exact syllable matches

their triumph has
been brief
glass has never
been cleaned
isn't such a
was a pretty
big deal
country boy with
big dreams
is a great
big sea
Augustine and the
big St
graduation shall set
him free
of thing in
his dream
the truth in
his dreams
Viki was on
his feet
him to negotiate
his grief
be pelleted with
his jeers
Roosevelt died in
his sleep
went up to
his suite
of the intellect
in brief
be your commander
in chief
of our Commander
president and Commander
in Chief
it lives on
in dreams
a fucking party
we are interested
in here
in himself than
Now it is
supported and believed
what is missing
in me
helped the man
in need
but gently and
he can live
in justice, and
Thy servant depart
to be left
war, and aliens
in peace
kneeling at prayer
in St
will be nesting
in trees
hiccup-y rockabilly number, somewhat tongue-
animal in England
fallen and Iraq
is free
abyss, how deep
Heaven, how vast
ideal, how earnest
is he
any of us
is peace
only sparkles, but
is sweet
else, love, could
so rich will
it be
truth with which
it deals
not know what
it means
the meaning of
its creed
Especially if
one guy, and
it's me
that unnecessarily disturbs
its peace
its tail when
it's pleased
with faith matured
its seeds
Go ahead and
was going to
kill me
comrade has long
since reached
be no Jew
since St
slick streets
left but one
split pea
thing here
paramedics trained in
this field
What does
this mean
political control by
this means
going to make
this speech
famous book in
which St
a video camera
been and never
how bad it
is, or ever
necessity wars always
of extremists we
of its breakdown
what the decision
what the outcome
world as it
will be
a single deed
will leave
point only history
will reach
discriminate, and neither
will we
a lasting impact
always very affectionate
an ongoing thing
crossing the line
director Ken Evans
least he did
say you agree
shared their food
son shall be
That really stuck
that was fine
the responsibility rests
the same room
themselves in contact
with me
I would agree
with St
species the same
with these
was thickly grown
with weeds

with 1 extra syllable

today is on
bended knee
his dream of
building St
agnostic to the
Catholic creed
with her between
filming scenes
a grotesque and
foolish dream
asked Him to
my mother to
of Samford to
forgive me
on the wall,
greeting me
power to the
karmic wheel
a just and
that will bring
lasting peace
world champions at
losing sleep
They responded with
mocking jeers
of obvious and
pressing needs
keep people from
seeing me
King and a
Spanish Queen
system isn't what's
stopping me
in laboratories and
testing fields
the man of
timid peace
somnambulist of a
vanished dream
were permitted to
visit me

with 2 extra syllables

what tortures still
awaited me
Gibran, who was
beckoning me
use in the
computing field
suggestion that he
contacted me
that you aren't
deluding me
encouraged me
Margaret Mead
probably end up
persuading me
values remain beyond
science's reach
your ships into
uncharted seas

with 3 extra syllables

my grandmother was
babysitting me
as in the
economic field
is still happening
influences me
was no mere
merchandising feat

with 4 extra syllables

assembled a strong
administrative team