exact syllable matches

2 John
2 Juan
2 March
They just dodged
2 shots
blue balls
blue box
blue card
blue cards
blue cod
Blue Dog
Blue Dogs
blue John
blue law
blue laws
blue shark
blue sharks
blue spot
blue spots
blue wall
blue walls
boob job
boob jobs
boom box
boot block
boot blocks
boots na
chew off
chew on
chewed on
chews on
chu nom
chu sa
clue card
clue cards
coo brock
cool art
cool box
cool off
cooled off
cools off
crew sock
crew socks
cruise car
cruise cars
cube farm
cube farms
cue ball
cue balls
cue card
cue cards
cue mark
cue marks
dew drop
dew drops
the college cannot
do all
do dos
do off
do want
I come along,
do ya
doo wop
dook op
doom palm
doom palms
Drew Scott
Druze star
Druze stars
William Edward Burghardt
Du Bois
du calme
du monde
du Pont
due con
suppose there are
few hon
flu shot
flu shots
foo dog
foo dogs
food cart
food carts
food crop
food crops
food fall
food falls
food hall
food halls
fruit dot
fruit dots
fruit drop
fruit drops
Fu Yong
fuse box
goo ball
goo balls
goof off
goof on
goofed off
goofs off
goon squad
goon squads
what a chop
grew on
group box
hoog op
film, The Godfather Part
hoop op
hou na
hou op
jeune homme
jew harp
jew harps
Jewes harp
Jewes harps
jews harp
jews harps
Jude Law
juice box
juice harp
juice harps
kuih tart
loom large
loop hard
loop op
loose box
loose off
loose socks
loosed off
loot box
lose heart
Lou Dobbs
lube job
lube jobs
mooch off
mooched off
moon dog
moon dogs
moon moth
moon moths
moon rock
moon rocks
moon shot
moon shots
Moose Jaw
it, come on,
we can all
move on
mute swan
mute swans
new ball
new balls
New Cross
new dawn
New Ross
New Thought
news crawl
news crawls
ou tard
plume moth
plume moths
poo bah
poo bahs
pooh bah
pooh bahs
pool hall
pool halls
poor box
poor cod
poor cods
poor people, banal
poor dogs
Poor John
Poor Johns
poor law
poor laws
proof charge
proof mark
proof marks
Pu La
que fosse
que tal
roo bar
roo bars
root bark
root barks
root cause
root rot
root rots
roots rock
came to Baton
Rouge, LA
route march
route marched
Ru Paul
not, the Heart
rues not
rule on
ruled on
remember that law
says that Law
rules all
rules on
school shark
school sharks
kind the law
school wants
scoop shot
scoop shots
screw box
screw off
screw top
screw tops
screws off
shoe block
shoe blocks
shoe box
Shoe Dog
shoe shop
shoe shops
shoo off
shoot off
shoots off
Sioux Falls
skew arch
sleuth dog
sleuth dogs
sloot op
sluice box
sluit op
smooth call
smooth talk
smooth talked
smooth talks
snoof op
Snoop Dogg
spoon straw
spoon straws
stoop ball
suit costs
threw on
through ball
through balls
our communication was
through thought
they can walk
through walls
an irreparable loss
into an icon
we thirst,And all
to all
is a call
trumpeted a call
to arms
to bach
travels from bar
to bar
there and talk
to Bob
mall, you forgot
was just not
to call
to com
walk that ought
to crawl
do not want
you wouldn't want
to cross
to dot
to dots
for the ball
to drop
for a star
Take care not
to fall
it, and talk
lead us all
one, I talk
phases, from Marx
singing about God
you can talk
to God
to ha
pulsates from heart
to heart
to hearts
to the wall,
to Jon
to run off
to LA
To long
photographic equipment off
to Mars
I'm gonna talk
to Mom
see, from part
to part
to pot
sucker I want
to rob
away, but not
to Scott
order from large
to small
different problems hard
to solve
traveled from star
to star
You might want
to start
To prosper, not
to starve
fighting has got
has just got
It has got
Muslim has got
Purge has got
this has got
wanted the clock
to stop
chill guy wants
to swap
I just want
I might want
The Windbag wants
they often stopped
Try not
We just want
you didn't want
you might want
to talk
to trot
to wa
it was wall
to wall
some sweat socks
to wash
Above all,
Besides, I want
Sun God wants
told them not
we all want
to watch
I wanna talk
to ya
and had a little heart-
when they act heart-
I was far
too cross
But not
couldn't have gone
crap has gone
distance, but not
guys have gone
Have I gone
he had gone
it has gone
like I've gone
may have gone
Milo had gone
Perhaps I've gone
that was
Thatcher had gone
they had gone
time I've gone
wealthy has gone
too far
hard, but not
hit the ball
too hard
of Islam are
too harsh
that are not
too large
been in Babylon
Far, far
had gone on
Mays hang on
them are far
too long
his backyard was
perspective that's far
swimming trunks are
the ovens was
the portions are
too small
guess I'm not
too smart
My heart's
too strong
tool bar
tool bars
tool box
tooth mark
I'm Hot-
a fitted carpet runs wall-
True Cross
true frog
true frogs
truth quark
truth quarks
truth squad
truth squads
tu parles
tube sock
tube socks
tube top
tube tops
two bob
have not got
two hearts
two shot
two shots
Ute Park
view bar
who all
A curse on
A curse upon
How are
you all
darling, that's all
feel how strong
How wrong
Josh, that's all
just how strong
know how smart
know how strong
Like the dog
like the dogs
love how smart
matter how small
over how small
rattle the stars,
showing how smart
That's all
the better off
What a snob
who, after all,
you how wrong
you are
, what are
How are
you called
What are
you dong
bluff and watch
you fall
Cass, are
you God
back, I want
I want
you gone
How long
Is that all
It's that all
many damn dogs
That all
That's all
then that's all
you got
came down on
you hard
Ah, come on,
Well, come on,
you lot
the other narcs,
amendment's manager, are
by definition, are
Dragon God, are
Kenny Dunne, are
Planning Commission, are
stone warriors are
you not
I'll drop
you off
I'm gonna talk
the fuck are
the hell are
What are
which side are
Who's side are
Whose side are
you on
to gamble on
you Paul
Why are
you smart
officer says talk,
you talk
May I call
you Tom
- that's all
ahead, exercise all
and get all
HEDONISM are all
Just judge all
mess around all
my friends all
pressing Start all
Rage all
Search all
social media all
That's all
that's not all
what color car
yell fire all
you want
you, Barnes
sorry I lost
you, boss
a driver are
you, hon
But not
that out on
you, John
How are
you, Marge
How are
you, Scott
any fun, are
you, Sean
you, socks
Where are
you, Walt
given them all
I'm all
Is that all
That all
That's all
that's not all
turn on all
You are all
you've got
Yule block
Yule blocks
Yule clog
Yule clogs
Yule log
Yule logs
zoo blot
zoo blots
zoom box

with 1 extra syllable

Anu Garg
barroom brawl
barroom brawls
I am, a
cartoon dog
minutes chasing a
cartoon fox
some kind of
costume ball
and put the
with the Godzilla
costume on
Well, admittedly, their
costumes are
globules blancs