exact syllable matches
starting point of
all achievement
They are
all country girls
mother of
all dirty words
herself in
all her creatures
America and
all her people
I'll give you
all hernias
seat in
all of Eden
you and
all of Egypt
fanbases in
all of geekdom
we are
all one people
you kill
all the dreamers
all the freaks were
all the Greek world
advantage of
and by
and met
benefit of
classes, to
far as
law for
my coach
President of
self-liberation of
shall benefit
spread to
work among
You killed
all the people
next world
ultimate vengeance,
will be
all the sweeter
We are
all unequal
between them
all, some secret
are a demon
Maybe you
Miller, you
Monk, you
that you
are a genius
are a teacher
but so
are bunch beetles
the two projects
are completed
'cause people
are just people
believe there
are such people
whose pleasures
are the cheapest
And these
are the demons
Remember, you
are the dreamer
are the keepers
true rulers
are the people
Maybe we
that we
are the pieces
are the sweetest
that we four
are unequal
the ones who
aren't people
My breasts
aren't steamed buns
progress of an
artful leader
as his bones
audibly crunch
Such are the
when we're all
autumn people
you both, you
awful people
Boston Legal
traps, don't
bother me none
I seem to
bother people
It never
bothered me much
and various other
bottom feeders
like, a
call of freedom
and the roll
call proceeded
You gotta
call some people
A miracle
called Elisa
called the clean up
to be
called the people
been improperly
It was
third is
called the People
before the great
Cap'n Freeman
he picked a
card earlier
with the red
carpet treatment
Carter needs us
caught the fever
advance the
for the
live the
strengthen the
cause of freedom
in the
cause of reason
made men
charge machine guns
on the
charge of treason
despite having killed
Charles earlier
Read the
charter people
don't beat
clocks, just people
good of the
colony, sir
art in the
dear to the
for educating the
lot of the
minds of the
product of the
side of the
stands with the
that of the
the power of
the proletariat or
common people
belief of any
common seaman
until I have
conquered Egypt
You are a
conquered people
paintings without a
conscious reason
a state of
constant sweetness
at the
cost of freedom
for a simple
cotton T-shirt
form the
cross of Jesus
our paths had
crossed earlier
birth of Jessica's
daughter, Alia
Behold the
dawn of freedom
Doctor Evil
not a pretty
doctrine, either
better value per
dollar either
and his
Drop of Reason
more comprehensible and
far bloodier
far bigger or
far funnier
mother to my
father, either
are the
faults of weakness
in a
flock of seagulls
more passionately
fond of freedom
and genuinely
fond of people
will be
God's complete love
God's work be done
know who's
gonna be first
Now it's
think it's
This is
gonna be fun
else, we're
gonna be just
say ain't
gonna be much
thinks it's
gonna be us
what's it
gonna be, huh
What's it
gonna be, Merv
way they're
gonna beat us
away ain't
gonna ease us
chick is
they were
gonna eat us
gonna hear us
way I'm
gonna leave her
gonna meet girls
Are you
gonna meet her
gonna need 'em
gonna see 'em
we're never
gonna see one
gonna teach 'em
thinks he's
got a grievance
got funnier
mother hasn't
got one either
got the Cheese Touch
got the Genius
think I've
got the secret
so you
got the semen
'Cause something's
gotta be done
and you
gotta be girls
Summers has
gotta be nuts
rules the
halls of reason
part of our
hard-won freedom
Well, I think
Harvard's cheaper
feet like all good-
hearted people
in the
hearts of people
pretty straight and
honest geezer
all thinking and
Freedom is for
people, so many
scientists are more
the earth of
honest people
It is not
honest research
duty well and
honestly done
it's no great
honor either
brethren and my
honored teacher
John Derbyshire
status, to non
knowledge people
Kotter, teacher
part of a
larger evil
interest of the
larger freedom
launch the real one
to the
laws of reason
of being no
tests are no
You're no
longer needed
that no
longer needs us
This is
long-term leakage
to our
loss of freedom
with a
lot of freedom
a whole
alienated a
around a
betrayed a
fool a
for a
helped a
hurt a
Involves a
kill a
killed a
lost a
meet a
of a
out a
Republicans, a
that's a
to a
with a
lot of people
with a
lot of pizzas
for a
lot of reasons
require a
lot of research
lots and
to help
lots of people
Oh mama mia,
mama mia
us all, eh
mamma mia
coproduced the film
Mamma Mia
of a most
marked achievement
That's my
market research
Martin Eden
Martin Wieland
the minds of
modern people
challenge to most
for reflection by
modern readers
has the most
modern teachers
I became a
Monster Keeper
Montgomery Burns
Bat-Signal is
not a beeper
he is
not a beetle
Now, it's
not a demon
I'm so
you are
not a diva
a doer,
not a dreamer
not a free one
I'm especially
not a genius
he is
You are
not a leader
if you're
not a reader
not a real one
not a real word
a lover,
not a sneaker
not a teacher
a strength,
strength and
not a weakness
pain should
not aggrieve us
causes are
not compleat ones
longAs they are
not completed
marry for love,
not convenience
soon as you're
not convenient
not earlier
everywhere, but
not of people
must state relationships,
not procedures
goods were
not the cheaper
problem with,
the doing,
The work,
not the people
Not the real ones
not the reason
reasons are
not the reasons
not what he does
and other such
obsolete stuff
isn't stuffed with
obsolete words
us for goofing
off earlier
themselves cut
off from Jesus
still further
off from Shiva
it shows
off her cleavage
bum rides
off of people
do it
off the meter
You ticked
off the people
the cover
off the speakers
off the wiener
just what his
office needed
as I
often see done
on a real one
on a tree stump
on a tree trunk
Embroidered something
on a t-shirt
because they're
on a T-shirt
advance, and half
on completion
who got farted
on earlier
on hurry up
Service doesn't comment
on procedure
on Sabrina
empire declared war
on Serbia
swing up
on some freedom
looks down
sneak up
that effect
will jar
on some people
shall fight
on the beaches
been broken
on the legions
minutes left
on the meter
be forced
It depends
let loose
put burdens
on the people
might have
on the reader
on the real world
Orbital Strike
on the Reaper
It depends
on the reasons
not piss
on the teacher
on us real ones
room, come
on, hurry up
star or an
opera diva
a week during
Oscar season
oughta be one
is also
part of teamwork
great books were
partially done
Paul's cathedral
Canon of St
Paul's Cathedral
can not be
plausibly urged
handsome writers doing
pompous pieces
purpose could it
possibly serve
How could it
thing that could
possibly work
assume you are
probably loved
games, they all
something else would
probably suck
it that's your
problem Heenan
it, that's your
problem, Heenan
But you've got
problems Lisa
be restrained, the
what constitutes a
proper leader
proper teacher
house cannot be
properly run
has many fine
qualities, sir
cruiser and high
quality guns
almost with a
quality of
people that
rob some people
people that
robbed some people
Robert Wever
real Dread Pirate
Roberts, either
With too many
rotten people
plus my Johnny
Rotten T-shirt
the insecurity he
saw earlier
came down with
It was
scarlet fever
and writing systematic
scholarly works
That is no
small achievement
books and countless
smaller pieces
We have the
smartest people
consumers are the
fidelity to the
to be a
sovereign people
have a
spark of genius
corner at me,
Squadron Leader
order to
stop the evil
couldn't they have
stopped earlier
stronger people
the ancient world's
strongest leaders
his purest and
strongest pieces
not hear
rove and
talk of freedom
Thomas Beecham
Last Ride by
Thomas Eidson
Thomas Friedman
Mel Brooks and
Thomas Meehan
of a stable,
thoughtful leader
Wallace Stevens
wanna be loved
I don't
wanna be one
he don't
wanna clean up
I don't
wanna meet her
no longer
wanna see her
they don't
wanna see us
want a real one
You kids
want herpes, huh
Want some peanuts
Want some pizza
want some real love
thing that
wants a reason
was a beach bum
that came
was a beagle
was a demon
gentlemen, I
was a dreamer
because I
definition, Euler
The first
The man
thought he
was a genius
was a healer
there ever
was a Jesus
but he
school he
was a leader
was a piece of
old man
was a preacher
figured there
was a reason
was a seaman
if there
was a sequel
was a steep one
because she
was a teacher
that I
was a zebra
as the building
was completed
possest, When Love
was loveliest
the voice
was much deeper
was of Greek blood
I thought it
was Serbia
worried me
was the ether
could see
was the evil
But she
was the genius
Actually it
was the people
and that
perhaps this
was the reason
Reagan's impact
was unequaled
No, the jungle
wasn't evil
wasn't me, sir
I'd know it
wasn't Regan
you to
watch 'em either
Watch the teaser
be building a
water feature
punctured the hot
water heater
The cold-
water treatment
yell at the
water, Jesus
I mean natural
yoghurt eaters
with 1 extra syllable
ten sites
across the region
it up for
adoption either
Ashtavakra Gita
the lethal
barrage of T-shirts
You go
beyond what's legal
decrees about how
biology works
Clearwater Features
Be careful,
c'mon, hurry up
reification of the
commodity world
Democracy first
is how our
That's how
democracy works
Democracy, FIRST
honest people and
Which are the
You know, you're
dishonest people
a Mobil gas
economy rush
economy sucks
explain how the
me how the
understanding how the
economy works
cannot do anything except
forgotten promises and
forgotten people
if we're
forgotten, we're done
but also the
geology of
be losing to
grasshoppers, people
who want to
hornswoggle people
is for the
Iran agreement
doomsday for the
MarAtha people
could talk to
Obama's people
is the basic
philosophy of
Remember those
Rouen cathedrals
to explain how
technology works
are all those
unconscious people
me, it was
unconsciously done
disagreement rather than
upon agreement
Half now, half
upon completion
unprovoked attack
upon her people
be imposed
upon the people
Whaddaya see, hmm
with 2 extra syllables
mean, champagne,
caviar, country clubs
part in
Vietnam the Sequel
with 4 extra syllables
internal law and
now banned by
international agreement
and Israel reject
that Hamas accept
international agreements