exact syllable matches
his fun with
Agent Darcy
apricot trees
I am new
Asian Barbie
ate somebody
feel like a
bacon sarnie
basal bodies
basal body
man, has to
You want to
blame somebody
the Voice
came upon me
by dumping
cases on me
Nothing can
change us, Ollie
Only relative
changes are real
claim a ball field
Clayton wants me
Eli Wallach and
Dana Carvey
Danes were not pleased
realize the
danger was me
can smell
danger, not me
will one
day judge harshly
the main
failures are three
flavor except COFFEE
So I
gave her coffee
gave the party
gave up on me
is a
grain of folly
has a
great lacrosse team
will gather the
greatest armies
out only the
greatest Tzaddik
Yes, I
hate the doggy
Everything he
hated was here
Hazel Carby
Jacob Marley
go all
Kramer on me
position of the
up the Australian
Labor Party
Conservative, Liberal and
Labour Parties
leader of the
Labour party
founding of the
half of the
is through the
of the Parliamentary
renewal of the
role in the
were for Lange's
wider than the
Labour Party
laid the hearth here
made from palm leaves
and they
made some copies
classical thermodynamics
made upon me
which had five
major parties
of an existing
to become a
major party
there to
make a copy
I can
make a Hardy
second to
make a zombie
make her want me
here to
make the coffee
That really
makes somebody
getting your
makeup on me
great mass of
naked bodies
fruit off my
painted on my
steal a dead,
to cover his
naked body
naked hawksbeard
about being
naked on screen
wanted to
name her Holly
with the
name of Harvey
nasal fossae
Nathan Barley
think our
neighbors are clean
paid a large fee
knowing only
pain of body
I can
play a Nazi
you cannot
play upon me
Praise of Folly
The Alien
Rangers are real
twenty miles from
Ravenscar here
razor-sharp teeth
You wanna
save somebody
can still
save the party
said he's
save us, Mommy
Wind That
Shakes the Barley
for his
state, Vermont's cheese
table hockey
Take the palm tree
Take the salt here
Blue team,
take the trolley
She usually
takes the Harley
they turned on me
They were scrawny
Trail of bodies
train of thought here
as a
waiter on wheels
Wake up, Charlie
and they're
and you're
wasted on me
your whole
weight upon me
whale safari
whale safaris
with 1 extra syllable
a carnie,
always a carnie
Andrei Tarkovsky
Chief of the
to leave the
traditions of the
Australian Army
before I
became a zombie
can drive herding
behavior strongly
Britania Mari
inside this
container called me
created all these
and his animators
created onscreen
must discuss the
night of her
This was MY
engagement party
I don't
erase the bodies
troops to
escape the zombies
female adoptee
Frustration, partly
Hossein Salami
levator ani
obey, but not here
Okay, um, doggy
out selling public
relations copy
it to the
salvation army
in promoting The
it with the
what about the
Salvation Army
From the Polish
surname Jurkowski
From the Polish
surname Krakowski
From the Polish
surname Krukowski
From the Polish
surname Kucharski
From the Polish
surname Kujawski
From the Polish
surname Markowski
Meanwhile, you
upgrade the bodies
the mind,
upgrade the body
with 2 extra syllables
heap such
accusations on me
to attend the
celebration party
things become
complicated, call me
drops leave your
desiccated body
I would
disobey the Party
the opposition National
Federation Party
fixing the
generator, not me
for birthdays and
graduation parties
he called
immigration, on me
I am a
mutilated body
to resist the
occupation army
X-rays won't
penetrate her body
book is a pre-
publication copy
Regulation Charlie
Regulation Charlies
your shitty-ass
situation, not me
Yesterday what was he
with 3 extra syllables
who both
collaborated on Scream
congratulations, Charlie
Congratulations, Donnie
truth, the
imagination not least
where the
imagination was free
synchronisation proxies
synchronisation proxy
synchronization proxies
synchronization proxy