exact syllable matches

Testing 1-2-
3, we're done
programmers for this
3D world
And it cannot
felons deserve to
be beaten
'Tis paltry to
be Caesar
needs to
be cleaned up
or they may
be demons
become something to
eat than to
be eaten
can ever really
equal and cannot
be equal
will probably never
be equaled
is considered to
They have to
be evil
as may
be gleaned from
worth, I shall
be greeted
They gotta
be heated
were meant to
be leaders
say that should
be legal
capacity that would
No words will
other will always
be needed
is better to
be neither
the world can
turned out to
be peaceful
are determined to
be people
reality need to
be redone
his children to
you want to
be treated
I'm not gonna
beat Jesus
You know, the
cheesy ones
of it is
deemed secret
the Inuit and
Dene people
open to your
dreams, people
You puzzle me,
the genius of
each people
not be an
that was an
was not an
easy one
just are not
easy ones
not gonna be
easy, son
yeah, hey, you
eat people
cannibalistic one that
eats people
out there and
feed Tina
On your
feet, Vila
one of those
freaky words
no one is
free either
free nations, as
liberal, community of
that befits a
will be a
free people
the streets to
greet people
and body
he dreams of
there was anything
with the proof
he needed
here he comes
delicious he is,
don't think that
he's evil
to at
least greet her
will offend the
least people
to get
me beat up
throw wheat at
me either
He gave
me freedom
it was
me she loved
You may call
me Sheila
up coughing at
me, Jesus
And what about
me, Vina
Englishmen as the five-
meal people
And I do
mean lethal
put down that
meat cleaver
I am not a
neat deal, huh
elderly people
need these drugs
needs teachers
Pete Seeger
aggress is pre-political and
This is the
real evil
Real Genius
Live like
the Constitution are
They were
real people
What's the
real reason
Someone's come to
release us
crazy ones, we
see genius
want them to
see Jesus
people, people would
see people
I make him
see reason
with those who
seek freedom
you at first
seem dream-stuff
Everything about me
seemed evil
get back to
sleep, either
I didn't really
speak either
listening to the
speech either
out to be
Street Legal
Sweet dreams, son
soul and
teach me love
used to correct
these evils
does not help
good look at
has gotten into
here, to meet
I say to
improve access for
means nothing to
of symphony for
see me mobilize
the faces of
the matter with
the other of
through Moses to
to one of
to think about
want to get
was one of
Who are
you doing to
You who appointed
these people
past two or
the destinies of
three people
difficult of the
three pieces
here today for
three reasons
on FOX for
three seasons
a little
three seater
deal whom
we dream of
sleep if
we keep her
long as
we need one
is exactly what
the iconic image
us the press
we needed
leader when
we see one
is, is a
weak leader
but our own
weak leaders

with 1 extra syllable

enough to hire
13 people
Some bottom-feeding, scum-sucking
algae eater
speak or see
any evil
more grievous than
any evils
murders don't come
any neater
a reproach to
any people
go into
any real work
any reason
for, certainty in
any teacher
a waste of
Army dreamers
the arms of
Baby Jesus
of CNN and
BBC World
sacrifices from his
besieged people
can only arise
between equals
can't bear feelings
of affective communication
between people
rule in relations
between peoples
to be a warm-
bloody creature
and there I
buried Leah
aspirations of the
Burmese people
criticism of the
majority of the
masses of the
weight on the
Chinese people
as the
city he loved
and write with
of an almost
complete freedom
Are you
completely nuts
only one I
completely trust
name of a falsely-
conceived freedom
damn tree-huggers and
here's the
dirty secret
by our country's
early leaders
ancient life of
early peoples
for quick and
easy seizure
Elie Wiesel
which was already
fairly heated
that there are
fifty Indias
The Gypsies are
filthy people
We are a
gloomy people
them has been
greatly weakened
Temple of the
Happy Jesus
a united and
the only shiny,
happy people
happy we were
crowd of very
heavy people
Only for the
what is that
ideal reader
ignorant, self-serving, or
indeed evil
Thanks, Burt and
Ivy Steensma
jury people
Kinky Friedman
you here, before,
lovely creature
When such a
machine reaches
notice my handsome,
manly features
as that of
attractive to so
be loved by
being said by
can save so
care of so
carries weight with
even know how
happens to so
interesting man than
listen to that
lives of so
much to so
opportunities than so
save a great
to agree with
would hurt too
You can call
many people
truth with so
many readers
about this for
alleged car for
be clever for
give you so
many reasons
Game and its
many sequels
have been too
many speeches
maybe we'll hug
guardians of this
They are a
mighty people
But otherwise, it's a
the more
money she earned
the master of
movie creatures
religiosity of more
naive people
Nancy Peters
naughty creature
that emotion has
only deepened
the Pied Piper,
only meaner
boundaries, no passports,
only people
bidding is the
only reason
objection, however, is
only specious
It's my
only weakness
that to these
phony people
rich people, he's
really needed
Nothing was
really rehearsed
Robbie Krieger
Robby Krieger
the bounty hunter
routine, either
one song with
Shaky Stevens
all black leaders-
sorely needed
actually having to
study either
die for the
supreme leader
where it is
truly needed
me a powerful
ugly creature
me, he the
unseen genius
stereo that was
very decent
for a
very real one
slavery for this
very reason
a lot of
We are not
wealthy people
by the same
wintry fever

with 2 extra syllables

they killed about
70 people
We're not a
bloodthirsty people
screen in the
centerfield bleachers
humans are weak,
cowardly creatures
support of its
enemy, reason
passive endurance of
every evil
Replicants didn't have
families either
are children, parents,
families, DREAMers
taint, a shameful
family secret
of law -
guarantee freedom
as far as
history reaches
History teaches
anyone, including the
belongs to the
freedom to the
Long live the
things that concerns
Iraqi people
on the yellow
Japanese people
will effectuate the
policy hereof
could ever
possibly dream of
their mouths
probably seize up
might be less
tenderly treated
you will be
thoroughly beaten
available to all
unhappy people
about young or
unmarried people
and action is
urgently needed

with 3 extra syllables

We are all
absolutely equal
Antiquities dealer
officials and even
community leaders
it never becomes
entirely evil
things which are
entirely recent
Again, humour was
essentially evil
one who
generally feels love
Are human beings
inherently evil
Reid the Senate
majority leader
the former Senate
Majority Leader
Augustus, a triumphant
military leader
as the House
Minority Leader
done will
naturally be done
Sharks are
naturally peaceful
But perhaps a
described as a
is but a
other than a
That is a
necessary evil
He was no
ordinary leader
falls on the
for thousands of
is nicer to
practical worries of
separated them from
There are no
ordinary people
psychological disorders and,
presumably, genius
won't be a
priority either
than for national
security reasons
It is not
seriously treated

with 4 extra syllables

down to it,
particularly evil
also of entire
reactionary peoples

with 5 extra syllables

don't like the
responsibility either