exact syllable matches

hand chopped off
all comrades
the guy, avoid
all contact
all want that
O Hodgson, Guinness,
Allsop, Bass
z, they
are all bad
that you
are all black
my lips
are all chapped
of desires
are called bad
All animals
the world, we
are comrades
are hard, man
thunder days
are long past
These works
are not banned
because they
are not black
Youtube men
are not facts
but they
My curves
are not mad
My intentions
are not that
the odds
are on that
had never seen
armed combat
over the poorly
armed Tarzan
ballpark frank
ballpark franks
froze my
balls off, man
Bart, stop that
Bhagwan Das
bon Nadal
Now you
brought Shawn, thanks
is what
brought ya back
Yeah, I
called ya fat
music, my
charts, all that
Coth saw that
dog contract
dog contracts
child of the
dot-com crash
Plucked in a
far-off land
civilian slaughter in
treasures, ornaments from
far-off lands
fromage blanc
religious speculations for actual
got all that
Only he
got brought back
Then I
got called back
if I
got caught, and
got Tom Hanks
wanted to make
hard contact
we're working
working very
hard on that
an American
hard rock band
the bulletproof
hot dog stand
a wonderful
job on that
La-La Land
long a
large straw hat
Civil Rights
law was passed
most gun
realised when
laws are passed
will be
long gone, man
long, long last
from the
long, tall grass
But we
lost all that
witness and we
lost contact
ran into the
Ma-Ma clan
friend, yeah,
na, na, yeah
non constat
But it's
eh, it's
not all bad
going to
not call that
You're saying we're
not comrades
not God, Max
not God's cat
which have
not gone bad
you were
not shot at
poet was
not shot, as
authority do
not want asked
they did
We do
would God
Would you
not want that
do you
not watch that
on all hands
happy face
the heat
on all that
just shaving it
You're dead
on contact
commercial exchange based
on contract
based on duality,
on contrast
You are
is all
on God's hands
not shown
on OS maps
You were
on watch last
big pair
on ya, pal
something you
ought not have
Paul Conrad
pawn off as
pawned off as
pawns off as
saving your fat
pockmarked ass
heavy metal,
pop, all that
for the
rock star act
promise of a
rock-hard ass
Salto Grande
sauba ant
sauba ants
know we
saw all that
somber colors and
sharp contrasts
smart contract
all their
songs are sad
I can
start on that
I will
stomp on that
was such a
strong contrast
wants to
talk prom plans
boys like
tall, blond and
distinguished from Crimean
Tatar and
is that
thoughts cross back
of a
top notch staff
von da an
watch her
walk on past
the boy
was all bad
was all hands
second, I
was all mad
was all Pam
the hell
was all that
the season finale
was broadcast
Poor boy
was flogged and
And that
was God's plan
the jury
was got at
to skip
was John Nance
book itself
was not banned
something which
was not flat
cruel miracles
was not past
then it
Until it
was not that
was not trash
when he
was on smack
like he
was on staff
Steve Austin
was wrong, Dad
be proven
wrong on that

with 1 extra syllable

of area
you're somehow
beyond all that
It was a
bizarre contrast
which she
cannot draw back
Carlotta, beautiful
Carlotta, sad
carnauba wax
Cognate with
Catalan and
c'mon, Launchpad
C'mon, Launchpad
He must
discard all facts
got a
hedgehog called Frank
Leon R Kass
polka-dot plant
polka-dot plants
pigtails tied with
polka-dot rags
we have
resolved on that
Rudolf Carnap
Rudolph Carnap
From the
trademark FROTH-PAK
of the Sony
trademark Walkman
of armed and
the purity of
unarmed combat
upon contact

with 2 extra syllables

but the
dialogue was crap
countries to win
firearms contracts
Kitasato flask
power to the
Tokugawa clan
Vietnam, hot dam

with 4 extra syllables

this on an
international broadcast
part by important
international contacts