exact syllable matches

about it -
in time
It's all
the right has
been denied
British history have
been deprived
it has aptly
or varieties have
been described
I've already
been in nine
A man's
been killed, right
Poetry and imagination
begin life
Then let's
begin, right
Yes, a
big sick guy
many rappers
bit his style
side of a
brimming mind
bringing crime
significance of the
British Isles
full grandeur of
British pride
hypocrisy is the
British vice
by making the
buildings high
Now kindly
clear this line
old man
did it right
dims with time
not leave the
drink divine
for bargains and
drinking wine
It is
to grips with
English wine
want it
filled six times
back here and
finish fight
I hate this
frigging bike
this little
gift thing right
Let him
give his lie
give it time
an amphitheater of
hills behind
didn't consciously leave
Now slap
him behind
still got
him chipped, right
it cost
him his life
you read
him his rights
and put
him in fights
have to get
the door, trapping
him inside
I just want
him nearby
you got
him this time
soon at
his dear side
anti-MacArthur and celebrating
to to ensure
his demise
alike remote from
his design
as pointed as
his dislikes
his outside matches
his insides
even make
his kids cry
lets you
hit him twice
don't know
if it's like
wrong or
if it's right
Whose America was
in decline
Karna shuddered
in delight
are Prince Charmings
be a blessing
be another blessing
but a Democrat
He's a cocksucker
is Romantic naturism
of the country
She's a devil
talking to Satan
in disguise
men partners
in his crime
villain, who
in his Dr
a tear
funny squint
his thumb
little twinkle
that fear
in his eye
An instant
be precious
didn't look
joyful tears
of fear
sand thrown
see it
the sternness
towers reflected
were tears
in his eyes
a difference
and spirit
at you
Charlie Kane
different times
dry day
Gods presence
he did
him happier
in it
of despair
One race
overall purpose
significant event
than anything
the contradictions
time again
transcendent meaning
you were
in his life
existed only
of them
selflessness coexisted
such things
the Island
the two
we planted
in his mind
summarily comprehended
in his Mind
seen him
in his prime
a thorn
in his side
that sparkled
in his sight
of price
in His sight
took that
in his stride
I believe
in is life
touched water
in its life
are lost
in its light
to ribbons
in its prime
has you
in its sights
were cut down
in mid-stride
for someone
in pink tights
than one idea
in reply
dwells not
in this eye
stay together
in this fight
his purpose
really important
the dark
to us
vital existence
who are
in this life
or two
in this line
a guy
didn't live
has happened
yogic practice
in this time
the angel
in this wise
film Frankenstein,
in which Dr
is clear sky
or the Holocaust
Yet it
is denied
is described
but not what
Having children
Highest Human Nature
Maybe human
to conceive what
is divine
is him, right
the crow
is his guide
is his time
misunderstanding there
is in Life
are looking for
means a lamp
is inside
all there
is is mine
is it like
may be,
is it mine
if possible,
us non-believers,
is it right
is it, guys
estate on earth
is nearby
while there
is still life
How dumb
is this guy
valuable it
is, it's like
it been like
himself to leave
trip and leaves
want to leave
it behind
of the event
of the misfortune
it described
to which
it gives rise
the rule which
it implies
not return
it in kind
and bury
it in lime
to keep
it in mind
to do
it in style
to realize
used to
you catch
it in time
are playing with
not just throw
it inside
the respect which
it inspires
for it,
it is fine
We know
it is life
but little
it is light
know what
space, what
it is like
see that
tells him
thing because
it is right
falls when
it is ripe
educated, as
it is styled
be wherever
it is tried
long as
it is wild
know where
it is, right
It civilizes because
it refines
I saw
to do
it six times
finally done
for saying
gonna make
I mean
I try
Really do
to eat
What is
you did
it this time
will die,
it will die
stand and
it will fight
and endow
it with life
I lose
it, big time
I think
it's beer time
leave a message,
it's benign
Therein lies
its delight
and education is
its midwife
mountains, while
it's still light
I'm not
kidding, Mike
kidding, right
We're still
kids inside
want to
kill him, right
if you'd
killed him, Mike
ago, I
everyone thinks
man who
killed his wife
Morally, ethically, hologram
killing fine
Let's begin the
killing time
a man
kills his wife
stuck to the
kissing Dr
the flames
lick his thighs
naked to the
Lidless Eye
wings and
lift him high
what the
link is like
list is life
which he
lives his life
to petrify every
living child
needed to continue
living life
living mind to
living mind
it for a
living right
This wealth is
living time
piercing eyes
enough to
piss in, christ
rhythmic drive
used that
riff with Christ
Ring is mine
go and
risk his life
infectious grin of
sheer delight
mean there's a
ship nearby
apart or
shrink in size
in a golden
singing hive
Is there a
sink nearby
I have
sinned in pride
have a
sit this time
if my
skin fits right
enterprise did Adam
Smith despise
But it
sticks in mine
down with me
still inside
the web-cutter, the
stinging fly
any other
the greatest
thing in life
pink think
thing is mine
the main
thing with Dr
most important
realize other
the best
the good
the little
the right
the sweetest
things in life
to keep
things in line
organization where small
things reside
that I
what we
what you
think is right
I always
think it's mine
think it's nice
boy to
think This time
begins in the
thinking mind
slaughter them without
thinking twice
what he
thinks is right
thinks it's fine
I possibly leave
this behind
input-output relations of
this device
must bear
should keep
will bear
this in mind
But Aristotle ignored
presume to have
this insight
know what
this is like
this is nice
none of
this is right
None of
this is trie
have her using
this reply
to get
this thing right
Sixty seconds
till midnight
true beauty
till this night
been doing
till this time
have on this
victim type
I scorned each
victim's cries
to your father's
vintage bike
only one,
which is Christ
to contribute,
which is nice
can't tell
for that
which is right
precious asset,
which is time
his religion he
will deny
bud, will proliferate,
will divide
and Egypt
will still live
And I
will this time
Uh, you
win this time
we have a
winning fight
are on the
have taken the
winning side
accepted, and each
wish resigned
out there
with big signs
floods my heart
it brings forth
right, filled me
so vividly associated
the scenes, giggling
thought, with fear,
with delight
WITH Delight
the father
with his child
to do
with his dice
answers more
with his eyes
and party
with his guys
for it
his acts
many complications
need be,
to do
to pay
unflagging fascination
with his life
fight on
with his mind
Hain comes
with his scythe
been conversing
He danced
in love
you slept
with his wife
ever met
with in life
its moderation
with its life
the star
with its light
get on
with things, right
in public
with this guy
feeling conflicted
with this, like
we're headed
with this, Mike
world-view which hovers
within sight
everlasting is still
within time

with 1 extra syllable

right from the beginning--
figure I'm
acing it, right
for himself to
appear behind
by reason of
being despised
that hovers,
biding its time
each moment
blazing in time
even if he's
boiling inside
as developing
careers in time
catching this guy
causing this, Mike
to be
chasing this guy
body and
closes his eyes
finds his father's
coffin inside
Though it's
comfier inside
a priest and
He always
committed crimes
interests don't
conflict with mine
products of the
cosmic decline,
Creation, Leave the
critics behind
Defendant's motion to
be cast in
distinctive style
Edward's not
feel I'm
means they're
doing it right
dunno about
dropping in like
wholeheartedly devoted
during his life
mightiest state
during his time
ending is tight
something I can't
even define
us is not
even defined
dent, not
even his wife
even this guy
openly and
even with pride
This is
falling with style
what I've been
feeling inside
all sorts of
feelings inside
sometimes they
finish in style
in house
fucking his wife
thought we were
fucking retired
to a more
fulfilling life
business of
simply means
getting it right
looking for God,
Hladik replied
being solved along
holistic lines
how he was
hurting inside
that is a
Jewish insight
it loose,
keeping it light
guy from
killing his wife
mask off,
wars before
letting him die
everybody is ad-
libbing his lines
tweedy, pipe-smoking, complicated
linguistic minds
must be
livin' in style
danger of
losing his mind
day before
making things right
full-blast from
morning till night
There is
nothing inside
heart beats,
Nothing will die
his, the
phrasing is mine
which is
pulsing with life
sit up,
rubbing his eyes
of Roy
you for
saving his life
vast network,
screaming with life
Slade was
seeing his wife
red, hands
shrouding his eyes
to Monk
sitting in Dr
I was
sitting with Dr
want to leave
something behind
true to
something in life
have had
something in mind
I'm feeling
like that have
something inside
speaking in rhyme
an endless
So, I'm
standing in line
tainted big time
That's like
talking Hittite
laughing and
talking in rhyme
terrific, right
That's a
tracking device
with me trustingly
trudging behind
tears on
Turkish Delight
every bolt
until it shined
every day
until it SHINES
can get pizza
until midnight
just by
using his mind
I am
using this right
Monk and Sharona
waiting inside
alone are
wanted in life
wasting his time

with 2 extra syllables

universe with their
admonishing smile
That's an
amazing disguise
about almost
about most
apart from
anything in life
see that
anything is right
electron does
anything it likes
can start with
anything precise
Brandon is
arguing with Dr
He who
arises in Might
into sight, A
blossoming delight
rather than
diminish with time
lineage was
disrupted with Dr
sorrow equally
divided in life
is a very
encouraging sign
the root of
everything besides
and eating
and trash
stop cruising
that ate
everything in sight
In Heaven,
everything is fine
But not
everything is nice
I'm not
explaining it right
beauty, produces pain,
extinguishes life
Finishing this fight
the compares and
heretics describe
in flashes of
ironic insight
become a mouthing
lunatic, besides
a practical
objective in mind
a great
personage in time
the most sensitive
poetic insights
out of
politics in time
history of the
populistic mind
life comes from
preexisting life
pleasure, the
privilege is mine
unbridled epic
reflecting its time
responding in kind
cross is
suffering with Christ
sure is
transcending this life

with 3 extra syllables

source of Britain's
economic decline
of the dart's
hypodermic device
to death,
indicateth this sign
The property
influences his mind
written in a
naturalistic style
Temper or
Occurrences in Life
laxative is a
rearranging device
business, in
relationships, in life
first inaccessible to
scientific insight

with 4 extra syllables

peak without
experiencing its sides
and is
perpetuated in pride

with 5 extra syllables

to support any
We harbored no
imperialistic designs