exact syllable matches

8 June
age group
age groups
she's of an
age to
ain't cool
ain't food
ain't true
And that
command, and that
that and that
ain't you
aisne tu
Ames room
Ames rooms
ay oop
bain do
And I can't
mean, I can't
blame you
braid group
braid groups
brake shoe
brake shoes
break loose
break room
break rooms
And we can
before the stars
break through
it did was
break you
breaks loose
And we have
I liked that
cake too
came through
came to
having dreams that
of being superstar
came true
a cool glass
You're a hard
case, too
chain rule
maybe that can
change too
I can
single conversation can
that they can
change you
life is not
changed soon
the vowel has
changed to
Las Vegas was
changed too
of the law
changed, too
chay root
chay roots
Chay Yew
and did not
claim to
It can
claim you
the claw that
claimed you
Looks better than
Dale's room
dame school
dame schools
day room
day rooms
day school
day schools
my religion that
day too
hold boobs all
rained on that
day, too
mean, from that
day, you
to turn and
face you
fail swoop
I shall not
fail you
I have
your guardians have
failed you
fait que
I have that
faith, too
your facts are
fake news
Fake news
y'all got
fake poo
framed you
game room
games room
games rooms
over concentration camp
gates to
head that God
with what God
gave you
grade school
grade schools
Graeme Leung
blood, urine, and
grape juice
I have
grave news
was not a
great fool
around, I have
I have
I've got
great news
great room
great rooms
Well, uh, that's
Yeah, that was
great too
thought it was
great, too
grey goo
no monopoly on
hate groups
He's not gonna
I do not
now, we all
rather die than
hate you
thought it was
hate, too
hey rube
hey rubes
James Muecke
James Soong
you wouldn't ask
James to
Jay Gould
Lake school
It was
late June
lay to
made do
all things are
familiar things are
made new
made news
and I have
made Truth
they could have
made two
made use
foolish laws has
is how God
the ego have
made you
main group
Maine Coon
Maine Coons
mais que
make do
make due
make news
make room
make schoon
some potatoes and
make soup
make use
gladiator does that
happy I can
suppose I can't
what does that
what that
make you
makes do
makes news
makes use
know what that
So that
makes you
More at
mane, moon
May 2
From the man's
name Bruce
name Hugh
had a last
name too
I shall
name you
you should have
names too
page proof
page proofs
make it past
page two
it must have
pained you
pay dues
I can't
pay you
Payne 2
phase rule
Minister, we can
play, too
I got
played, too
fact I shall
praise you
rage room
Raid 2
raise you
dressed you and
flawed race that
raised you
rape tool
rape tools
you over and
rape you
the jail that
raped you
you up and
rapes you
safe room
safe rooms
sage zu
sail through
Saint Luke
up at that
same moon
from the exact
same troop
are not the
same you
and brother, God
angel who can
Belief will not
come in and
Gods will not
He will not
I cannot
I can't
if she can
it will not
it's not gonna
man who can
no instincts can
no one can
promise I can
they will not
turn around and
save you
chest came and
the Colt and
the gang and
your heart that
saved you
only thing that
saves you
all I can
say too
say you
scale cube
scale cubes
scrape through
to bow and
scrape to
Still can't
shake loose
the things that
shape you
this tree with star-
shaped fruit
every moment has
shaped you
slate blue
slate blues
snake fruit
snake fruits
space group
space groups
space rule
space rules
space suit
design the astronauts'
space suits
our time and
space, too
stage screw
stage screws
state school
state schools
Stay Tuned
is news that
stays news
straight pool
you just walk
straight through
your teeth are
straight too
Strange Brew
strange loop
strange loops
tail boom
tail booms
art did not
bayonets do not
that they shall
take root
take to
and I can
but I can't
I was gonna
places I can
We're not gonna
take you
takes root
path, wherever that
takes you
and love as
any subject that
nature and as
to worship as
they choose
more constant as
they cool
they cute
a jury as
act other than
And perhaps
answer was that
as bad as
as early as
as freely as
as much as
as rich as
as well as
be said that
better pitching than
blessed thing that
element of all
Everybody says that
for proceeding as
I think as
less money than
more scars than
not suffer as
ocean fresh, and
of damage that
of humanity as
of this than
only know that
oppressed group as
others believe that
situations behave as
So, what can
that that's all
That's all
the shit that
the things that
the time, and
they act as
they know that
they like, and
they're angry that
to live than
to think that
use it, and
well all that
What else can
with it, and
work harder than
they do
novels changed as
they grew
I thought
their telling all
they knew
the enemy as
with them as
they move
trade route
trade routes
Trade school
Tre Cool
Images are
veiled truths
wade through
waste schoon
wave pool
wave pools
Jesus was
way cool
All the
thought all the
watch all the
You're already half-
way through
way to
be spelt that
brought up that
feeling,You feeling that
portrayed them that
to be that
way too
And that
way you
democracy is that
of Him that
Weather was that
way, too
weight room
Weyl group
Weyl groups
Yale blue
have landed on
ze moon

with 1 extra syllable

least finish my parfait--
And I
Because they always,
But I
But you
come, like we
do what I
Do what you
doing what you
everything like you
it like I
It's what we
Just like we
Just like you
Lie like you
me, but you
me, like I
screw us, they
side like I
Sonia, like you
soon, like you
That's what I
The hard ones
What you
worshippers, as gods
you know I
you, like I
always do
hoped that you
I think I
part of me
we think we
Which you
years but I
always knew
bad guys don't
domination but they
especially drugs, you
Someone will
The bad guys
win and I
You kind-hearted types
You will
always lose
since it will
always move
because it is
repulsion, always different,
trail that is
while pain is
always new
The young are
always news
the Illuminati have
always ruled
realistically, the strong
always rules
poet says, is
way out is
always through
on these things
always too
But it's not
condition that are
Death is
find that is
have to be
I believe is
always true
Or were there
always two
period sign is
word mozo was
always used
It was
it's not, it's
That was
always you
help with the
backstage crew
ballet boot
ballet boots
mother-in-law at her
ballet school
ballet shoe
ballet shoes
birthday suit
birthday suits
very good to
Broadway, too
campaign group
campaign groups
- I'll flat-out
castrate you
That right there
castrates you
Will bad
champagne do
champagne flute
Champagne flute
champagne flutes
angle, there's no
dance in the
champagne room
sex in the
Champagne Room
champagne rooms
cocktail flu
threw a Molotov
cocktail, boom
Compare with the
cognate root
Allegedly from and
and is thus
and would be
borrowed or perhaps
but is directly
derived from or
from a verb
From and Elena,
From or
Further a
hose and thus
If so, a
In which case,
is graphically
Most probably
name of origin,
Not directly
Noun is
of unclear origin,
of which is
or else
Outside Germanic,
See ne,
The word is
thumb Probably
Ultimately onomatopoetic,
would make it
cognate to
Cognate to
as, and is
cognate to,
and possibly from
cognates too
entre nous
lost the plot
the missile stopped
halfway through
hobnail boot
hobnail boots
might be used
offstage too
palais dur
Sunday school
Sunday schools