exact syllable matches

because he's DUMB
because reasons
a mall
because she sucks
Because she sucks
he did not
become Caesar
and they can
but do not
become evil
the radiation, and
becomes heated
after everything has
holy mission has
been completed
Italy, have
been her teachers
wouldn't have
been the Beatles
was that
big a secret
big machine gun
more than a
billion people
biscuit beetle
biscuit beetles
Bishop Heber
blister beetles
was on the
bridge earlier
military, intelligence and
business leaders
world leaders and
business people
Business people
definitely not John
Cena either
look at the
chicken people
that we are
Christian people
and not a
Christian teacher
Christmas beetle
Christmas beetles
Christmas season
Christmas seasons
did the needful
dinner speeches
suspect authority and
distrust teachers
England needs us
but that wasn't
it is not
enough either
We don't have
enough people
Maybe that's
enough reason
much weights, not
enough speedwork
fiddle beetle
fiddle beetles
filter feeder
filter feeders
That's just
gettin' beat up
gifted either
did was
give us freedom
caught a
glimpse of Rita
Here's the reason
here's the secret
hickory nut
hickory nuts
world were
hid a secret
Hilary Duff
Hilary term
Hilary terms
him Fuck Weasel
hin und wieder
This was
his achievement
a hero and
his achievements
It was
his cathedral
doing all
his dirty work
history does
want a black
history month
Ibn Sina
Often served
in a pita
the first
in a sequence
Face nodded
Hell you are
House nods
If all are
isotropic radiation are
-My staff nods
Poe nods
in agreement
element Amal-, as
in Amelia
patient you brought
in earlier
a hotel bar
of Nations conference
That was
in Geneva
A Roma girl
in Serbia
is absent
in some people
in the field of
in the field, what
the salmon
in the freezer
many plants
in the genus
in the glee club
last long
in the Legion
in the meal tub
in the meal-tub
man and
in the people
in the real world
In the real world
death squads
no water
the first
the largest
were not
in the region
as Max
old man
She wasn't
in the sequel
in the teeth of
in what we'd done
ourselves and
in young people
This is an
infamy, sir
except that of
inner freedom
to make an
instant sequel
inter alia
like Rembrandt
Steve Jobs
is a genius
each man
jobs, and
is a leader
hasn't got
one call
is a pizza
is a real one
every man
is a teacher
game of Foosball
My master
the coastal wall
is completed
is her secret
That hag
is Nerissa
is the diva
is the dreamer
whose author
is the people
is the real one
is the real world
And what
is the secret
is what He does
And your boss
isn't either
Hmm, call
it a weakness
didn't you install
me look at
it earlier
It hurts people
it must be done
It must be earned
It must be love
We'll call
it Puppy Love
you still have
it Teresa
it the Cina
it up here, but
it, girl, speak up
Just touch
it, hurry up
Come on,
it'll be fun
up and
it'll be worse
It's a free world
it's a real love
it's a screamer
not that
it's a secret
It's Buddy Love
its completion
It's convenient
it's from Venus
It's just people
It's just pizza
worth and
its money's worth
the tradition and
its receivers
It's the diesels
It's the green one
It's the people
It's the real world
it's the treatment
It's what he does
you can
kill the dreamer
kill the weak ones
member he had
killed earlier
the beast that
killed Teresa
killer green bud
of the
king of demons
lift the knee first
from the
lips of Jesus
List of people
a long
list of reasons
Listen here, Son
Little Egypt
they will have
little evil
It was a
to have a
little freedom
hard on the
it was the
little people
little piecer
in on a
little secret
and the
lives of people
lizard beetle
lizard beetles
things which are
mere accretions
Middle Eastern
middle reaches
it's Dan
Miller we're fucked
and a half
million people
millipede burn
millipede burns
man was called
Maynard Keynes, and
Milton Friedman
min of meer
never had such
misery, sir
who's gonna
miss the dealer
Mitchell Friedman
on to that
nicotine gum
nicotine gums
picked the Queen up
pin the meter
pixel peeper
pixel peepers
not a
prince of Egypt
Wilson novel
Prince of Egypt
princes regent
prison fever
quintan fever
quintan fevers
Washington Carver
quit the peanut
recovery truck
recovery trucks
return pieces
an old friend has
Richard Cecil
Richard Weaver
riffle beetle
riffle beetles
ringer T-shirt
ringer T-shirts
from the
risen Jesus
River fever
Serer people
simple meter
simple meters
simple reason
sin ton ni son
the unbelievers and
sinful people
sisterly love
I am the
slippery one
thick-crust pizza
thin-crust pizza
hide THAT
thing first, Jesus
thing must be done
why we have
this agreement
This must be her
This must be love
worlds beyond
this one either
You're gonna quash
this subpoena
this the freedom
this world dreams of
this, what he's done
Tiffany Trump
Trinity term
Trinity terms
triple feature
triple features
here, at us
twisted dreamers
Vicious creatures
Victor Kiam
not one of
Village People
village weaver
village weavers
she's not the
villain either
which must be done
on the
whim of people
a cruel and
good people as
that they are
wicked people
wicket keeper
wicket keepers
Kim Allan
Williams Sr
you can't
win much either
Winston Peters
witchetty grub
witchetty grubs
witchety grub
witchety grubs
is attacked
stab her
with a needle
a wall
with machine guns
With the Beatles
my chances
with the creatures
This corresponds
with the ether
for and
lost touch
with the people
with the real world
Wiz Khalifa
of the
women he loved
Men and
women leave love
earth, has
written these words
sinister plot hatched
years earlier
Zika fever

with 1 extra syllable

magister -
how I was
acting earlier
Tobey Maguire and
Alfred Molina
nor the
anguish of Evil
expressed through the
modal or phrasal
auxiliary verb
when used with
auxiliary verbs
axes of evil
It's like a
bajillion people
Bobbitt procedure
nor as fixed
capital either
of the Winnipeg
Capital Region
cardinal beetle
cardinal beetles
are constitutive of
classical reason
and craving, that
conditions rebirth
and women are
considered equals
contingencies fund
contingencies funds
in a vast
cosmic arena
Please prepare for
docking procedure
Father he's
dropping Sir Peter
fertility drug
fertility drugs
got a
fucking machine gun
Garrison Keillor
to erect a
Gothic cathedral
and smash the
parallel to the
Gothic cathedrals
unique typographic or
graphical treatment
treatments and the
graphical treatments
camera is
she was
having a seizure
you're not
having fun, Peanuts
hospital fever
eye on the
hummingbird feeder
a clean and
The Iranians are
logical people
All those
logical reasons
He is a
magical creature
a book about
keep hurting the
magical creatures
TV for twenty-one
magical seasons
makin a pizza
happen in the
mapping procedure
Rings was a
massive achievement
Monica Keena
Officially from
not the
offspring of reason
opinion pieces
optical tweezers
Patrick Lussier
tyranny, fraud and
personal fiefdoms
greater political and
personal freedom
Personal freedom
of privacy and
personal freedoms
the dictates of
practical reason
The Critique of
Practical Reason
ornamental rather than
practical reasons
but there were
practically none
theory and
practice of Reason
to morality and
public convenience
publicity stunt
publicity stunts
rewards good and
punishes evil
Radical Dreamers
nothing short of
radical either
start with the
radical leaders
a near and
severe bereavement
left against a
slogging ruffian
Something funkier
something must be done
Are you
stalking Selena
comedy film
starring The Beatles
all her
subjects were equal
no naturall and
the absolute and
sufficient reason
sufficient reasons
of the
transit of Venus
popular drink in
tropical regions
his lustre was
undimmed, unequalled
Virginia creeper
Virginia creepers
was the
Virginia we loved
wanted a free lunch
wanted a peanut
And they
wanted some T-shirts
Washington neither
I was
watching a rerun

with 2 extra syllables

aren't because of
artificial reasons
in an
atmosphere of freedom
attaching the grease gun
different from the
composition either
will are even
contradictory terms
Corrupted from regal
wanted freedom to
establish unfreedom
exhausted receiver
exhausted receivers
by nursing a
fanatical grievance
the miscarriages started
happening earlier
higher aptitude for
mechanical genius
years ago to
mechanical people
pylon and
obelisk of Egypt
represents the
opposite of freedom
Opposition research
to the
partnership of equals
exhaust the somatic
possibilities first
there is the
possibility of
the Born probabilities,
probabilities of
under a vast
probability curve
for a
prognostic of evil
without having a
strapadictomy first
, emblem
symbolic of Shiva
and four animated
theatrical features

with 3 extra syllables

multiperspective approach to
alcoholism treatment
a guide in
achievements of modern
biological research
giving something its
it reverses the
chronological sequence
in the
companionship of demons
Dasyatis sabina
a menace to
from within by
the seduction of
democratic procedures
and Edwards Plateau
ecological regions
authority to sign
economic agreements
prior to the
endodontic procedure
have been a
mathematical genius
reason is a
mathematical reason
he wrote a
mathematical treatise
devising a better
susceptible of direct
mathematical treatment
of genetic and
morphological features
emerging from the
mythological dream-world
very embodiment of
philosophical genius
any sociological or
philosophical reasons
sermon, but a
philosophical treatise
Mechanical, and a
Philosophical Treatise
likely due to
phonological reasons
it is a
psychological evil
who resigned for
psychological reasons
medical care and
psychological treatment
this kind of
responsibility, but
coming years for
technological reasons
his principle for
theological reasons
to the
understanding of either

with 4 extra syllables

deeds were the
ecclesiastical leaders
sign of weakness,
ideological weakness
the object of
sociological research

with 5 extra syllables

rather than for
epistemological, reasons

with 6 extra syllables

as state
epidemiologist of Sweden