exact syllable matches

aces of clubs
to ease his
aching noggin
something a band-
aid will cover
for their estranged
ailing father
her and her
ailing husband
only blind
aim is profit
ways nor
aims in common
I know,
ain't it awful
alles in Butter
ate it all up
baking parchment
catching or first
base departments
headquarters are
based in Brussels
this is our
basic problem
may you
bathe in water
bathing boxes
Beijing opera
Beijing operas
blame it on her
brainless baba
does God
break his promise
breaking ball, Bert
breaking the buck
breaking water
Caitlin Upton
not the
case in Scotland
case will come up
that the
chain is longer
chain silicate
chain silicates
What would
change his father
change in the world
Change is constant
I don't
change it often
It's not
changing color
understanding and
changing the world
was short on ambulance-
chasing lawyers
lot better than
chasing monsters
one,But I can't
claim innocence
we must
claim its promise
thus take on
Danish culture
Danish proverbs
date in the world
I'm not a
dating service
know he was
dating someone
in Gandhi by
David Arnold
David Bomberg
Written by
David Bromberg
David Chalmers
David Douglass
Leland, cited in
David Farber
David Harbour
David Hunter
David Mumford
David Puttnam
David Shuster
David Thomas
, named after
John Sparrow
David Thompson
David Walker
David Walton
a hot
day in August
day in the sun
it the modern
day miracle
day will not come
A dish
draining closet
going to
face his problems
face is darkness
one, let's
face it, Holland
the footnotes
face this problem
they are
faced with problems
take pride in
facing problems
is not
facing the world
failing someone
meeting at a
failing start-up
is our
means than
faith in Allah
sincerity and
faith in justice
faith is a verb
Academy's Hall of
Fame induction
faying surface
Gaelic proverbs
more than
gaining a world
literary and a
gaming genre
dominating the portable
gaming market
gave it all up
gave it the works
her to be
grace incarnate
grace is not earned
Grace is not earned
inside a
great big condom
maid with
them -
great big monsters
trial, to my
great dishonor
numbers and at
of time at
great distances
this is a
great involvement
great things are done
great tinamous
grey tinamous
understand, we
hate Big Pharma
I really
hate this armor
hate this doctor
a candidate that
hates immigrants
Hey, little girl
are Brenda and
Jake Richardson
James Gilliland
James Richardson
James's novels
Jane kissed a girl
Kane Williamson
Kate Middleton
water-skiing on
Lake Rich Person
early as
late Middle Dutch
excuse for
laying off work
I just
made him partner
he was
made him shudder
That just
vegetarian diet
made him stronger
made in the earth
must be
made in wampum
made it all up
state, and
made it function
they actually
made it harder
it safer,
made it stronger
made this monster
will of man
made visible
ourselves, that's the
main difference
I'm gonna
make him suffer
Make him suffer
lions to
make his partner
make it all up
tries to
make it conscious
make it harder
is to
make it harmless
to simply
make it smaller
and thus
will only
you only
make it stronger
make little of
make quick work of
sources unite and
make rivulets
but why
make things harder
make this bottle
make this stuff up
to ever
make wrist watches
makes him cautious
kill him,
makes him stronger
all man
makes is trouble
No money
makes it harder
The combination
makes this stronger
should stop
making a fuss
you, it's
making all the
the profits of money-
making authors
left-over milk after
making butter
making fun of
all those slick deal-
making lawyers
just started
was just
making stuff up
making the cut
brandy and stop
my way and
making trouble
was just
making up one
the act of
making water
See Latin
manus, opera
Can humans
mate with MONSTERS
as he
may think proper
name is Balder
and your
name is Barker
name is Connor
name is doctor
name is from a
name is not Dum
name is RockFORD
name is Sawyer
My real
name is Walter
a man
named Christian Szell
named it Somnath
a person
named Jim Thompson
Order in his
native Constance
native daughter
native daughters
treated by the
native doctors
time to discuss
native problems
pain in the bum
pain in the butt
pain in the world
Pain is a curse
pains in the bum
pains in the butt
paint with vomit
Constable on this
painting, Aug
And his rotten
painting, rotten
taxes I'll
pay in August
phase inverters
phasing current
phasing currents
that takes
place in autumn
Place in London
place in the sun
place in the world
place is a dump
place is awesome
place is fucked up
that this
thinks this
place is haunted
to that
place with Donna
roots are
sinks when
placed in water
play tricks on us
play with bombs, huh
would have
played his mother
asthma was
playing her up
rules observed in
playing marbles
playing possum
a trophy for
playing soccer
PRAY with us, girls
trying to solve
racist problems
Europe has a
racist structure
Sugriva to tackle this
just going to
Raging Waters
raining buckets
That's what makes child-
raising harder
raising Walter
the muslimaniac
rapist was drunk
be absolutely stark
raving bonkers
Reigns is gonna
reindeer mosses
to ensure your
safe departure
intelligent, prudent, and
safe minister
Saint Nicholas
colleagues in the
same department
But yeah,
same difference
Same difference
has drawn the
same inference
depends on the
operated on the
paragraphs upon the
same principle
exist upon the
manner upon the
same principles
wants to
save his father
is no god
save images
only outlaws can
save wilderness
and Dad,
no longer
you are,
saving the world
Saving the world
say it's harmless
say it's not just
table, not
saying a word
or sobbing and
saying Mama
role after
saying one word
se regarder
shake things up, huh
hot pavements
slaked with water
slave cylinder
slave cylinders
Gold And
Slays His Brother
do with the
including our own
Justice, and the
shine in Hillary
spoke with the
State Department
of Algebra as
stated above
chose to
stay in Harlem
stay in the world
I felt like
staying longer
in Boston
stays in Boston
strained silicon
take him from us
take in water
precision, on the give-and-
take principle
plunder them and
take prisoners
take this copper
were gonna
take this further
Take Williamson
First, we
take witch doctors
I was
taking a dump
a doctor
taking a pulse
taking cover
It's just
taking longer
found it on
taking office
taking the plunge
taking the studs
you start
tasting stuff huh
used to disguise foul-
tasting water
so that
they become one
They bring trouble
they did not earn
they did not work
six and
they didn't work
They fear monsters
They fear the worst
What have
they given us
They killed her, sir
They missed the bus
they split off from
They've been murdered
trade diversions
detrimental to the
trading partner
European patrons and
trading partners
trailed in the dust
perpetrated by armed Pak-
trained militants
training collar
training collars
of steam
trains with water
they had
traits in common
He should've
waited longer
caused by
waves in water
and some
waving of guns
that's the
way it crumbles
way it was done
way things are done
weighing bottle
weighing bottles
weighing funnel
weighing funnels

with 1 extra syllable

the exposed and
aerated crotches
always been a cunt
always been heard of
and it's
always been hush-hush
Lees have
always been perverts
way it's
always been, Colonel
know, I
always did wonder
a shit, it's
people who are
the result is
time, because it's
your approach is
always different
Beginnings are
thing is almost
always difficult
idea of the
always eternal
change is not
always external
accused people aren't
always innocent
all change, is
always internal
and reality
always kinda sucks
love, there are
always miracles
pronoun neither is
always singular
actress and an
he is an
amazing person
gonna make an
amazing surgeon
Probably related to
archaic German
they got
We got
away with murder
former students
became his doctors
catchphrase in the world
champagne in one gulp
biblical criticism or
cognate disciplines
Cognate with journal
of origin,
cognate with modern
from and
cognate with Modern
Cognate with modern
Cognate with Scots birk
Turner in the
complaints department
ten homes
contain its products
larger one, also
containing water
I receive and
convey instruction
be, you are
creating drama
we the ones
creating problems
as a good
she was a
still an amazingly
truism of the
creative artist
of intelligible and
creative causes
Creative Commons
was a
DJ in Boston
and some
embrace its solace
we can
embrace with honour
better served by
embracing knowledge
you can
escape in Boston
attempting to
escape with Arnold
Fruitcake department
big-bang theory's most
frustrating problem
appearances at charity
fundraising concerts
gourmet shit on us
Hebraic proverbs
study of
landscape this summer
latte liberal
latte liberals
gun, phone, or
lifesaving water
a ship of
mutated monsters
learn to
obey his conscience
describe an earlier,
outdated model
with the uncreated, all-
pervading Brahman
piddle and
pigtail is common
more with the
prevailing problems
reclaimed his honor
sword to
regain his honor
applicable also to
application in solving
in dealing with climate-
into Palestine and
invariant measure and
related problems
Kabbalah and all Kabbalah-
tobacco products and tobacco-
related products
So she can
remain impartial
first progression, p
second progression, n
remaining constant
is still
retained in commerce
for acquiring and
retaining knowledge
Are you
retaining water
they're delicious
sauteed in butter
Sunday in August
That which
sustains is Dharma
was fact,
today is doctrine
voltaic couple
voltaic couples

with 2 extra syllables

activated carbon
algebraic function
algebraic functions
algebraic number
algebraic numbers
algebraic posets
key to all
to solve many
algebraic problems
algebraic structure
algebraic structures
electricity possible with
alternating current
characteristic features of
alternating currents
alternating function
alternating functions
Aramaic proverbs
A glass of
carbonated water
carbonated waters
is a
commonplace little girl
encourages victimhood, and
compensates criminals
deuterated water
capable of
dominating the world
external happiness of
external trappings of
elevated office
ego is a
fascinating monster
Elizabeth such a
fascinating person
fiance is a bum
wool, or drink
fluoridated water
engagement than more
formulaic genres
fractionating column
fractionating columns
getaway sticks on her
is now a
holiday excursion
effect a
hurricane in Java
earth will
imitate his conduct
suggested feeling and
imitated conduct
some kind of
masturbating pervert
operating losses
the constraints you're
operating under
osculating circle
osculating circles
savagely through their
palpitating nostrils
as they
penetrate his armor
are being
perpetrated on her
system was the self-
regulating market
conducted by strictly
separate departments
, and
It is
territory is
situated on the
by in his
syndicated column
person who cannot
tolerate difference
But I cannot
tolerate imbeciles
tritiated water

with 3 extra syllables

some need of
administrative knowledge
market and part
Collaborative Commons
learn to
cooperate with others
problems having a
cooperative structure
he always so
deliberative, cautious
Denominative verb from
the arising of
discriminating knowledge
face hitting the
disintegrated parchment
emergency assistance in
eliminating target
saturated with the
evaporating substance
predominate in the world
predominates in one's work
reticulated water
reticulated waters

with 4 extra syllables

is an
overpopulated hot tub