exact syllable matches
his music in
a box
I quit wearing
a bra
the backseat of
a car
him it has
a charm
they've caught filching
a chop
like to have
a dog
a child with
a doll
apprehension how like
a god
that there was
a God
able to get
are out of
the dignity of
a job
technology and be
a jock
a tyrant or
and government by
a mob
technology and be
a mom
which we are
a part
be established on
but which remains
a rock
that goeth before
a sprawl
and Elvis into
But he was
a star
somewhere, for such
a start
one's head against
to live before
a wall
order to right
a wrong
Let a new
age dawn
the hell's it
based on
later died of
blood loss
your free and
brave thought
a great man
but flawed
come from none
but God
never accomplished anything
but harm
on - it
comes on
having his head
cut off
beatitude of the
Eight Gods
answer is, bring
'em on
blow your fucking
face off
God is the
First Cause
was sent me
from God
in the same
great cause
would be a
great job
midst of his
great stars
will not give
her all
no hair under
her arms
give delight, and
hurt not
of Marcel Duchamp,
just art
God, is a
just law
responsibility to obey
to advocate obeying
just laws
man did not
love God
They are not man-
made laws
had heard so
much talk
The curtain
must drop
becomes the property
each, the brotherhood
endangers the interests
for the good
general axioms last
in the reach
most beautiful women
most invaluable experience
serves the interests
the greatest opportunity,
of all
have been Joan
peasant girl, Joan
of Arc
used money instead
of arms
a natural work
is the height
is the home
it's a work
mirrors nor works
most fascinating kind
ourselves a work
recognize a work
the impersonal agency
the whole secret
with the socialization
of art
mind is destitute
of awe
than the music
of Bach
it is made
killed the men
of bronze
but a pack
of cards
like a bunch
of dogs
harmed by means
of fraud
between two gangs
of frauds
of frogs
a bright image
and impersonal knowledge
and the Kingdom
are potential sons
are the distributions
Being and Attributes
defeat the purposes
from the Fatherhood
himself, and therefore
in the grace
in the image
is the consciousness
it the voice
of the existence
of the non-existence
or moral conception
or moral idea
or the law
represents my conception
the absolute Power
the silent memory
under the judgement
was the Son
with the concept
of God
to the faint
of heart
the most sensitive
of hearts
also a nation
in the defense
know the intricacies
the same kind
with the practice
of law
Beware the ides
of March
as the son
in the face
to the ideas
of Marx
of The Wizard
of Oz
now called progenitors
of Pop
is the realm
of song
just this kind
of spa
night already devoid
of stars
calibre and men
of straw
a little height
a trodden path
and become eunuchs
in the world
my own line
perfect the power
realize the world
shape of categories,
of thought
who believe in
one God
be brought under
one law
going to be
paid off
Give them the
same laws
approximations of the
same thought
that question with
shades on
home with our
shirts on
he can never
sluff off
they're going to
stay on
a tit to
somethin' hot to
suck on
animal that entered
the Ark
clasped me by
the arm
the state of
the Art
study literature and
the arts
could have remembered
the ball
got you by
the balls
fairy comes into
goes down to
Presley just across
the bar
a line around
the block
say we've answered
the call
to look at
the car
is to remove
the cause
to ever climb
the charts
been working around
the hands of
the clock
they go with
the cloth
our steeples, drowned
the cocks
their cause, whatever
the cost
the tree of
the Cross
They're afraid of
the dark
Thus will shine
we never see
the dawn
dog to lead
the dog
in regard to
old concept of
the gods
came straight from
Madrid is
of attitudes of
of liberty in
the heart
be proposed by
west, and if
the hon
and enthusiasm about
best men for
handsome commission on
we will finish
the job
see something in
the large
account for breaking
and obedience to
any corporation breaks
he therefore outwitted
Nature is
punish him by
the law
my Lords, embody
the Law
were outside on
the lawn
the souls of
the lost
and God speed
are wildly off
the mark
absent pertaining to
the parts
a boat upon
the pond
up or on
the rocks
the great and
the small
decided to record
mic, he knew
the song
of purchase, on
the spot
well as for
the star
are looking at
aurora streaming to
can you see
its hoof amid
one gets to
still be among
the stars
liked him from
the start
opposite religion of
weak but by
the strong
though not at
the top
had existed under
the tsar
and draw on
his shadow on
the wall
coming up under
the walls
the Horse dances
the waltz
is always in
it is in
the rightness of
wherever found, against
the wrong
so it was so off-
But dead
draw them as
far cleverer than
I think
more perfect than
more than what
objects for what
people whose servants
pursue them wherever
study, verbal though
You know what
they are
war is what
they got
defended it as
they ought
doesn't get everything
in any religion
people want what
shark-mounted lasers all
to get what
to think what
we know what
You know what
they want
homme qui suit
un homme
a reflection of
God forgave
his range includes
love would save
may God bless
that he out-Yankees
the salvation of
the survival of
vital concern to
wherewith to please
us all
about, then you're
way off
Those off-key notes
were art
were not
with which they
were wrought
owned is but
what's lost
exciting problems to
was unbelievable to
work on
to defend the
world cause
you is the
worst part
with 1 extra syllable
for him answers
above all
to meet him,
we had won
after all
compromise, are not
always wrong
character of the
atom bomb
navies, no more
atom bombs
They have
become Gods
is usually the
better armed
it gave him
better odds
every aspect of nature-
birds,fish,animals,insects,trees,grasses, all
more than the
Buddha was
I went into
business art
by means of
causal laws
to risk almost
certain loss
start making smaller,
cheaper cars
knew what a
Christian was
cemented by a
constant bond
these projects will
cried out, Charge,
devils, charge
a part we
didn't want
the peoples of
Europe fought
making a gigantic middle
played the most
evil parts
social regimentation and old-
fashioned laws
furnishing matter for camp-
fire talk
the gospel to
foreign parts
sparks, endowed with
gallant parts
the pub, the
Golden Cross
entire collection of
singers belt out
gospel songs
operating in the
human heart
how childishly gullible
humans are
in inertia and
idle talk
Not that it
lasted long
in most people
lot of trouble
later on
reach the dryest
little spot
angels to be
lookers on
answer that procedure
matters not
principal fault of
modern art
his contributions to
modern thought
based on a
harmony with the
moral law
infants in happy
mother's arms
into existence, we
needed God
you can be
neutral on
for America are
never small
And it isn't
Nixon's fault
are important was
Noah's Ark
and slavery on
other farms
The Lord is
our God
must be on
never let down
our guard
and cheered all
bodies, but never
horrible despair grips
it somewhere in
welcome Thee to
our hearts
lives and in
plans and in
responsibility to enforce
our laws
said, he is
our star
do not think
our thoughts
punishment makes the
people march
he was in
pictures LOL
stepped ashore on
Plymouth Rock
By my so
potent art
windows, not as
prison bars
try getting a
proper job
born of different
racial stock
the gods and
raises rocks
as a
random walk
Evidencing itself, it
reaches far
employed in a
working for a
righteous cause
hold the great
river locked
every plea and
rushes on
Russians are
Tooth Fairy and
Santa Claus
hand over a
single heart
theological principles and
social law
fact, to get
started on
and we have
started strong
dear to him
suffer wrong
Or it was
taken wrong
heavy shadow of
Temple Bar
also demands a
mind and a
tender heart
and with the
tires gone
So, too, was
Uncle Shaw
mistreatment to the
under dog
are created equal
under God
keep the peace
under law
law is an
was violating an
unjust law
responsibility to disobey
unjust laws
in possessing a
vicious dog
eruption and the
weather was
with 2 extra syllables
Animal Farm
It's just
another job
machines in a
bicycle shop
and poets and
composers starve
responds differently to
different parts
to me of
Egyptian art
less than the
eternal law
fall under its
general law
within our reach,
however small
bear a most
important part
vengeance for an
inhuman wrong
the transformation I
insisted on
truck was delivering
insulin, ah
when applied to
medieval art
less of an all-
merciful God
be explained by
I deal with
the simplicity of
natural laws
and such an
odious charge
concept of a
personal God
abiding as the
physical laws
important stimuli to
physical thought
influenced by Indian
religious thought
so far highly
successful law
to liberty as
tyrannous laws
people be the
ultimate law
to free and
vigorous thought
Center for the
Visual Arts
with 3 extra syllables
intelligence of the
American mob
out-sing anyone in
American pop
tremendously stimulated by
American thought
faith in a
benevolent God
preoccupation, endless industry,
continual wrong
enjoy America's great
destination spots
discovery of these
elemental laws
much deeper that
which is just
emotional bosh
thinking, but by
immutable laws
and aimlessly against
fights single-handed against
impossible odds
clause not an
independent clause
the ranks of
independent gods
history of some
industrial art
baser type of
political boss
would have our
spiritual talks
not the immutable
universal law
its arbitrary, ergo,
unnatural, laws
with 4 extra syllables
even about the
assassination plot
corner-stone of American
constitutional law
an intimidating and
impenetrable fog
man suffering under
intolerable wrongs
hold a steady,
irresistible charm