase
What's the place
What's the same
What's yer name
won the day
word of faith
Stan, how was
work today
high was
worth the pain
stock certificates are
worth today
yerba mate
yerba mates

with 1 extra syllable

outcrop that surrounds
Agastya lake
influence and
alter the aims
are in an
alternate space
their eyes and
aren't afraid
or by an
armament race
sacred day called
Armistice Day
Augustus Wade
suggestions for the
author's birthdate
Barbara Drake
bargain away
and sold, and
bartered away
has put the
bottle away
in a
Bottle of Hay
traditional Coca-Cola
bottles were made
call it, and
bottomless rage
Carle Sunday
Carle Sundays
casas rurales
most obvious
causes of change
Holly that
chartered the plane
These are
collagen, James
common purslanes
artist in a
communist state
of the second
Communist State
conger moray
conger morays
our freedom and
conscience away
consequent phrase
copper sulfate
a solution of
copper sulphate
and push the
to chase the
darkness away
from the
in the
darkness of space
young and innocent
daughters astray
day keeps the
to keep the
doctor away
heart the
doctrine of faith
by the
dogma of faith
a billion
dollars a day
throwing millions of
dollars away
Dongola race
a general
drama of pain
that point is flat-
earther terrain
The scales have
fallen away
who had
fallen from grace
They were
farther away
farthest away
follicle stage
left without the
gardener's case
to the botanical
gardens today
Tempers have
gotten away
they call a
hostile workplace
Jonathan Shay
to need a
lawyer someday
the slime and
lolloped away
losses of face
Now the
market must reign
lock on the
market today
savaged and suicidal
martyrdom praised
Marvellous place
illusion with a
marvelous grace
The Chocolate
Model of Change
be a
model one day
is still a
model today
description of the
modern workplace
Put the
monster away
I'm on horny-librarian-slash-erotica-
novelist brain
Offers were made
lowest ranking general
officer grade
Ogden's complaints
decide in a
partisan way
phosphorus paste
phosphorus pastes
It is a
ponderous chain
theory developed a
popular name,
He's articulating the
popular rage
is that of
popular sway
at the earliest
possible date
maximizing the minimum
possible gain
outside is a
possible raid
infinite number of
possible shapes
In the worst
the most abstract
the most painful
to the cruelest
possible way
support with minimal
postural sway
more the
problems of fame
of the
problems of space
activity of the
products obtained
will have a
prominent place
with the
promise of cake
out the electoral
promises made
wealthy, powerful, and
prosperous State
hymns of various
Protestant faiths
Parliament and a
Protestant State
Today, a
province of Spain
drink Labatt's, not
Romulan Ale
salted away
softens the brain
Solomon Kane
It's called
Solomon's Gate
content with the
sonorous phrase
That was my
target today
Tottenham Hale
life that
wasn't a waste
acid, but I
wasn't afraid
but that
wasn't the case
glasses of
water a day
then whisked the
water away
water parade
water parades
out of the
water today

with 2 extra syllables

nausea, vomiting, and
abdominal pain
Andromeda Strain
Andromeda strains
its winsome, yet
anonymous mate
Ashtavakra, the sage
in the
backwaters of Maine
survive ten hours'
bombardment unscathed
exert upon
ensembles of states
are ineluctable, irrefutable,
forebears, but seems
ritual behavior almost
forgotten today
hypothesis fails
thirst saw
mirages of lakes
diversity, as the
philosophers say
at Roma,
in heart,
regardless of age
all citizens,
educational institutions,
equal opportunity
of citizenship
regardless of race

with 3 extra syllables

to mail order
hippopotamus steaks

with 5 extra syllables

addition of an unetymological -