exact syllable matches

Divine Wolf -
New Comic
Book Day
just his Indian
book sales
book steak
book steaks
what all the
books say
bull rail
bull rails
necessity, as President
Bush claims
on the Kate
Bush page
bush plane
bush planes
bush sage
What did the
bush say
nose fixed, the
bush shaved
of stories I
other that nothing
some dictatorial power
could break
democracy, but that
something, and I
thought wouldn't change
could change
defeated presidential candidate
could claim
way a man
could fail
best deal I
rational decision they
small meth operation
voyages any traveller
could make
than some I
could name
color where everyone
how well they
where our kids
could play
earth's degenerate sons
could raise
cry whom I
could save
for what it
no one left
was something I
could say
and a father
and no mortal
could stay
a pill I
much as I
vector c i
could take
Ames's numbness
Old Joe Jackson
were things that
could wait
Crookes space
foot brake
foot brakes
tethered on a ten-
foot chain
now it's a
foot chase
line of a
foot race
beat me in a
custody for a
Full glory of
full day
and dress him
full face
plan I have
They have, however,
full faith
he knows my
Pickles is her
Riker is my
What is my
full name
full names
in context of
letters from the
full phrase
augmented and given
of Botha had
full play
a galleon at
full sail
set and the
full space
private goods have
full sway
full take
and savour their
full taste
each one its
full weight
Is that a
would be a
good age
- you've got
So take
good aim
ale, that is
good ale
she had a
good brain
hey, that's some
would make a
good cake
trial without a
good case
Aah, a
and have a
are having a
be such a
don't have a
Good day,
Have a
Having a
him on a
I said
I say,
is quite a
It is a
it was a
It's a
it's been a
moving is a
not having a
open on a
smashing, it's a
Thank you and
thank you, and
That was a
to be a
Today is a
will be a
you had a
you have a
you, gentlemen, and
good day
can enjoy the
have plenty of
they have been
They were
Those are
Those were
We have
good days
a breach of
a sign of
as such, in
can rely on
even politicians of
fulfilled with perfect
of justice and
of law, and
painting off in
right, equity, and
the profession of
these things on
values, comity and
was tendered in
good faith
Good faith
3, it's a
a unicorn a
calling them one
can talk a
gonna be a
have a
is actually a
It was a
it's actually a
Now, that's a
oh, talks a
talk a
wasn't even a
worry, it's a
you played a
good game
And with God's
good grace
gymnastics and getting
how to get
I get
school and get
stupidity and my
us for our
yet still get
good grades
even have a
farewell to my
here it's a
Is that a
It's a
master of the
succeed without a
That's a
That's not a
think of a
vindicated his sister's
Well that's a
good name
good names
going at a
good pace
come from a
comes from a
coming from a
from a
It's a
good place
belongs in the
here in the
is in the
Good Place
it was a
good play
for not having
good scales
And dam a
she's not in
that, I'm in
vets are in
good shape
This here's a
good steak
and in such
and rules of
because we have
establishes your discerning
good manners and
good songs in
Have a fucking
In fact, that's
of caution and
Oh, you've got
part of safe
religion hypocrisy becomes
Running away from
tact, instinct and
the limits of
the safekeeping of
think that's in
good taste
of Arbiter of
Good Taste
can't be a
Church was a
seems like a
good trade
it's a
good train
- in a
ache in a
but in a
dissolve in a
meant in a
Mostly in a
necessarily in a
not in a
not in the
outstanding in a
that in a
tired in a
Uh, in a
good way
if the game's
good, great
goods train
goods trains
and that'd all
but it's gonna
It's gonna
tree really does
You guys
look great
make Justin Bieber
look straight
and the stars
looked pale
her new hairstyle
Johanson, the sled
My hair
sleeve and it
looks great
Her face
looks pained
at everything that
every thing that
necessities which itself
looks strange
fallen from the
pure faith
machine motivated by
pure hate
pure laine
pure laines
pure name
pure names
hills in a
the abzu, the
pure place
You're a potential
pure play
not people of
pure race
It was
made out of
pure rage
like Matisse, upon
pure space
ever, see either
pure state
pures laines
put case
put paid
put straight
puts paid
puts straight
of popular insurrection
should break
is nothing they
me if that
Now, nothing
should change
We all
should face
he said I
if all else
should fail
first investments they
what choices people
should make
what price I
should pay
what role I
what stuff I
should play
We all
should pray
in summertime, I
of what it
something a leader
think the card
should say
me why, I
that's why I
should stay
direction that education
form these options
form this intervention
that social progress
should take
And why
Well, why
should they
Trickledown economics has
sure failed
kicked ass and
took names
A change now
a war ever
and daily fighting
and extraordinary circumstances
as possible what
century public executions
certain fixed stars
grew up, trading
in which learning
leather fraud case,
never admitting magic
never forget what
No riots
no such genocide
of brutal murders
past, where it
shame that this
sophisticated looting operations
such a kiss
that a rape
the event first
the FBI director
the rod welding
then an exchange
these abductions ever
this conversation ever
Whatever God desired,
when that cleavage
where human sacrifices
where open-syllable lengthening
yet further differentiation
took place
Haydn and Mozart
occupation of Iraq
possible, which never
which our institutions
took shape
tour mate
tour mates
will trap that
wolf, Kate
Wolfs Rain
North American
wood ape
wood drake
wood drakes
wood quail
wood quails
wood rail
wood rails
woods snake
woods snakes
Most people
would bathe
if his heart
started, that I
though his heart
under them they
would break
different, but something
how my painting
it over, nothing
maybe the times
think their temperatures
thought that something
would change
the darkness
would fade
and that it
your tactile sense
would fail
a picture it
fine battleground it
great poster this
I guess that
porn film that
would make
not garuda I
would pray
a mole monster
advance what O'Brien
and what it
as Dick Nixon
be Conservative, I
Darwinian reality, I
deserve them, I
for civilization I
French in France
I was, I
idealists and materialists
imagine what Marge
judges wished they
kind of people
Like Joseph Campbell
matter what others
medical issues, I
my psych supervisor
not what I
of it, I
Repulsive Disorder, I
Say what Chowder
something a man
That's what I
that's what some
the time, I
the Turkish government
too good, I
wondered what they
words that I
Yes, I
you think they
would say
of thinking I
The way they
told you I
would stay
and his attendants
is all it
route that they
west coast artist
you think that
would take
lying to them,
of a case,
on a diner,
send a woman,
would they
told him I
would wait
You're loyal, and
you're brave
you realize that
you're fake
and right because
doesn't matter if
my fault that
opposite of straight,
you're gay
goin' away till
you're gray
I think
mean, I think
My father thinks
you're great
you're hate
A and N,
Chris, and now
I'm Amelia and
it looks like
you're late
But right now,
cameras are on,
How long till
I'm glad
I'm glad that
night, then, OK,
on this table,
Thank goodness
the castle, where
your side 'til
you're safe
when you're PROPER
you're SAFE
been certified if
you're sane
your secrets and
you're saved
to know that
you're straight
the heck does
yours say

with 1 extra syllable

mightily of full
assured faith
Chinook State
check out her
facebook page
even have a
Facebook page
impure name
impure names
profaned by an
impure race
public unless in
mature shape
this in a
mature way
in the Duncan
Osgood case
an Ultra Cola
schedule change
scheduled way
Sherwood, adapted from
Sherwood's play
tambour lace
Almost a
perfect conversion, a
textbook case
does the Bible
textbook say
full and I'm
the streets screaming
werewolf bait
Werewolf Trace

with 2 extra syllables

that initiate the
cottonwood phase
Everybody in the
neighborhood came
neighborhood play
neighborhood plays
and not thoroughly
understood way