exact syllable matches

8 August
Adolf Berle
aid boxes
Well, that just
ain't gonna
ame onna
bail bondsman
Calhoun and Lyndon
Baines Johnson
bait boxes
base off of
Baseball Bugs
baseball glove
baseball gloves
based on from
forces are
based on the
based on what
beige boxes
normally indicate significant
brain trauma
bank robber
brains on her
capture her and
brainwash her
break clauses
breaks water
me, my little
caged songbird
grapevine Michael
Caine was one
Cape Cod berm
Cape Cod berms
Cape Codder
Cape Codders
case barca
case harden
case hardened
- the
case was won
Open and shut
case, Johnson
chain armour
chain armours
chain locker
chain lockers
him with a
chainsaw, girl
teacher and climate
change author
choose partners and
change partners
Chase Tolman
che barba
Craig Roberts
You've got a
date Robert
the wire transfer
date, Aug
normal last
your last
day on Earth
day, Arthur
have saved the
day, Thomas
over,The dog
days are done
A hard
day's march, sir
Drakes Broughton
Dwayne Carter
Dwayne Johnson
the author of
eight novels
neighbors, you have
eight problems
Eighth Doctor
we will all
face darkness
His angular
face softened
face washer
face washers
and Maryland have
famed marshes
frame problem
frame problems
the wise and
gain knowledge
head in the
game, Parker
A broad-
gauge gossip
Grace Hopper
humanity accumulate a
grave karma
on his original
grave marker
grave markers
cabman and a
the testator, a
grave robber
grave robbers
where a
grave was dug
gray collar
South American
gray foxes
gray market
gray markets
gray water
admired, was a
content in a
friend and a
never become a
this is a
Tsai is a
great artist
works of a
great author
It was a
great concert
at all the
great concerts
Great Darkness
Actors in the
the midst of
great drama
he was a
great father
has been a
It is a
This is a
great honor
truth hath come
great knowledge
attainment of the
Great Knowledge
a brilliant lawyer,
great lawyer
great martyr
great martyress
great martyrs
first of the
great moderns
This is a
to write a
would make a
great novel
Microsoft would have
great products
think, and a
great scholar
a victory after
great slaughter
Johansson as a
great target
North Sea at
Great Yarmouth
grey alder
It was another
grey autumn
South American
grey foxes
grey market
grey markets
grey partridge
Grey Walter
Because Maximus
hates water
hey Carver
hey, Bob, um
jail fodder
Jake Johnson
James Baldwin
James Barbut
James Carter
James Carver
James Cromwell
James Dobson
James Garner
James Holman
James Marsters
James Martin
killed Lily and
James Potter
James Robert
James Salter
James Thomson
James Watson
Jane Barker
actors Peter and
I peed on
It was
Jane Fonda
Jane Potthast
Jane Roberts
Jane Rogers
Jay are murr
Kane Hodder
Kate Mara
Kate Marvel
Coral Gables and
Lake Constance
Lake Garda
lake monsters
late model
late modern
about an hour
late, monster
after that first man-
made harvest
Made Monster
made partner
many different or custom-
made products
You could have
made sergeant
made water
Mae Hong Son
name is Thelma
Mae Rogers
main clauses
jihad is the
main problem
Maine lobster
Maine lobsters
lie, That
make all worlds
make conscience
make garden
for money and
make profit
crazy does that
make Saddam
Let's fish and
make waffles
Stritch helped us
make wallets
make water
an animal that
makes dogmas
That's what
makes Paul run
makes water
May blossom
May blossoms
things that
may not work
nail bomber
nail bombers
the given
name Bogdan
name dropper
name droppers
of the given
name Konrad
perpetuate that
name on earth
from the given
of the given
name Robert
from the given
of the given
name Roger
of the given
name Thomas
from the given
of the given
name Walter
an intelligent spider
named Charlotte
named Karna
has a brother
named Markus
people, came and
paid homage
I have a
pain problem
draw stakes and
pay losses
by John
Payne Collier
the verb
phrase cock up
the verb
phrase start up
get that
place locked up
any other
the driest
the safest
place on earth
and sacred
greatest little
most beautiful
the hottest
place on Earth
is no other
place, Father
no safer
place, not one
we are
placed, stop her
plague water
Ain't they just
plain awful
plain chocolate
then just
plain hard work
plain water
plate armour
plate armours
play doctor
and Satan
play on us
from a
is a
It's a
play on words
play possum
space, vote, and
play soccer
played possum
plays on words
plays possum
More at
quail, Wachtel
state and
race are one
to lead the
race onward
Canada has a
know about the
wouldn't have a
race problem
race walker
radar gun
radar guns
danger on the
rails, Thomas
rain collar
rain collars
rain garden
rain gardens
carry off the
rain water
rape blossom
rape blossoms
rate constant
missing mentor, Professor
Ray Palmer
thought the war had
safe conduct
away from the
my own personal
safe harbor
safe harbors
safe harbour
safe harbours
the canton of
Saint Gallen
Saint Martin
misunderstanding of the
saint's doctrine
sale doctrine
sales profit
Lindsay at the
same auction
all in the
same bottle
still have the
same conscience
were under the
same Doctor
we had the
same father
one and the
same goddess
mid-sentence with the
same marker
also find the
same market
Contemplating the
same offer
times with the
same partner
father had the
have had the
have quite the
I got the
parts of the
timelines had the
to have the
same problem
dealt with the
he has the
I've got the
people with the
who had the
same problems
Yes, it's the
same Sawyer
firing at the
same target
of circling the
same waters
knoweth its explanation
save Allah
I cannot
save Arthur
Do not
say Arnold
Why not
say slaughtered
an appropriate grand
scale model
scale models
se barrer
se marrer
se taler
slave market
snail darter
snail darters
basket with a
snake charmer
snake charmers
snake doctor
snake doctors
are second,
snakes are third
space hopper
space hoppers
space opera
space operas
some kind of
space possum
space rocket
space rockets
spray bottle
spray bottles
the instrumentalities of inter-
State commerce
allies in United
of the United
to the United
States Congress
just the United
States' problem
long I can
stay conscious
bad you can't
stay longer
steak sauces
straight arches
Goodship America
straight off of
straight talker
straight talkers
out of the
strange waters
tailed possum
tailed possums
take office
It just
The impossible just
takes longer
They all jumped
they all nuts
the system
they all serve
false god
they all served
the bars,
they all suck
spoken and
they are dust
are diverse,
they are one
are Republicans,
they are thugs
they are us
idea what
value that
they are worth
the flowers and
they blossom
have done,
they bought guns
They caught her
men, but can
they conquer
Yes sir,
they gotcha
And have
they not, sir
solemnity and power
they offer
opposite of what
they promise
much less than
they promised
They shocked us
werewolf, and
they shot her
also seen that
they started
that what
they taught us
nipple wherever
they want 'em
them and
they want stuff
faith but
they want works
stopping things, once
they'd started
they've got 'em
They've got guns
trace fossil
trace fossils
trade blotter
trade blotters
trade dollar
trade dollars
of most favoured
trade partners
Trademark from
trademark of
From a
trademark, from
train bottle
train bottles
commit crimes and
train boxers
train spotter
train spotters
their cameras
trained on us
waste product
the removal of
waste products
waste water
several kinds of
waste, Sergeant
you went another
way, partner
Andrew Lane and
Wayne Crawford
problem, not a
weight problem
monogamy, fidelity and
weight problems
weight watcher
weight watchers

with 1 extra syllable

I'm not
afraid on 'em
first kiss is
always awkward
always called her
wrong we are
always conscious
of position is
relationship is not
always constant
have, and I'm
always gonna
always got worse
but they are
always honest
Duty isn't
always honour
classic literature is
always modern
celebrations sweets are
always offered
good there are
always options
that religion has
always promised
People were
always rotten
Love is
always stronger
one who
always wants stuff
I have
always watched her
the plural is
always Yana
Andrei Zhdanov
me, walking
away was the
birthday problem
brushtail possum
brushtail possums
hear of a
campaign promise
President's and his
campaign's conduct
fail at
Cascade Falls, Sir
In a deep
champagne goblet
champagne problem
champagne problems
cocktail sauces
cocktail sausage
was influenced by
cognate modern
Cognate Modern
you didn't
complain, not once
but they all
contain water
cruise with the
has created a
see the new
teachers, including the
that of the
Dalai Lama
Dalai Lamas
News as a
debate sponsor
communists with his
grenade launcher
Grenade launcher
grenade launchers
halfway model
halfway models
It's on a
hallway carpet
least his
handshake was firm
Hossein Nasr
can be a
runway model
runway models
Saray Bosna
six ways from
Sunday, Donald
people with the
surname Carter
Derived from the
surname Palmer
our subject
today, Charles Muntz
want you to
translate parchments
Quoting an
unnamed author

with 2 extra syllables

valuable expertise dominates
commonplace knowledge
say we
concentrate on work
database model
database models
Why do you
hesitate, Doctor
hollandaise sauces
horse-and-buggy definition of
interstate commerce
marmalade dropper
marmalade droppers
promenade concert
promenade concerts
be considered as
separate causes
Then they
urinate on her
hybrid, then we're
yesterday's model
those things are
yesterday's problems

with 3 extra syllables

creep in and
manipulate markets