exact syllable matches

au plus
board foot
boat hooks
of you as
born pure
They lost
both books
doggy dinner
bowl look
doggy dinner
bowl looks
Take a
close look
Like a
which is a
closed book
closed books
clove hook
clove hooks
through swift running ice-
cold brooks
cork wood
cork woods
We just
you just
you, because I
don't look
connected to a
What is a
drawer pull
drogue dure
eau dure
to run so
far,So good
More at
folk, full
about my Walk-a-Thon
God be thanked
has much time
for books
being another word
for bush
and a rack
for Bush
laugh must sigh
for Foote
A soldier
and use people
Are you out
before powering down
Chaos is gone
claim effective power
conformity stays down
Don't settle
evil in return
finally kill Killian
finally killing Simmons
finishes him off
for evil, but
for ill, others
from each other
games are over
given him up
gone, are gone
gone, but not
He's gone
I give up
I left mine
I lose her
in his work
in my whistle
influence, his power
into energy directed
knock 'em out
lacking in power
my life, gone
of that dog
of them gone
once, she's won
powers were gone
put Tombstone down
scare us off
seems he's out
She's gone
shut you up
shutting you down
so he's gone
such a power
tear him down
that family off
the Wind Tunnel
they had stopped
they're goin' down
think you gone
thought were shut
to eliminate her
to work together
Total Drama Island,
Universe is planned
use his power
use my powers
uses his powers
was locked up
were absolutely powerless
Whatever happens, happens
Wife run off
you are back
you are gone
you guinea bastards
you'd given up
you'll be virtualized
for good
you were gone
for Good
in the markets
therefore effective demand
for goods
Back slang
for look
a club, that's
a gonner, that's
a lobbyist, that's
a man, that's
always miss that
an intellectual revolution
And that's
and the matches,
Angola right now
any appeals, that's
are enemies, that's
deal on her,
find my hammer
for you, that's
frying pan, that's
get hurt, that's
gonna have blisters
Good Housekeeping, that's
had a job
happen again, that's
He has power
homosexual way, that's
I know now
I know that
I'll come
I'll get fired
lot easier, that's
Next time,
north America, that's
not acting, that's
Not here, that's
of enemies, that's
of this character
on page one
on you, that's
pleasure giver that's
tell you that
That was
the gas chamber
the people, that's
the winter, that's
their sad moments,
This time
This time,
to the mattresses
trick would work
tricky one, that's
up there, that's
very long, that's
was an outsider
will chomp us
you know that
you retired, that's
you'll find out
you'll grow taller
You're weird, that's
for sure
my social ruin
most of all
work with and
for wolves
thought it was
for wood
accept my life
as I was
down her life
I asked
is no match
mean mine was
mercy, now ask
My life
my sake, but
pity, now ask
tears, now ask
tonight I ask
will you sacrifice
for yours
four foot
pleasure, except the
fourth book
a coward like
a fuck than
and disappear like
Come on,
firmly-entrenched president like
look back at
more people than
the presidency of
they gave us
George Bush
van Gogh, and
George Moore
George Shultz
out that damn
ghost book
go bush
make it all
go good
goes bush
the new Al
Gore book
gorge hook
gorge hooks
I'm a
gorse bush
place called Le
Ho Fooks
hold good
hand as I
hold yours
utilized by the
home cook
you better
hope you're
and dreams and
hopes yours
We are the five-
horned bull
well than another
horse would
I have a
joke book
joke books
know woods
know you're
Kevin Arnold -
more of a
Rebel, rule breaker,
runs with the
She's just one
was an independent
lone wolf
it with a
Lone Wolf
lone wolves
Mo Brooks
turn in my
mold bush
I marked
show more and
Wish there was
more books
it deeper and
more full
but certainly of
more good
aware and thus
more powerful and
more pure
and success becomes
more numerous and
more sure
can do the
will do the
would do the
most good
They were the
most pure
in it, but
no bush
no vaccines, and
no cure
Anatole France was
but it was
digital gadgets are
done NO one
him, it was
I'm just
In destruction lies
know that I'm
of times, but
Railways are
said I was
said it, I'm
That I'm
Well, all that's
you I was
no good
at the world-
No good
guy but I'm
I never saw
time there was
no wolf
have no blankets,
Poor grass and
no wood
move nor hand
nor foot
North Woods
note book
searched Clifford's
note books
nice overcoat, out
o' wood
words in an
old book
as wonderful as
old books
You're just some
old hood
me like kitchens
or cooks
at something high
be equally useful
to be bad
whether it's bad
or good
soul, flesh, blood
or goods
hand grasp metal
or metal, glass,
or wood
My stall
neighborhood like mine,
not her fault
that my word
or yours
chew on my
own foot
animals for our
for one's
for that individual's
for the viewers'
is for our
It's for Sebastian
smart for our
own good
insecure about my
own looks
gonna get the
Grab a
me with a
out of a
pick up a
that than the
think of the
up in the
phone book
phone books
poll book
poll books
polt foot
get on the
Pro Tour
short pull
short pulls
sloe bush
him a long,
slow look
smoke hood
smoke hoods
and it was
because he was
because it tasted
Because that worked
dirty, that's not
good, some not
Grizz, that was
He did that
He was just
her food was
It hurts
it, it was
it's not
Jack was
know Harper was
know, they're all
Lauren, that's
makes your column
my video podcast
of them not
Pam not
race relations are
security is not
so far
So far,
Sometimes it's not
that is not
That's not
these things are
They both sound
They work
They're not
things turning out
This stuff's
uh, getting along
War never tasted
work is just
year - not
Your aim's not
so good
O, that was
not gonna work,
so look
so beautiful and
so pure
and I wasn't
But I was
but I'm not
God, I'm not
I am not
I'm not
now I'm not
now you're not
Now, I'm not
Others, you're not
Philip, you were
second moose isn't
why they are
so sure
battle between good and not-
Bradley Brook and
Stoke Brook
stone butch
stroke book
stroke books
divine authority of
factual accuracy of
must have written
You read all
those books
less they purchase
set prices on
those goods
though, could
edition published by
Tor Books
adopted for the
can write a
fact in the
grave throughout the
will read the
whole book
spring, whitening the
whole woods
Everybody take out
It's on
page out of
really, really loved
sense will buy
Sweetie, don't burn
you and not
your book
has some of
I learned from
in any of
in order like
silver, your trinkets,
to look at
Well, here are
with all of
your books
Your cancer,
your cure
coyote chomping on
it fall on
It's just
shoe belongs on
the ball of
the fuck off
those things on
your foot
that buck on
your hood
am going of
so hard about
Your behavior,
your look
is because of
your looks

with 1 extra syllable

so bad, it's
almost good
vanthoffite crystals are
almost pure
and death are
Are you
by her, that's
evil, there is
also good
also hood
the wage-earner is
also sure
But I'm
My triumph is
also yours
you let me
borrow yours
Charcot foot
because you can't
can just suddenly
control yours
as you must
Now you
follow yours
along with their
clothing and other
onerous consumption of
tools, books, and
household goods
I like the
I prefer the
macho look
your own judgment,
perform yours
side of the
record book
into the baseball
record books
that is directed
toward good
child is drawn
have a bend
towards good
turbo chook

with 2 extra syllables

A Cape
brain of a
buffalo bull
admired the Cape
buffalo look
history of the
Chicago Bulls
creosote bush
seen in Lisa's
dinosaur book
indigo bush
telephone book
telephone books
Theodore Schultz