exact syllable matches

past - ten -
birthday girl for
hour that lasts
10 hours
and you have
going to take
hill bombed, for
my tongue for
12 hours
or pound of
12 ounces
12-ounce curls
air fountain
air fountains
all the
suck the
sucked the
sucking the
sucks the
air out of
air shower
air showers
bell founder
bell founders
poop on the
up in a
bell tower
flanked by two
bell towers
eponymous novel by
Ben Fountain
best bower
best bowers
to achieve the
best outcome
employment of our
best powers
Breslau Hunt
checked out butts
That's just a
dead flower
it smelled like
treasured up some
dead flowers
the faces of
dead thousands
death houses
depth sounder
depth sounders
kneel in this
dread hour
Those are my
dress towels
en couleur
Fence Houses
flare tower
flare towers
only a
flesh wound, sir
another batch of
long walks and
fresh flowers
fresh out of
were blanketed with
fresh powder
you like a
fresh towel
your good
friends now, huh
guy and you
get flowers
are about to
get our
Must not
get out much
habit to
not easily
others to
want to
you wanna
get out of
see someone
get out, once
get out, Son
get outta
good sense will
get power
guest houses
convenience, like a
guest towel
initials on the
guest towels
hair powder
hair powders
head houses
hell houses
hell out of
hen houses
left bower
left bowers
being in other
men's power
peg houses
and other Polish
prayer houses
red flower
have orange or
red flowers
Show me the
Red Tower
we have a
rev counter
rev counters
distance and
distance, I
said, now what
scared now, huh
Who you calling
sellout, huh
asked me to
can't more men
I should
to go to
send flowers
In the
sense bow from
sense now, huh
be seeing
sense now, sir
psychedelic lights during
set hours
set out from
share houses
smell flower
one before, and
smelled fouler
was sometimes even
spelled foulsome
word itself means
strength, power
hard to
tell how much
least a good
Not for another
nudist camp for
of her for
ten hours
four parts in
men can beat
on for another
ruddy, outstanding among
thou, six thousand,
We get
ten thousand
the so-called Upper
Ten Thousand
tense vowel
tense vowels
clean with
their foul blood
the affluence of
their fountain
and natural in
their hour
and mosaics in
are renting out
be quartered in
came out of
Hindus start panic-selling
life again in
started ripping down
the gods upon
the walls of
their houses
to keep
their mouth shut
just keep
to keep
their mouths shut
acting and determines
deprive them of
efforts to increase
every means in
everyone is under
Gods grant Raiden
had tapped into
have always drawn
in that lies
is taken from
men who abuse
now, but not
one is keeping
people who abuse
small portion of
steal or take
strongly influenced by
the basis of
the extent of
the height of
the inferiority of
the recognition of
the seasons of
the test of
themselves and perpetuate
to have lost
to organizations and
to take away
utmost exertions in
very seat of
were robbed of
which are beyond
which is in
which to justify
will always retain
You have
their power
and they regain
can prostitute all
name will activate
on their essence,
these holes using
voluntary associations of
We got
writers that know
You have all
their powers
as symbols of
their prowess
are fanatic about
their showers
idly played in
their towers
make them fill
their trousers
enemies and gives
them counsel
None of
them cowered
want to send
them flowers
it would bring
money which give
them power
people out, killed
them, thousands
power already,
then how come
There's thousands
They're flowers
and persistent and
much worse, and
they're ours
picture that
they're proud of
turd flower
for more than
for the past
in the last
just slept for
of Cuba in
once in those
twelve hours
twelve thousand
twelve-ounce curls
warehouse club
warehouse clubs
away or discourage the
they deserve to
wear flowers
because they don't
Did he
for ladies to
wear trousers
language of the
this on his
web browser
Explorer and Edge
web browsers
that just makes her
shady business deals
when the ground
went sour
flames with a
wet towel

with 1 extra syllable

Minister of Mainland
Affairs Council
and said it
again louder
your faces here
again, COWARDS
wings brush
against flowers
after the religion's
alleged founder,
animus of the
defense counsel
reason can
express how much
America, clothed in
Knowledge is an
of handing its
propaganda weapon of
this item of
immense power
thought of its
immense powers
Michel Bauwens
Ethel Merman, and
Noel Coward
in order to
protect ours
Rochelle powder
Rochelle powders
software houses
after these four
regular reduction of
unstressed vowels
you knock
yourself out first
You said it
yourself, Coulson
yourself, coward

with 2 extra syllables

fixed up like
gingerbread houses
sources that may
interest browsers
While our
Parliament cowers
Robinette Kowal