exact syllable matches
Albay Gulf
you, they're not
all diamonds
eggs are
all dried up
immediately, you are
now, You are
You guys are
all fired
all I heard
But above
all I worked
met, what
spite of
all I've done
all kinds of
But they are
mid-shipmen virgins are
They are
all liars
not at
They were
all like us
They just
all live up
and deities are
all Maya
all nighter
all nighters
You just got
all quiet
and that's
all right, but
the image of
true art and
all science
in influence of
all writers
and blessing of the
It could be an
lay, you know, an
pull an
pulled an
pulling an
pulls an
we just pulled an
arc iris
arch rival
arch rivals
arcs iris
All prices
are final
friendship relations
are fine, but
All y'all
are fired
a banner and
are frightened
and the vulgar
are higher
for agricultural products
are highest
But these comparisons
are idle
as our words
are iron
know, messages
are like nuts
are my girl
- Electric cars
are quiet
heroes whose hearts
the military weapons
are silenced
soon they all
are silent
lovely moments perhaps
you have forgotten
are timeless
My arms
are tired
Our tires
are wider
mortals second thoughts
are wisest
evolved into long
armed climbers
with a dozen
armed snipers
bar iron
barb wire
barb wires
myself on rusted
outlast bayonets and
barbed wire
barbed wires
Superb fairy-wren perched on
block cipher
block ciphers
bob wire
bob wires
bobbed wire
bobbed wires
bog iron
box iron
box irons
heard a
car drive up
car hire
car mileage
a major
car pile up
Carl Reiner
backs on
cars like us
Cartwright, cut
the stove, and
caught fire
caught sight of
provoked violence and
caused riots
Charles Miner
Nancy Meyers, and
Charles Shyer
choc ices
cock pilot
cock pilots
col china
cost prices
cross spider
cross spiders
da Maia
da vida
dark fiber
dark fibre
dawn choir
door got a
Dodge Viper
dog tired
She had a
dog, Spider
bitch into another
Don Imus
Darryl Quarles and
Don Rhymer
Kenneth Gamet, and
Don Ryan
draw fire
draw iron
of our simple letter-
drop cipher
drop science
that we all
fall silent
false fire
false fires
and fame are
false idols
far cry from
flawed, like her
suicide of a
flop writer
Fog Island
fox fire
gob iron
gob irons
Real Wrath-of-
God type stuff
he was
gone, I just
daddy had just
I just
got fired
Fathers, they just
got tired
Gough Island
of the Alabama
Guard pilots
Hans Island
Hans Reiser
hard cider
hard ciders
hard science
hard wired
would not
harm my son
Harp Island
Hawkeye, Sir
hog waller and
hog island
hog islands
jawed spider
friends, a
job I love
job title
job titles
down and
jobs dried up
John Byrom
John Dayal
John diamond
Robert Hamer and
John Dighton
John Dryden
John Dyer
John Piper
and plant collector
John Ryan
John Tyler
Stephen Sondheim and
John Weidman
Kevin Dunn and
Jon Cryer
What was
Josh Lyman
after the San
Juan Islands
Kong Island
Kong in Hong
Kong, China
La Haya
A free-flight hand-
launched glider
he had a
law license
and works on
area out on
Cod, the Hamptons,
dialect pronunciation of
Housing Project on
is situated on
no further than
secret family on
western end of
Long Island
long prices
Long Primer
long rifle
long rifles
of a
long time, Hutch
must have
lost my punch
I haven't
lost my skull
have not
lost my son
he never
lost sight of
numbers got a
lot higher
Lot Like Love
Mach diamond
Mach diamonds
attractive daughters,
is trouble,
them all,
mark my words
Mark Pryor
Bouvier de la
Motte Guyon
na primer
world and exterminate all
court in favour of
not by much
by behavior,
not by words
The man was
not hired
That's just
You cannot
not like her
Enoch was
who are
You are
not like us
Stonehenge does
not line up
the population
not rise up
The two are
we are comrades,
not rivals
The dead are
not silent
same frame, but
not Snyder
catching bugs, but
not tigers
Red Shoes are
not tired
will become, but
not wiser
him to a far-
off island
off licence
my hands
off my butt
your hands
off my grub
the blood
off my shirt
your buttocks
off my tongue
who worked at the
cosmopolitan civilization centered
on China
than Wiltshire pranksters
on cider
-- they are
a whole mountain
A world
And they were
but it caught
car, I was
day you caught
Feet are
for a girl
from lighting hydrogen
full opposite lock,
his ass was
his heart was
his house was
hour, he was
hump will catch
I'm gonna catch
I'm not
is your stag
liar liar pants
Liar, liar, pants
Liar, liar, wolf-pants
light the parents
like bowling balls
lit my arm
made a moth
mob set us
my bloody kneecaps
My hat's
my tits caught
my underpants are
no-one sets that
of Colombo was
Oh this heart's
set his garage
set that backpack
set the camp
set the car
set the heather
set the universe
set the world
set them all
set your closet
set your mother
set your office
set your pants
sets people's houses
that baton was
the bunnies are
the house was
the scarecrow was
their pants aren't
Those warriors were
Three tablespoons rhubarb,
tits and was
to wake up
well, they're just
whole head catch
your ass was
Your house caught
on fire
on Fire
on hire
feeding the unsheltered
on lichen
is an expert
on lions
a tat
on my bum
many nations
on my gloves
everything got
things got
on my nerves
splatters teardrops
on my shirt
the vengeance
use that
on my son
with Duncan
on MY terms
And salt
are wonders
its tartness
the wafer
on my tongue
get blood
on my tux
a patch
on my what
go back
on my word
Riding hangs
on my words
little empire
read up
on my work
your assault
on my world
get me started
on pirates
turned his back
on silence
on Titan
is the person
members, and persons
wrong man was
you who are
You're not
on trial
on, Michael
on, rise up
on, Skyler
executable binaries available
online sucks
is covered with iron-
oxide dust
were in large
part final
never made it past
Paul Bryant
Paul Guyer
Dean Devlin and
Paul Guyot
Paul Ryan
the wife of
to the actual
Paul Simon
pawn island
pawn islands
pond liner
pond liners
a type of
pox virus
pot of melted
raw iron
shit out of
Rob Reiner
David Spade and
Tom Brady and
Rob Schneider
rock climber
rock climbers
Rock Island
rock spider
rock spiders
he shalt
rock thy world
rocks my world
rod iron
Ron Sider
Ron Wyden
Ross Island
Roth IRA
Roth IRAs
recognize the original
SARS virus
Saul Leiter
Sean Spicer
sharp minor
am better than
Bret Hart and
of the Undertaker,
Shawn Michaels
shock diamond
shock diamonds
There was a
shocked silence
shots fired
small final
we have a
small fire
small pica
small science
great events and
small trifles
Small-time stuff
yearnings, sorrowful laughter,
soft diamond
soft hyphen
soft hyphens
soft science
of grim and long-
sought triumph
spot fire
spot fires
spot prices
spot prizes
Stock prices
straw buyer
straw buyers
Strong Island
fool and
talk like one
I never
thought I'd trust
Todd Snider
some of our
top fliers
presentment of Anna
Vaughn Hyatt
Written by Lars
von Trier
up and
walk like one
myself on the
wall dryer
and their act
was final
thing on Earth
was fire
my young imagination
not a shot
the first shot
was fired
Paris, that
was ISIS
This car
was kind of
was Michael
was my hug
your father
was my son
- Witnessing that
was priceless
The delegates' reaction
was silence
and the land
coloured, doubted, and
The mother
was silent
The whole staff
was tired
The deterrence factor
was vital
that endurance thereon
was wiser
wasp spider
wasp spiders
stay here and
watch Shiela
feel all
wrong my son
wrong, Michael
wrought iron
wrought irons
yard pilot
yard pilots
with 1 extra syllable
significant popularity all
across China
They fought
along side us
alongside the
fought and died
reluctance to fight
alongside us
-- as an
genesis of the
gun or compact
gunman with an
He carried an
masterpiece of an
to access an
weapons was an
assault rifle
Assault rifle
also ban all
don't call them
teenagers to have
therefore they're not
assault rifles
barat daya
Harold Kelley and
Bernard Weiner
name was
blackballed by the
little birds
cannot find her
poor who
cannot find work
c'mon, Brian
Javan myna
Javan tiger
Javan tigers
Kampong Ayer
Skunkpox virus
more than a
smallpox virus
upon my word
Rivals frowned
upon rivals
watchdog timer
watchdog timers
with 2 extra syllables
Andaman Islands
camelpox virus
but a terrible
dialogue writer
epsilon iron
Jaroslav Seifert
with 4 extra syllables
created an unnecessary
international crisis
a number of
international prizes
International Title
with 5 Ms
International titles