exact syllable matches

no longer
you gotta
act like one
chest and
act like punks
act, childbirth
I respect and
admire her
al final
Al Hijrah
al minus
alpine chough
perhaps being an
Alpine word
For that
am I come
of planet
am I from
am I worth
that stuff on
visible segment of
an iceberg
and his was
no more than
other men as
an idol
a rock,I am
can't live on
could exist as
hoosegow, built on
infested, iceberg of
Living on
people stranded on
rather than on
South Africa as
themselves stranded on
We're on
an island
that crashed on
an Island
are no longer
I'm not
an item
don't see Sansa
and Arya
be by Carnap
and Ayer
and blindness
his garment
and buy one
, Russia, France,
alliance between Russia
between the US
border between Nepal
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
link between Afghanistan
race with Russia
United States, Canada
and China
it arid
and dried up
have a washer
have been darker
and dryer
designing these washers
and dryers
how certain
will be certain
and final
gem unsurpassable hardness
more that water
of the sun
and fire
seized the revolver
and fired
raises the gun
and fires
And five months
to go faster
and higher
a heart
and I love
my hand
and I swung
Jack turned
and I turned
my car,
and I um
old man
and I were
goth bands
my heart,
Royal Rumble,
and I won
and talented
they have,
and I'm just
combination of magnets
herd of brass
of the blood
and iron
in distant continents
and islands
the world,
and I've learned
generosity, sincerity, earnestness,
her mother's love
soul, sincerity, earnestness,
taught her love
with your intelligence
and kindness
out by Broadhurst
and Kreimer
other -
and like us
two children, Paul
younger brothers Marlon
and Michael
similarity to minimum
and minus
my dawn
and my dusk
my back
and my guts
a thumbtack
and my thumb
home, Dan,
and my world
or decreasing costs
and prices
a lance corporal
yet shy, humble
and private
and prizes
not stay docile
the populace calm a-a-
was very dark
and quiet
and riders
gets on
and rides of
used in sidearms
and rifles
frame of turbulence
and riot
those boors Atlas
and Ryan
all true art
arts, pop culture,
background in maths
endeavor in art
endeavour in art
enthusiastic about art
in art, literature,
in philosophy, literature,
in time, culture,
levels of math
love of literature
of life, art
our art
paths of art
and science
famous Bible, Qur'an
life are Art
and Science
relation between stock
and scion
Learned, from and
and signer
for day-to-day comfort
wrapped in darkness
and silence
auditorium was vast
streets are dark
and silent
in on her
and Simon
blend of herbs
mustard, honey, water,
with 7 herbs
with onion, herbs
and spices
the Eleven Herbs
and Spices
spheres to rods
and spirals
was positively tactless
and spiteful
of illusion firmer
and tighter
to reach Saturn
and Titan
honorable than rank
and title
its records, evidences,
to inherit lands
to your lands
and titles
its own laws
and triumphs
presumably from variable
and typer
cable springs taut
will grow strong
and vibrant
it even, strong,
and vital
a black
and white world
make slivery rod
snare, using branches
and wire
we are sadder
and wiser
a Mexican-American actress
an academic philosopher
as a lecturer
is a journalist
and writer
and-wife stuff
Anne Tyler
ant lion
ant lions
as sufferer but
as fighter
take God's Word
as final
as fire
as much
as I love
as much
as I loved
as long
as I'm the
as hell, hard
that is hard
as iron
walk, we walk
We walk
as lions
important, and just
as priceless
not as fast
as prices
thinking of us
as rivals
But somehow not
as tired
co-writer Bob Peterson
as writers
ask my son
the English Channel
at Christchurch
at my worst
the English Channel
at Teignmouth
back biter
back biters
back fire
back fires
lay under the
back tires
Electric shock,
bad diet
back the
bad I done
bad iron
your threats have
bad science
Blowpipe was
bad, I'm worse
bagpipe lung
Shut the
bagpipes up
bass viol
bass viols
black diamond
black diamonds
black friars
Black guys what
black ibis
black rider
one of the
Black Riders
Tears of the
Black Tiger
branch pilot
branch pilots
He was a
I'm a goddamn
cab driver
Fuck the
cab drivers
Camp Island
campsite From
promote and one
can't fire
cast iron
cast irons
Cat Island
of bush that
catch fire
catch sight of
catch title
catch titles
catch wind of
champ libre
half-witted, upper
class piles of
have made a first
crab spider
crab spiders
cramp iron
cramp irons
crance iron
crance irons
crank science
crash diet
And a
damn fine one
try to discredit the
fad diet
fat client
fat clients
flat iron
flat irons
flat minor
I had a
I--I had a
Monitor has a
you fix that
flat tire
flat tires
flat tyre
flat tyres
An officer of
Frank's finest
gas fire
gas fires
gas giant
gas giants
at these ridiculous
gas prices
grab iron
grab irons
a crew and
grab vials
Gran China
grand final
grand finales
grand finals
Grand Island
grand prior
grand priors
grand prizes
Grant Schreiber
grass fire
grass fires
from the
grass I love
hack writer
hack writers
have done,
had I won
half title
half titles
hand dryer
hand dryers
the last
hand I won
hang fire
hang fires
hang glider
hang gliders
hangs fire
that market
has dried up
Martian Manhunter
has fire
those whom Allah
has guided
has signed up
contrary, the gap
has widened
should not
have died thus
poor they cannot
Sure, we can
have fire
all, what
But what
Cross, what
God what
God, what
have I done
I haven't,
have I, Sir
you can
have my lunch
Air Force doesn't
have privates
jack diamond
Jack Weinberg
is gonna
jam my gun
land pirate
land pirates
He was a
laugh riot
very foundations of
Mad Science
mak nyah
not the
shot a
man I loved
the way that
mankind loves
Man's gun and
Man's fire
man's triumph
map lichen
map lichens
Matt Skiba
Mike Barker and
Matt Weitzman
Max Aitken
Max Heindel
pack ices
Bruce Campbell and
Pam Grier
panpipe From
over the
past nine months
ranch slider
ranch sliders
rank, FIRE
sand diver
sand divers
sand iron
sand irons
sand viper
sand vipers
sans rival
sans rivals
The listeners
sat silent
is these that
shall triumph
drug addict, alcoholic, compulsive gambler-
span iron
span irons
spat fire
stand fire
could not long
stand idle
to Haiti and
stand trial
We need fliers, not
stands trial
tank iron
be exposed as
tax hikers
by example
than by words
And what
than fire
also less ductile
and less malleable
you is stronger
than iron
me rather
than my words
remain more art
to be stronger
than science
always less powerful
than silence
thank science
even ants
that bite us
I want
that diamond
the ones
that died young
Shoulda gone on
that diet
his treasure from
that diver
put it on
them didn't start
that fire
Better than
that fireworks
Gotta earn
that fiver
I was
that high once
the first
that I judge
away someone
by all
noble heart
other person
the man
the one
that I love
first one
that I turn
spun up
that I won
to understand
that I'm just
is not
that I'm nuts
guessing yours was
had died on
I stayed on
left behind on
They're still on
think he's on
to get off
with me on
that island
bad stuff
that I've done
that I've learned
She's not
that kind of
those buttons
wear socks
that light up
That might work
put you on
that pyre
do with all
It was
that quiet
our capacity on
that rifle
why I was
that tired
a shot at
you has earned
that title
You got
that Viper
What was
that whiteness
back on
that, I umm
a bath, and
coming back and
doing it and
marrying Leslie, and
that's it and
that's final
leave, yeah
that's kind of
That's my church
That's my lunch
That's my purse
That's my shirt
That's nice, huh
That's right, fun
That's right, girls
that's why were
tram driver
tram drivers
tramp iron
trash fire
trash fires
no shampoo on
Trash Island
things that a
vampire does
Vampires Suck
Van Wilder
They are
vast, timeless
yeah, I just

with 1 extra syllable

calling mathematics an
abstract science
design is an
advanced science
captured from the
Afghan fighters
alas diamond
Alas, bright cup
naturally as magnet
attracts iron
into Iraq to
combat ISIS
street running called
Combat Vital
contact wire
contact wires
Chinese people, lousy
goddamn drivers
who started the
goddamn fire
Jane, you're a
goddamn liar
Goddamn Splicers
forgetting about the
goddamn tiger
him have the
goddamn title
MacNab cypress
form of Johanna,
Probably inherited but
perhaps via
man now, and
perhaps wiser
Tarzan Triumphs

with 2 extra syllables

a nation of
Cadillac drivers
really don't
understand my words