exact syllable matches

See peri-
and sperm
of the many -
15, 17, and
20 fathoms
is an
aesthete, and worse
truck and an
Airstream camper
You got
any acid
before they see
remain rebellious to
the sense of
any action
More than
any album
air from practically
circle and trisecting
look gorgeous from
the view to
any angle
I don't have
these questions without
any answers
You want
any backup
only one winning
any battles
can conceive beyond
any canon
postponement, by
any chance, huh
I can't take
I wasn't taking
I'm not taking
Not taking
we can't take
any chances
there weren't even
any chapters
There aren't
any Daleks
but don't do
any damage
as fierce as
any dragon
Do you have
there wouldn't be
any dragons
scholarly community in
any fashion
Can't we move
Can't you go
gets you there
into your head
make her go
make me write
this thing go
time go by
any faster
your own at
any hazard
social relations with
any kafir
as unpleasant in
be conveyed in
concrete arches in
damn slow in
do programming in
important words in
make sense in
Not in
of pennies in
ominous word in
way to learn
any language
Have you
you have
any last words
I don't want
any laughter
much as
any man does
horrible trip in
any manner
Don't you have
any manners
sides, to serve
will not serve
any master
I couldn't find
any matches
any decision on
popular knowledge on
any matter
Do you have
any pamphlets
not be filing
any patents
numerical sequences, lacking
any pattern
luckiest man on
stardust, any comet,
any planet
no longer have
any sanctions
selfish assholes by
was shit by
way nastier than
any standard
Don't you have
any standards
I didn't have
know I had
any talent
I've never had
any talents
tackling Iran with
while to get
any traction
You can
barely stand up
bed reactor
bed reactors
belly dancers
belly dances
bet he has one
bet he's handsome
Chelsea Handler
stolen in
Chelsea last month
Chelsea tractor
Chelsea tractors
the feeding of
dairy cattle
Dead Sea apple
Dead Sea apples
deadly carrot
deadly carrots
there came a
deadly laughter
Eddie Cantor
nothing wrong with
Eddie's ankle
and drink from
empty glasses
leave here today
to find yourself
empty handed
of vain and
empty matters
and don't come back
and Mike came back
before sending them home
going to walk in
I can't possibly return
like we came back
not send them away
question, I would stand
Sorry I came
to the dressing room
We are left
won't go away completely
truly do
envy that, son
, now
Fenny Stratford
in favor of
fleshly factions
into frantic silhouettes,
fleshly phantoms
friend here and, uh
World in a
friendly manner
friendly matches
and my
friends here matter
the novel by
Gary Brandner
Gary Hamel
Gerry Adams
want to
get beak cancer
I always
get these backwards
Hairy, hairy,
hairy bastards
Harry Blackmun
Harry Frankfurt
Harry Jaffa
Buster Keaton and
Harry Langdon
Harry Shattuck
a normal and
healthy habit
us maintain our
healthy habits
happy, and
healthy, and loved
got the
heavy bag up
heavy damage
heavy fraction
heavy fractions
heavy glasses
heavy handed
Heck reaction
Heck reactions
cannabis has
helped me traverse
Henry Adams
Henry Alford
Henry Hammond
Henry Madsen
our necks
here and- what
Jedi Master
Jedi Masters
jelly glasses
appreciates what
Jerry has done
Jerry Mander
Adam Beach and
Jesse Bradford
Jesse Jackson
Kelly Packard
Kelsey Grammer
Kerry Jackson
of network owner
Kerry Packer
if I wasn't
Larry Sanders
Jimmy Wales and
Larry Sanger
wearing the name
Larry Talman
left me as one
cancer and
left me barren
the other
leg, she's apples
like, is
Lenny that dumb
watching John
Leslie at work
don't even
let me answer
Let me have her
let me have one
Let me have some
simple, simultaneously
many and one
an object from
many angles
there will be
many answers
Not too
many at first
many banquets
bitter resistance in
Fight so
Scene of
many battles
for all that
many candles
many cannon
be filled with
wonderful life with
many chapters
had one too
many crackers
been influenced by
many factors
and not after
many fashions
have yielded
many last words
many madmen
two sexes of
many mammals
British precedent in
different beliefs on
of judgment in
many matters
many rabbits
a man of
one of my
one of your
many talents
do with his
many travels
we're not
married and um
and then
Mary and uh
The World of
Mary Cassatt
Mary Jackson
Mary Lasker
Mary passes
Menzies Campbell
A quick and
merry clamor
merry dancers
merry dances
light from a hay-
penny candle
penny packet
Pepsi Challenge
for some Katy
Perry action
pesci palla
petit matin
petit panda
change that to
petty dabbler
prairie falcon
prairie falcons
Presley's last words
I am
ready, madame
Reggie Jackson
REM sleep, that's fun
Hey, you
said be candid
said he had work
pretended that color
scarcely mattered
scurvy grasses
Send me, Master
won every
set piece battle
one of the
sexy bachelors
sexy Flanders
pantihose in a
sexy manner
Shelley Jackson
Sharon and
Shelly crack up
land of
the land of
steady habits
expanding in a
steady manner
a considerate and
stealthy fashion
internet is a
techie magnet
tells me that, uh
twisted and
their leaves blackened
their meat and fur
into responding to
of fear of
their reaction
greater impact on
I may hear
Now they justify
window and observe
their reactions
to call
them meat wagons
them, breed and nurse
then these glasses
Here, truly,
the darkness,
there be dragons
batteries, and
twelve beam cannons
twenty and one
two warriors exchanged
twenty passes
a group of
twenty samples
they can form
varied patterns
disvalue by that
very action
and I'd get
He was
very anxious
Central Asia, were
very backward
I'm a
very bad girl
very balanced
but in the
very basket
I am
I feel
I was
very flattered
Creativity is
sometimes it's been
they are so
very recent and
very fragile
He was
very gallant
And you are
that would be
to, he is
very handsome
take the
very last bus
bought the
probably the
to the
very last one
to the
very last word
will of the
very planet
be enormous and
His breathing was
very rapid
disposition, and not
very savage,
Really, I am
very thankful
wealth he hath earned
incredibly famous and
wealthy actress
manipulated mainly by
wealthy bankers
Even a
webbie can suck
the fuck is
Wednesday after
might as
well be random
two winters in
West Seattle
so that
when he dances
bitches than
when she's tactful
when we catch her
done this
for us
outstretched arms
when we landed
to ask
whence these castles
where dreams can hurt
no sovereignty
where we gather
Hey Butt-head,
where's Seattle

with 1 extra syllable

address me as Judge
is useless
against me, Lantern
ahead, Brianna
already am one
asked her she's
already answered
fishermen were
already at work
already cancelled
land, they
already had lungs
and Pete
already had one
Did that
already happen
about what had
But it had
can't change what's
change events that
change what has
details of what
happens because it's
I'd say that's
it would have
look what has
of something that's
see something, it's
So all this
something that has
that this has
The plan
Why, it has
Worst has
already happened
already has one
You may
already have won
anything today hasn't
already managed
which you have
already mastered
assembly language
a bowl of
blueberried batter
boulet de canon
canary grasses
balloons and
confetti and such
is a
context free language
context-free grammar
context-free grammars
we should encourage
contrary habits
That's the
correct reaction
cortes de manga
cortes de mangas
dealt with
directly as such
guns aimed
directly at us
that I now
especially advert
They're fun girls,
especially Anna
Especially dragons
with His
Excellency at once
thing too which
foments reaction
were impressive and
immensely handsome
mulberry masses
objects, we'll have one
pretend we're at a
for the June
primary ballot
mission and their
mission, and their
Telugu is the
primary language
made of a
primary matter
primary planet
primary planets
a real nice
TNT cannon
unless we have trust

with 2 extra syllables

evidence in an
arbitrary fashion
infinities in an
arbitrary manner
to be an
arbitrary matter
Canterbury gallop
Canterbury gallops
those involved in
capillary action
record of
commentary and verse
complementary angle
complementary angles
now he's a
culinary master
dromedary camel
dromedary camels
the number of
elementary actors
rather than the
elementary atoms
Physics in its
Elementary Branches
day before the
February calends
in vague and
fragmentary fashion
interest me as much
up against a
legendary actor
a fully developed
enter the standard
for poetic and
has entered the
lost in the
strawberry in the
to in the
literary language
literary talent
straight up their
mercenary asses
police work, not
prior to any
military action
armed forces in
military actions
to immortality in
military annals
or formerly for
military cannon
rifles by the
Military Channel
a loud, grotesque,
done in a
military manner
difficult area for
military manoeuvres
- which means
institutions, specifically in
party interference in
your expertise in
military matters
military slang from
Originally a
military slang word
for judgment of
military talent
attention in a
monetary fashion
not just direct
monetary transfers
furnished with the
necessary tackle
or more
necessary than love
no more than
ordinary chances
and overflowing its
ordinary channels
Most crimes involve
ordinary handguns
out of the
ordinary happen
beyond that of
formal logic or
some sense supercedes
the ellipsis in
ordinary language
be from all
become constituents of
other than the
ordinary matter
quality down to
ordinary plaster
of a rather
ordinary talent
say that I'm
permanently damaged
unless they have
sanitary habits
Noel Edmonds or
secondary cancer
- are a
evolution is a
secondary matter
Christian faith were
secondary matters
secondary planet
secondary planets
You know,
secretaries and stuff
yourself and First
Secretary Salah
Hamilton's Principle of
Stationary Action
urinary bladder
urinary bladders

with 3 extra syllables

being linked with
contemporary fashion
I am studying
least in the
contemporary language
healthy share of
disciplinary action
Where are the
disciplinary barracks
details of the
imaginary action
imaginary axis
turning an immense
pecuniary Mangle
Cut off all
unnecessary actions

with 4 extra syllables

further down the
rung of the
step on the
up to the
way down the
evolutionary ladder
an incremental and
evolutionary manner
this time of
would be an
extraordinary challenge
happened next, something
extraordinary happened
behaving in this
work in an
extraordinary manner
a man of
extraordinary talents
principle of all
single inspiration for
revolutionary action
to dread his
revolutionary language