exact syllable matches
be after
prayers will not
be answered
Do not
be anxious
be as one
The Infinite cannot
be blasphemed
He cannot
be captain
You cannot
be captured
it could not
be challenged
controlled, and not
be damaged
you shall all
be gathered
that will not
be granted
be had up
It must not
of language cannot
be mastered
and we'll all
You'll all
be shattered
nature it cannot
be transferred
beach apple
beach apples
beach cabbage
buckets, a small
beach wagon
beach wagons
to y'all
beasts and dirt
our hearts
beat as one
make my heart
beat faster
heart that
beats and works
beats as one
cheat grasses
Chief Baron
He's not
chief rabbit
clean and jerk
clean and jerks
Clean Language
Stock up on
cream cracker
cream crackers
De Baca
de bastons
de fraction
de gala
de gatas
de gratis
de masses
de passage
de randon
de Stafford
de travers
di canna
di massa
di Spagna
dream catcher
dream catchers
ear candle
ear candles
ear dagger
ear daggers
East al-Quds
East Clandon
East Flanders
East Hampshire
East Langton
feel that, once
field glasses
field jacket
field ration
field rations
field salad
field salads
fleet captain
fleet captains
free lancer
free passes
free transfer
free transfers
Gene Spafford
gene transfer
gene transfers
Greek calends
therefore cannot dance
Greek dances
Greek kalends
loan from a non-
Greek language
Greek salad
Greek salads
green alders
green alga
green cancer
green dragon
green dragons
we've lost
Green Lantern
green salad
green taxes
all that
he had learnt
have thought
he had one
he have one
heat transfer
heat transfers
cha cha
heels, black ones
What's going on
here, Cabot
He's challenged
He's cracked up
jeans jacket
keep track of
knee slapper
knee slappers
a palm-
a small palm-
leaf basket
leaf cactus
least at first
Lee Krasner
would probably shock
Lee Strasberg
You're Bob
Lee Swagger
Liebe machen
---- ----
Me actor
if you call
me Albus
room are
me and her
put on
me and stuck
almost got
me at first
to call
me at work
can lock
me back up
me bad, call
me badder
man who calls
me bastard
You mought call
me captain
me Captain
you can call
me Clara
sometimes, you call
me Glasses
He taught
me language
you still call
me master
you to call
me Master
Roland taught
me that one
Why not
me, Alex
Don't cross
me, Jackson
mean planet
mean planets
mean standard
mean standards
means action
by all
means, have fun
meat raffle
meat raffles
meat wagon
meat wagons
mi sangas
discarded do not
need patents
neep lantern
Neve Campbell
pea gravel
pea gravels
pea jacket
pea patches
BE All
Peace and Love
peen hammer
We call you Ball-
Peen Hammer
peen hammers
pein hammer
pein hammers
pleased as Punch
queen scallop
queen scallops
Queensland nut
Queensland nuts
real axis
You've got
real talent
in a fierce off-
screen battle
screen capture
screen captures
screens passage
sea adder
sea adders
sea anchor
sea anchors
sea apple
sea apples
sea cabbage
sea captain
sea captains
sea dragon
sea dragons
sea mammal
sea mammals
sea panther
sea panthers
sea passes
sea salmon
I do not
seek answers
sheep shagger
sheep shaggers
Sheep's bladder
sheet anchor
sheet anchors
shield-backed bug
shield-backed bugs
sleaze factor
sleep camel
sleep camels
speed stacker
speed stackers
a travelogue on
Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan
Sri Lankans
St Sampson
steam cracker
steam crackers
steam hammer
steam hammers
steam jacket
steam wagon
steam wagons
Steve Allen
Steve Ballmer
Steve Bannon
Steve Rattner
street Arab
street Arabs
at a Wall
Street banker
street dancer
street dancers
duck was
sweet as fuck
sweet basil
tea baggers
tea candle
tea candles
tea dances
tea wagon
tea wagons
shoot from all
these angles
development in all
grows in all
these branches
persistent movement along
these fractures
these matches
blank in all
Hindu opinion on
of feeling on
to him on
these matters
possibly all
three at once
treaty with all
three branches
and sitting on
the robes on
tree branches
tree cactus
tree rabbit
tree rabbits
falls upon
Trees and Herbs
nominating songs,
we can just
we have lunch
I've got
weak ankles
weed whacker
shower, horn-dog,
we're at work
wheel taxes
Wheels and stuff
wreak havoc
with 1 extra syllable
Ami Chandra
Andy Samberg
Angry, that's what
Jaime captured, his
armies scattered
Army Faction
Wears an
army jacket
it became an
keep this an
Army matter
responsibility for the
army's actions
Aussie battler
Bambi factor
Barry Mazur
bawdy basket
bawdy baskets
He's gone
blarney crackers
other celestial
bodies than Earth
body jacket
be called a
facial expression, and
you focus on
body language
body matter
their otherwise normal
body pattern
body scanner
body scanners
body snatcher
of darkness like
body snatchers
Invasion of the
Body Snatchers
on my
body stand up
of the female
body, Captain
Bonny Castle
candy apple
candy apples
Carlene has one
a film by
the pictures of
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie jacket
coffee glasses
coffee palace
commie bastards
Congreve matches
connie agate
connie agates
cracky wagon
cracky wagons
Danny Phantom
Then I discovered
Dodgy Bastards
doggy paddle
doggy paddled
doggy paddles
dead Captain's old
donkey jacket
Fanny Adams
fanny batter
fanny magnet
fanny magnets
fatty acid
fatty acids
gandy dancer
gandy dancers
gantry scaffold
gantry scaffolds
Godspeed, Daniel
granny glasses
granny taxes
groene padden
happy camper
happy campers
happy panda
happy pandas
Happy Rabbit
happy slapper
happy slappers
in particular, can
hardly happen
There, it had
hardly mattered
hardly matters
and could
hardly stand up
hobby lantern
hobby lanterns
play dirt
hockey and stuff
late risers with
holly branches
will fricassee they
honky asses
Jacky Hanger
Jacky Hangers
Jacky Hangman
jammy Arab
jammy Arabs
Face Value by
Jani Allan
jobbie jabber
jobbie jabbers
jobby jabber
jobby jabbers
mouth of the
jolly jackal
here called The
Jolly Jackal
Kathleen Hanna
Kathy Acker
spending has been
largely absent
largely has worked
into your opponent's
socks into a
laundry basket
laundry baskets
top of the
laundry hamper
and is a
lofty standard
lolly scramble
lolly scrambles
There's only one
Maltese falcon
Maltese Falcon
mammee apple
mammee apples
mammy wagon
mammy wagons
Molly Shannon
out of that
naughty actress
are a
naughty bastard
Naughty language
Burn, you
Nazi bastards
Obscene language
and full of
obscene malice
Ollie Blackburn
Olly Blackburn
paddy wagon
paddy wagons
Buddha in the
Pali Canon
literature in the
Pali language
illicit sex,
parties, and drugs
African uses probably
name use is
partly after
to the
party at once
interviews through normal
Party channels
are our mysterious
party crasher
the Republican
Party had done
and its Communist
Party mattered
These are
party matters
At least by
party standards
go to the
party, Alan
Wanna be my
Pauline Hanson
pommie basher
he turned into a
I have defeated
Pompey Magnus
I'm a
posse magnet
proxy pattern
proxy patterns
ratti talpa
A square
saltine cracker
cap in your
scrawny asses
are hazy,
sloppy and dull
crasher is a
sloppy crasher
sorry madame
sorry Malcolm
sorry, blanket
sorry, master
sorry, Santa
expected in every
Starfleet captain
From a
Swazi language
taxi dancer
taxi dancers
toffee apple
toffee apples
toffee hammer
toffee hammers
trolley trasher
trolley trashers
Turkish Governor of
Wadi Halfa
zombi apple
zombi apples
all those
zombies at work
with 2 extra syllables
Anthony Sampson
Bengali language
hydroxy acid
hydroxy acids
to be a
karate master
Marathi language
is that
McCartney has done
liberty than
monarchy has done
of Nepal and
Nepali language
I ring, but
nobody answers
nobody asked us
Peabody action
weekend grosses and
pilates classes
helped popularize the
Punjabi language
safari jacket
people speaking the
Santali language
well find
somebody and fuck
on doors until
somebody answers
bodies until
somebody asks us
Somebody had fun
Somebody jacked us
somebody ragged
Reborrowed into
Reintroduced into
Taiwanese and from
Tamari lattice
Then the
tsunami happened
with 3 extra syllables
live in remote
adivasi hamlets
and Ted
DiBiase have done
Everybody has one
Everybody matters
weekday while
everybody's at work
Okazaki fragment
Okazaki fragments