exact syllable matches

here, your number
3 molar
wish to
a heart to
are made to
chase will ultimately
command waiting to
desperation might ever
excessive authority will
It must
might as well
of both must
Our egoism must
promise will not
roots will not
rules that can't
the ancient cycle
the spell would
This pattern must
this that must
too strong to
will could not
wrung and possibly
be broken
choose and not
either one, shall
groups, that must
It must
be chosen
be near, I'd
be closer
You know, there'd
be closure
I wouldn't
be for her
Could it
it to
be for love
cause appeared to
or morally would
be hopeless
man's vanity to
be loathsome
their enforcement must
be local
two heads you'd
be lonesome
in order to
be moral
perplexity might
be more fun
And grief itself
flowers, happy to
be mortal
there will
be no one
there can
be no trust
There will
be no world
and thus to
give anything to
I wanna
It got to
our lives just
They want to
will appear to
be normal
I wanted to
be notice
How could it
you have to
be older
expect you to
gates that should
be open
It can't
road exists to
be opened
my hair to
be orange
be Orange
Soldiers could
be ordered
and this'll
ere the farce
How can it
it would just
need it to
our troubles would
the conversation to
the movie will
The trial would
the war could
their worries would
they ought to
they will soon
this will all
troubles will soon
wanted it to
war seems to
War will soon
work will not
be over
wont to
be so dull
he might actually
be sober
never needed to
pardon will never
be spoken
Dreams will not
be thwarted
waking moment will
be torture
combination can never
be total
it had to
be yogurt
never ever
be your son
it's gonna
be your turn
deserve to
be your yum
where would you
be, Roland
I eat
beans for lunch
it don't
bleed so much
way for a
brief moment
flock of
cheap home runs
Chief Joseph
ain't no ice
cream social
Danish chicks and
cream soda
a big
deal for us
can't breed two
deep rollers
shattered and their
dream broken
when your
dreams roll up
and more so
it present at
each moment
a civilian on
each shoulder
what to
eat for lunch
soup to
eat for months
believe we should
eat kosher
can only
why you
eat so much
Does anything
feel broken
chopping, and not
feel lonesome
feels normal
that we're
freaks or worse
an open and
free forum
and get our
free toasters
tomorrow, it'll be
free yogurt
are no
genes for trunks
sports cheer and
Greek chorus
sound like the
Green Lotus
Where the hell's
he goin'
artist once
he grows up
What did
he order
Fucking-A right
he owes us
life till
he showed up
me to
hear those words
can't come
here for lunch
here, closer
one who pays
here, Gordon
We treasure you
here, Warren
That just means
he's normal
They can
keep Boca
you still gonna
keep goin'
difficult to
keep hold of
hundred millennia, evolution
leaps forward
females are the
least chosen
You found
me broken
me for once
Don't tell
me Moses
to believe,
me or the
You don't give
me orders
about her bowled
She won
they involve screwing
you didn't run
me over
seemed to
me so just
it bother
not worry
record helped
they gave
you loved
You taught
me so much
Do you hear
me soldier
always makes
me throw up
me your gun
Kate give
princess, give
me your shirt
but what about
me, Holden
to lose to
me, mortal
Don't thank
me, Warden
I do
mean no one
Tell that
mean ocean
seemed to
mean so much
mean, for what
mean, hors d'oeuvres
mean, so young
is by no
means over
another ticket on
mein Porsche
no further
need for us
need soldiers
the briefing you
need, soldier
agree, a girl
needs closure
needs your blood
happens in the
Negro church
will guarantee
peace for Earth
Like me and
of my buddy,
Pete Thornton
forth and
preach your Word
is avoiding the
real horror
real owners
to be a
real poet
you get the
real total
This served for a
you would
see no one
Tonight, it will
seem closer
petty men who
seem normal
excitement, and I've
seen boredom
I ain't
seen or done
Worley, you
seen your son
nurse when
she grows up
she's loaded
speak for Earth
speaks for Earth
speaks for her
you in the
Speedo, but
tryin' to
steal your girl
it with a
ran over the
steam roller
Fuck the Wall
is the Wall
Street brokers
causes on any
prophet on a
street corner
soldiers in the
streets corners
that are NASCAR
team owners
left, the
team sort of
bend to
thee, oh Love
helpful in exposing
to blame for
these horrors
the pain of
these moments
nutcrackers to break
these open
make you proud, I'm T-
we broke up
don't work,
we don't work
sense when
we grow up
Not that
we know of
offend what
we most Love
into an account
we opened
me and
we'd go nuts
got some space
weed, over
rough few
weeks for us
Guy's six
weeks over
about whether
we'll hold up
we'll show her
if it is,
we're golden
the morning when
we're open
a war and
we're soldiers

with 1 extra syllable

I'm very for
- run
primary intention, is purely
We'll be
And don't come
Can't run it
any closer
existing in
any known tongue
become free at
could be here
cut loose at
essential principles at
out here at
any moment
you giving me
any orders
I don't need
any quarters
jest can't buzz
any slower
parts in
any sort of
I wouldn't lose
any voters
like--no, I
barely know her
the file he'll
barely notice
my Siberias
beneath Your sun
picked on
Billie so much
Billy Corgan
Billy Joel
me started about
Billy Ocean
have appeared on
Billy's shoulder
begin to march
blindly forward
have made a
bloody fortune
a few
carnies for her
the words
Belding Don't get
cocky, Morris
Not in the
complete Poems
my place at
the future of
You take over
Corley Motors
near my dear native-
country Florence
to move this
country forward
of fictional Hazzard
County, Georgia
littered with their
crispy corpses
of themselves as
deeply moral
Directed by
Dennie Gordon
Rob Sherman and
Dewey Jordan
Dudley Warner
these and other
early sources
Emile Zola
of clergy trailing
empty slogans
funky horror
the little brown,
furry rodents
happy for her
happy for us
him and had
hardly spoken
Harry Warner
alcoholic and a
cancer for a
heavy smoker
Henry Morris
would have made
ideal soldiers
your love,
increase your love
human situation is
indeed hopeless
all this,
indeed, for what
me for one
jelly doughnut
Jesse Owens
the mind of
Jimmy Olsen
me, like a
juicy orange
what in our
kiddy corner
chance to screw
Lahey over
Lindsay Lohan
accidental, and therefore
loosely woven
friend, even a
lousy poem
for just 1
lousy quarter
It's quite a
manly moment
It takes
many forms but
seem to be
many horsemen
few critics, so
many poets
thousand killed and
many tortured
Marines don't duck
did when you
married Lauren
you two,
married or what
the novels of
Mary Norton
at his
mercy for months
abased,Is this the
mighty ocean
extra reward
money for us
him, and his
money stolen
guts of
Narvi, your son
Your feast is
nearly over
will always move
only forward
indifference is the
only horror
Number One, we're
only mortal
sun of summer,
only warmer
only your son
soul has only
partly opened
of the highest
party organs
Alright miladdo the
But the
retire till the
wait till the
party's over
a lying dog-faced
pony soldier
my fears were
pretty normal
to amass a
princely fortune
present day is
purely social
of Ye Old-Fashioned
Radio Fudge
the one who
radios Church
you will get
rarely, Roland
God to
ready for blood
mean, tights
really blow chunks
the fight was
really over
to push the
regime over
I felt
sorry for her
giant hedgehog named
Spiny Norman
tell our
stories for us
Negros will
study Torah
Supreme Court stuff
somebody to be
supreme over
you have a walkie-
talkie, over
You are
truly noble
ad on
TV, so what
philosophy, that of
unique moments
will get
very choked up
to be
very grown up
They get
very mobile
birth, nay, this
her at that
is, until this
me at this
off at this
why, at this
very moment
you, it's very
very morbid
like that- just
very normal
indeed, a
very old one
We are
You don't seem
very open
been a
very short word
It's all
very Thorn Birds
rests on your
weary shoulders
of Poland is
wholly noble
an Elinor Hoyt
Wylie poem

with 2 extra syllables

whole gangbang scenario -
have no
allergy for blood
retroactively that I've
already chosen
I had
I was
already grown up
But we
already know much
Don't you
already own one
me to appreciate
bodily motions
Harris has so
carefully woven
You're my
destiny, Cohen
close but your
enemies closer
and so having
energy motion
and adopt clean
energy sources
direction and into
that waited at
every corner
and resurrected at
creating it in
emit a breath
every woman, and
faced death at
getting much stronger
more freely at
remember every shovelful,
us every day,
we change sexes
every moment
It works in
every mortal
a new phone
and help from
deep suspicion from
every quarter
be bred into
every soldier
sharing a warm,
family moment
almost covered with
family portraits
Then, my
family showed up
was now all,
finally, over
I remain
guardedly hopeful
history for some
History Forum
to take the
industry over
substitution of
lechery for lust
No, Fuck you,
Montgomery Brogan
Natalie Portman
all day, that's
it, that seems
means everything is
restless streak seemed
Yeah, I feel
perfectly normal
finish all my
pistachio nuts
give up every
preconceived notion
the lines were
properly spoken
right to control
property owners
are a
recipe for fun
feel that
somebody knows one
Fantasy Island
specially for us
the fit is
thoroughly over
It's all
totally normal
suggestions Tom, we're
totally open
in the most
unlikely corners
liberty would be
utterly hopeless
victory for what

with 3 extra syllables

Politics is
absolutely hopeless
Absolutely hopeless
in control,
absolutely no one
say it's not
actually torture
actually, Laura
have this
affinity for, uh
Then an
allegory for what
the individual's
the natural
capacity for love
whole country
collectively throws up
plans formulated, the
conspiracies woven
nets he had
elaborately woven
and an atmosphere
entirely foreign
are reading something
entirely grown-up
That sounds
entirely hopeless
birth control is
essentially moral
Everybody load up
everybody over
name's Bernard Ryder,
mercenary soldier
is not
necessary for love
strike will be
officially over
them intelligible to
ordinary mortals
as with the
ordinary soldier
people were made
permanently homeless
identified with the
planetary motions
so common, it's
practically normal
and everything looked
reasonably normal
old truth is
refreshingly forceful
a matter of
secondary moment
It's a
secondary organ
of all fraternities,
societies, orders
of such
supremacy for her
and hurl yourself
violently forward
the South was
virtually hopeless

with 4 extra syllables

pathology of the
contemporary order
gambler must
eventually go bust
All are
fundamentally moral
and pathetic, and
irreparably broken
by it be
systematically ordered
are, terribly and
terrifyingly normal
meetings -
unfortunately, no trust

with 5 extra syllables

a unique and
extraordinary moment
ass into a
geostationary orbit