exact syllable matches

I delivered the
Blue Boy
blue noise
melts in the
blue void
boot boy
boot boys
around like a
he was a
rest, not a
chew toy
chew toys
I'm everyone's favorite
You have to
choose, boy
coup droit
crude oil
crude oils
be such a
cute boy
and talk about
See these
the street, and
cute boys
deux points
dew point
dew points
do thoil
did you just
you going to
do, boy
du coin
dans le sens
du poil
du roi
du Roi
du Roy
Du Toit
imperfect in some
supplemented in a
few points
Not a fast
food joint
hoo boy
The little
Jew boy
jook joint
jook joints
juice joint
juice joints
juke joint
juke joints
lieu noir
three ways to
lose points
it's just a
moo point
done is a
something of a
moot point
moot points
mute point
and help this
Be the warden's
new boy
lust and in
new joy
New sky,
new soil
alone with my
chairs with this
child with a
forget about your
impressed with Andy's
show us your
new toy
give you a
heard the greatest
it came a
to accommodate this
new voice
goes down, uh--
Ooh, boy
it was a
off with a
pool toy
crowd tortured that
poor boy
Those poor,
poor boys
Q spoil
Q spoiled
Q spoils
rule joint
rule joints
a typical American
answer a high
hero to the
moth to the
snotty nosed, public
school boy
, The
School Boy
the world these
well they're high
year by high
school boys
tireless championing of
school choice
to haul ass
through BOY
to express it
through choice
suffering and some
through toil
his blood begins
my blood began
planet is starting
takes my kettle
up and begins
to boil
allowed to speak
Nothing happens
of little girls
to boys
Elvis as the
to choice
coyness has begun
to cloy
to Hoyle
a radioactive spider
best and brightest
cool are tapped
do I do
Do you care
don't really have
I can't wait
is too ethical
might know which
myself, being asked
of you like
should be allowed
so right not
them an inducement
they asked me
world we wish
young as 13
to join
raise men's souls
to joy
the Pain opposed
to Joy
flowing from point
to point
got Harvard plugged
to points
who were close
to Roy
to scheu
To possess is
to soil
am I going
to spoil
Peasants had
to toil
saw the trailer
to Troy
law doesn't apply
to Voight
You girls are
too spoilt
but you take,
too, Troy
trou noir
cannot be called
die or feel
ever knowing life's
it be called
it's our one
the sea of
true joy
on as a
venerated as the
true Noir
leisure one with
true toil
is not the
there is the
true void
Ain't that the
truth, boys
how are my
it involved these
sexual abuse on
wife and my
work and raising
two boys
currents through the
two coils
consists but of
is still worth
jump more than
my nose in
of distance between
shortest distance between
shortest length between
stock market loses
then one scores
want to make
two points
the very extreme
view point
by the people
hope for all
who toil
Drainage, Eli,
fighting out of
good, good for
I commend
starting to like
you boy
good to meet
How old are
I can't believe
is coming for
nice surprise for
Proud of
saving it for
so disappointed in
so proud of
the genitals off
well with all
What's wrong with
you boys
else I give
you choice
What the fuck
you doin
let dorks like
tonight, why don't
you join
anything to bring
lilies and brings
that is giving
they will bring
you joy
asshole Raphael send
good feeling about
good to see
have to kill
How old are
I'll be seeing
it is, don't
it's horror for
I've missed
like me, do
me down, do
That was all
the beast, aren't
to say to
Will that satisfy
you, boy
know, talking to
you, boys
do that, can't
I like
Pleased to meet
to have met
you, Lloyd
held on to
right here with
you, Troy
They're hoping that
you'll join

with 1 extra syllable

backroom boy
backroom boys
starkly ignore the
Hindu voice
infused oil
and concasses and
infused oils
a man down
into boys
of converting superstition
transformation of flesh
into coin
broken and turned
that turns blocks
into coins
I'm big
into oil
that DNA leaches
into soil
moved by your
nephew's voice
but let it
produce joy
grind olives to
produce oil
a dystopia of mass-
produced boys
seafood boil
seafood boils
Yahoo boy
Yahoo boys

with 2 extra syllables

won't forget that
attitude, boy
consolute point
consolute points
and jump to
back to the
came from the
Figure out a
rendezvous point