exact syllable matches

in the
book of Ooo
all hell has
brooken loose
a wild
bull turned loose
I have a
That's my
bullet room
it described the
bullet wounds
And ideas are
And you're
no man is
What ever happened to
post just as
bullocks do
I will not
I'll just
to have to
won't let them
butcher you
jar, maybe
cook her food
which the government
could approve
could burn you
such dreams
wonderful that
could come true
the fathers
could come, too
food that I
could consume
could hurt you
how somebody
right mind
could love you
be, that India
only thing I
could produce
thing that one
could pursue
Oooh, I
could smush you
sure we
that I
thought I
could trust you
be anything she
do what I
somethin' you just
something that I
things that we
what your father
couldn't do
I figured he
this one I
couldn't lose
but found I
couldn't breathe, I
laugh, and I
up, but I
was like I
couldn't move
bitch about anything,
make other things,
your eyes closed,
couldn't you
cured of you
secret prisons in
Europe too
Then my
foot hurt too
full of booze
the earlier and
fuller truth
Good luck, dude
be a
good one too
a really
good one, too
Good stuff, too
Those are
good words, too
I was
good, but you
And you saw
goodness, too
quality of the
goods consumed
Hook of Doom
know those were
hooker boots
Hello mob, you
look confused
from the
look of you
adult to
everyone should
he could
I can
I could
one to
People we
reader can
somebody to
someone to
the Indians
they all
they could
who kids
look up to
The players
looked confused
said you
looked the fool
brother I
of being
we all
looked up to
eyes, now just
looks amused
But Neil merely
looks confused
keep the
looks of youth
ones everyone
looks up to
neural tube
neural tubes
us through,And
pull us through
pushes through
and I
put her through
gift had
put her to
put the screws
put up to
what he
put us through
majority, namely the
rural poor
shook the room
should run, too
that I
should trust you
do things I
do things you
doing something you
things that children
things that they
shouldn't do
for the Sabbath,
shouldn't you
stood up to
workers dragging a
sugar cube
slotted spoons and
sugar cubes
of starchy or
sugar food
on more high-fat high-
sugar foods
Where's my blue
sugar moons
Sugar Rune
sugar scoop
sugar scoops
sugar spoon
sugar spoons
sure of you
on me,
sure, but you
took a pew
all I
which I
took from you
death because they
took mushrooms
on a cosmic
tourist route
that happens, a
woman blooms
next man's other
you'll be a
woman soon
entrails spill, and
woman swoon
I need a
woman to
And a
now, you're a
woman too
with a beautiful
woman who
I saw that
woman, too
Superman and Wonder
Woman, too
gonna ruin this
woman's mood
go to the
woman's room
subject to the
to accept a
woman's rule
man remembers a
woman's shoes
born from a
woman's womb
and the
wood thrush, too
people who eat
wooden food
peasant and worn
wooden shoes
for a long
repeatedly with her
wooden spoon
wooden spoons
the consequences that
would accrue
I think he
your uncle Aris
would approve
what incarnation you
would assume
of happiness
promised it
their wishes
they all
would come true
that I
would hurt you
him we
would love to
no one
promised I
The Republicans
would love you
idol-vice,Whose shrine it
would perfume
only a madman
would refuse
you, I
would run, too
think we
would serve you
yeah, that
would work too
are things I
do anything I
do something they
I knew he
It simply
other wedding band
something else I
the Good Lord
wouldn't do
The boat
wouldn't move
wouldn't shoot
a little bit,
a murder case,
a sodding squirrel,
anything for money,
balls than that,
be pissed off-
dandelion mucus bar,
have done that,
he deserves it,
he'd be grateful,
I should think,
just for jolly
just this once,
know their names,
life for others,
little bit unexpected,
making it possible,
me with that,
mixing with theirs,
one-nil defensive display,
pretty damn concrete,
pretty good year,
say that's fair,
see for yourself,
sell out anybody,
something about it,
suck it, now
tell me,
that for yourself,
that rather comforting,
to get away,
to help them,
trouble right now,
turn it off,
with this guy,
would go crazy,
would kill me,
would see him,
you'd be helpless,
you'd blame pollution,
you'd go
you'd like that,
You'd love that,
You'd print this,
wouldn't you
Who's a wuzza
wuzza woo
Conned again,
you're a brute
You're a douche
differently, then
for us,
pretend that
you're a fool
You're a sleuth
you're a tool
You're confused
So, I understand
you're dirt-poor
You're hurt, too
freak because
you're just too
You're just too
You're just you
You're the Duke
half-human, then
you're the fool
You're the moon
you're the mule
Tell me
you're unmoved
exactly what
know what
precisely what
shits what
you're up to
yours does too
the way
yours does you
Yours sucks, dude

with 1 extra syllable

Catwoman, too
insurance poor
thee uh
notebook just flew
who would
obscure the truth
that which
obscured the truth
it, prejudice
obscures the truth
Think, what would
Rapunzel do
and the oceans,
Varuna moves

with 2 extra syllables

He really
understood the blues