exact syllable matches

a magnificent car
action piece
Johnny, they're all
number had gone
sends her dogs
the Comanches got
the cops are
The Schiff are
through the cock
would have gone
You are not
after me
Create a small,
agile team
Al Bundy
Alan Bean
Alan Keyes
Albert Lea
Albert Lee
Albert Rees
Alford plea
Alford pleas
Allen key
Allen keys
alpha geek
alpha geeks
amber grease
amber grece
amber greece
amber griese
amber gris
amber seed
amber seeds
amber tree
amber trees
I want
an appeal
a cause
and a creed
eat rabbit raw
and bloody
Age of Asphalt
and Concrete
faith, family, God,
and country
who is soft
and cuddly
and earlies
and early
I'm smart
and funny
and her dreams
that's turned on,
and hungry
cannot serve God
We created art
and money
yourselves are
and must be
Safe, and calm,
and serene
out at all
and sundry
today in Africa
and Turkey
asked, tall, dark,
and ugly
Alright, Big Tall
and Ugly
angle bead
angle beads
angle leaf
angle leaves
Anne Marie
Anne Murray
But you cannot
cold, he cannot
answer me
apple bee
apple bees
apple green
apple seed
apple seeds
apple trees
aqua vite
Arab League
Arab street
arran de
individuals, not
as a team
as strong
as the sea
Ash Monday
what was
asked of me
temple of Bhagwat
at Ajmer
He was
I got
she was
at the beach
cannot stop
at the beast
always crossed
at the green
it off
leg off
at the knee
me off
at the knees
comin' apart
coming apart
falling apart
ripped apart
at the seams
he stopped
at the St
at the wheel
Italy were bald
at thirty
axle teeth
back country
must draw
back from me
back the field
badge bunnies
badge bunny
balance beam
balance beams
balance sheet
balance sheets
balance wheel
balance wheels
bangle ear
bank machine
bank machines
basket weave
basket weaves
Basque Country
bat the breeze
battle fleet
battle fleets
battle piece
black birch tree
black birch trees
black clergy
Black Country
Black Monday
black money
Black studies
since hath been called
blanket lien
blanket liens
blanket sheet
blanket sheets
brass monkey
brass monkeys
cabbage tree
cabbage trees
Cactus League
your bunkies on
Calvert Street
camber beam
camber beams
camel meat
camphor tree
camphor trees
benefit yet all
can compete
the law
can touch me
candle tree
candle trees
cap money
were not smart,
Captain Gene
You will not
capture me
cas oblique
cash machine
cash machines
cash money
castor bean
castor beans
catbird seat
catbird seats
a large
catch of eels
cattle beast
cattle beasts
Damask steel
Damask steels
dance machine
dance machines
Dance of Leaves
Daniel Keyes
Daniel Steele
Come on,
dazzle me
dragon beam
dragon beams
Dragon Li
dragon tree
dragon trees
fashion piece
fashion week
fashion weeks
fast asleep
fax machine
fax machines
my arse on
Francis Lee
gasped Humphrey
and you cannot
They will all
gather here
gatten tree
gatten trees
grammars leak
grand duchy
grand mercy
Grand Mufti
buddy, they all
had buddies
hadden lief
day, I was
half asleep
hammer beam
hammer beams
hamster wheel
hamster wheels
hand money
hand turkey
hand turkeys
and that was
handsome wheat
hangar queen
hangar queens
It will not
happen here
hatten lieb
have a bean
have a seat
From God
have mercy
I need not
have worried
Irfan Habib
Jack Dusty
Jack Kirby
Jackson's dreams
jasmine tea
jasmine teas
Kapp Verde
ladder beam
ladder beams
lamper eel
lamper eels
totally valid African
language, please
lantern sleeve
lantern sleeves
lantern wheel
lantern wheels
lattice leaf
laugh machine
laugh machines
mad honey
mad money
maggot cheese
We're all
mammals here
that con
man from St
man of means
Man of Steel
managed bean
managed beans
mantle field
master key
master keys
package deal
package deals
paddle wheel
paddle wheels
panel thief
panel thieves
Passion Week
Pat Murphy
pattern wheel
pattern wheels
change our thought
patterns here
planet wheel
planet wheels
plant a seed
plasma screen
plasma screens
rabbit ear
rabbit feet
rabbit teeth
random seed
random seeds
ratchet wheel
ratchet wheels
with its charms
saddens me
saddle reef
saddle reefs
saddle seat
saddle seats
saddle tree
saddle trees
salad cream
salad creams
salad greens
Salmon Creek
salmon peel
salmon peels
sample mean
sample means
sand monkey
sand monkeys
sand puppies
sand puppy
sans serifs
Santa Sede
satin jean
satin weave
satin weaves
Saturn peach
Saturn V
Saxon green
Saxon steed
scandal sheet
scandal sheets
stack machine
stack machines
stagger breathe
may happen in non-
standard speech
stranded here
swam upstream
Tamsin Greig
tanga briefs
Tanith Lee
Tasman Sea
thanks a heap
Thanks, Patrice
that a dream
like termites across
that country
she got
that from me
all around, not
HA-Oh, it's not
usually not all
whatever Definitely not
that funny
- I'm not
Because I'm not
I'm not
that hungry
help us on
that journey
that love me
is, I'm not
of us are
we are not
that lucky
drugs, and hog
that machine
clapped eyes on
hours and all
I want
was counting on
you get all
you in on
that money
the makeup on
that monkey
Ha ha ha,
smashes his balls,
that's funny
That's her scream
That's just mean
that's just weak
That's the deal
That's the dream
That's the theme
that's what we're
tractor beam
tractor beams
trammel wheel
trammel wheels
Val Verde
van der Lee
van der Veen
van der Vliet
van der Zee
wagon tree
wagon trees
wagon wheel
wagon wheels
Yeah, come here

with 1 extra syllable

combat fatigue
combat fatigues
gonna ruin the
goddamn country
both of these
goddamn machines
and get my
I'll pay the
you lost the
goddamn money
or indicative of
nonstandard speech