exact syllable matches

shows and the
book dies
this real long
book right
out of the
book spine
vowelly names on
book spines
the substance of
Book VI
foreign buyers prefer
booked hides
Even art
books lie
bull dyke
bull dykes
it looks like a
It's a
bush shrike
bush shrikes
clean, one can't
cook rice
ate up the
cooked rice
loss, if loss
could bind
tires that Mom
could buy
moment, or someone
of me that
could die
That man
could fly
and your circuits
could fry
working on a
cure right
Foote Whyte
fuhr ein
full AI
half power on
full drive
Live the
to lead a
to live a
full life
full rhyme
full ride
full rides
put together on
full time
full times
by people who are
putting on an act
good bye
and had a
And have a
work up a
good cry
do, like the
of Science, the
good Dr
you got a
good eye
I have
good eyes
Avery loved a
be such a
Fight the
I fought the
I love a
to fight the
we fought the
who fight the
you fought the
good fight
Have a
good flight
good fright
Now that's a
good fry
- is a
am not a
But I'm a
dad is a
don't have a
he was a
he's just a
He's not a
I am the
I was a
I'm the
Lund, I'm a
me as a
me I'm a
name was a
That is a
Victor's the
Wade's a
you're such a
yourself as the
good guy
You're not a
Good Guy
any of the
call us the
one of the
parents were the
some of the
these are the
They're all
those guys are
we were the
good guys
not just the
Those are the
was from a
was of a
good kind
thing as a
good lie
These are
good lies
And it's a
Been a
brilliant man, a
caught, live the
children lead a
condition of the
day and a
give animals a
good water, the
Have a
I had a
ideal of the
It was a
more of the
nature of the
new life, a
not live a
sake of the
she have a
to have a
to lead a
to live a
to live the
We had a
We have a
wonderful wife, a
would consider the
would've had a
You lead a
you live a
good life
I meant The
Good Life
to have a
good mind
Ben had a
bless you and
gentle into that
Have a
It was a
night was a
quietly into that
Thank you, and
Thanks, and
the tube, and
with you and
your time and
good night
All right, um,
Good night
Thank You and
Good Night
good pie
oil at a
good price
coming over the
don't have a
I had a
keep on someone's
you're on the
good side
is not a
Not a
probably not a
said that's a
That's a
that's never a
that's not a
'Tis a
good sign
I'm not a
made her a
good spy
a pretty damn
always have a
and have a
and having a
answer in God's
didn't have a
didn't have one
Everybody had a
go have a
Gonna have a
had a awful
had such a
hasn't been a-a
Have a
have had a
havin' such a
Having a
having had a
having such a
he had a
I had a
I have a
idea of a
I'm having a
in God's
is having a
is not a
it was a
just havin' a
just not a
man, have a
now's such a
pass a
really not a
she had a
show her a
Show them a
shown them a
soldiers had a
stop having a
the fans a
there's never a
they have a
they're having a
this cake a
This isn't a
time having a
to have a
we had a
well have a
were having a
WILL have a
world, havin' a
Y'all have a
you had a
good time
are all the
'Cause there were
eat, and have
good stuff and
lots of
That was
the herald of
Those were some
those were the
to forget the
to remember the
good times
that family on
Good Times
give her one
good try
manner, giving off
good vibes
would last a
good while
think I'm a
good wife
good wine
Babies are
good, right
can kiss the bar
sense if it was
Then good-bye, my love,
was saying, my final
Thank you and
saw it on
Hood Night
look fine
could a rabbit
did the deliveryman
did this man
do the commercials
does someone
does this person
even some that
figuring he's gotta
forgotten what miracles
fuck does that
his duck gonna
I'll marry gonna
knows what suckers
of everything can
the female vagina
things that
what does God
what does that
What would that
what you're gonna
What'd your father
look like
It doesn't
it just doesn't
just ain't gonna
say it doesn't
spotlight, he doesn't
look right
Uh, but that
look, why
idea what Symmachus
mother and father
on the job
the angry angel
what his car
what his nutsack
what his pants
what the puzzle
what the world
what these fellas
looked like
a four-hour erection
a good man
a real man
FBI rear antenna
fool Decker hired
HEY, that
is what hatred
is what love
is what placenta
is what power
know what that
real sexy man
see what that
the military's power
what a couple
what a function
what a porn-star
what a screwdriver
what a shark
what my dad
what my dog
what The Hammer
with someone that
looks like
we go, that
looks nice
the shot that
looks right
Moore's wife
on the
plus side
plus sign
plus signs
plus size
pull time
pull times
pulled time
pulls time
more hearts of
pure light
cannot have a
pure mind
ivory white, but
pure white
push bike
push biked
push bikes
put by
could not have
put right
puts by
schuld sein
said, a man
should die
what we all
should find
the two nations
wife and daughter
should live
when the hour
should strike
and every man
should try
stood by
and I'm not
and you're not
sure why
took flight
took time
look like, a
with a Cajun
tour guide
tour guides
human than a
wolf's eyes
wood mice
wood white
wood whites
day the master
good chance Tesla
his way, someone
or we all
person wishes someone
that the words
wish your mom
women, and children
would die
would like
longer a prisoner
would live
would bide, beggars
would ride
hundred, a thousand
would rise
and the mountains
wish the sun
would shine
you're blind
hospital now, and
you're fine
And second,
the future, and
you're like
you're mine
a month and
and know that
But perhaps
for Casey and
interesting guy, but
know what Dad,
Oh yeah,
tell you that
want, and that
you're right, and
you're right
never understand because
you're white
yours, right

with 1 extra syllable

contour line
contour lines
challenge to a
mature mind

with 2 extra syllables

his varied and
colourful life
understood life
Later I
maybe you finally
of himself, he
time, we all
understood why