exact syllable matches
feel for you
because ah
Let it
become dark
Man cannot
become God
They have
become Gods
help the weak
become strong
they have
been cut off
daughter of our
beloved boss
could have a
bigger bomb
hearts of a
billion stars
corner looking all fucking
answer is,
bring 'em on
going to
will not
build a wall
going to
immigrants to
build the wall
I went into
business art
It's my
business card
It's good
business, Tom
Look at that
chiseled jaw
knew what a
Christian was
even give us
Christmas off
most weary unbright
cinder, lost
ze ducks from
Crystal Pond
will pay the
dearest cost
the one that
did Bergdahl
and she
did her job
man who
did the job
fact that you
didn't call
a part we
didn't want
before Simmons
digs up Sarge
workings in a
distant mart
mystery of each
distant star
travel to the
distant stars
liked to
drink a lot
quite a large
enough job
beating of your
fearless heart
keep our collective
fingers crossed
to cut your
fingers off
music, a
was a
gift from God
by the
gift of God
desired three
gifts of God
student, to
give a talk
will not
give her all
gives a toss
skeptics really
gives one pause
He's bought
him a car
target, and blown
him apart
him some pot
He raised
his baton
You've seen
his curveball
to cut
his nuts off
lie entirely outside
his regard
did you
hit a car
you may
hit a star
hit the ball
Boy, just
hit the spot
This is
Hitler's car
west, and
if the hon
of building an
image starts
last night
sitting around
in a bar
been raised
in a barn
be put
being alive
his music
keep it
were asleep
in a box
bird soars
in a calm
now get
whisked away
in a car
you send
in a card
went home
in a cart
- stands
in a hall
there's something
in a jar
you living
in a pond
were off
in a shot
stir-fry us
in a wok
holding it
the child
in her arms
body floating
in her pond
at a show
to the workers
in Milan
who believe
in one God
exist side-by-side
in one heart
it entirely
in one part
buy everything
in one shot
feet ten
in one sock
consequently was
in rough garb
be savage
in some cause
a pain
in the arse
kick him
the car
in the balls
we sit
in the bars
see what's
in the box
got Zoey
I'll be
leave it
much fun
out here
the President
There's carrots
to stay
in the car
a day
a groping
acting ridiculous
been taken
being alone
but grope
it out
of bein
only thrives
sitting there
to walk
you are
you were
in the dark
in the DARK
a nightmare
in the dawn
reserved seat
in the hall
avoided him
in the halls
be awakened
it happens
leaving them
of liberty
in the heart
the Dweller
in the Heart
movie belongs
in the john
see something
in the large
all shops
in the mall
was praying
in the mosque
not grasped
of fate
in the palm
a pigeon
a stroll
poisoning pigeons
rock-and-roll dance
the pigeons
in the park
resolve twists
in the plot
rodents hiding
in the rocks
for bringing
in the Scots
helping Grandpa
hips be
in the shop
that guitar
in the song
my course
in the stars
was fern
in the swamp
I pleasured
in the thought
percent, I'm
in the top
actually standing
in the trough
all were
am so
are both
is always
it is
should be
the country
in the wrong
book barbecue
valiant figure
in the yard
of them communes
in Vermont
to surprise people
in workshop
leg, about three
inches long
right on the
injured arm
sideways against the
inner parts
else democracy
is a farce
social program
is a job
Five years
is a lot
which he
is a part
moment there
is a spark
every woman
is a star
to a pulp
is banal
my I
is burned off
Trinity, which
is one God
redundant,Blueness abundant,Where
is the blot
- it
is the heart
Rights, that
The law
is the law
is the mob
is the watch
harmless because it
is unarmed
is lost that
is unsought
on, give
it a blarg
You liked
it a lot
would call
it a wash
words just jolly
it along
on -
it comes on
to expect
it from all
as if
it were not
even think
it's a dog
it's a lot
day and
it's just gone
it's the smog
we -
It must be Ass-
Kick o'clock
want to
kill a cop
how to
kill a god
he's gonna
kill the cop
crash and
kill us all
do with your
killer god
kinda hot
his speech were
kinda odd
just like a
kinda top
all humbled,
kiss the rod
had trouble with
Lincoln Logs
for questions
linger on
index numbers on
little cards
I have a
little dog
is a tired
little fart
part was a
little hard
body is a
little hot
Nor wants that
little long
definitely seems a
little odd
calculations were a
little off
the bits in
little pots
It's just tiny
little rocks
And that's
Little Ron
its never so
little scar
own their own
little shops
reach the dryest
little spot
Were the
mid-terms hard
more than a
million jobs
for fifty years--while
millions starve
missed a spot
morning from
near the swamp
years to the
nearest stars
And it isn't
Nixon's fault
Rice Krispies, and
Philip Roth
person to
pick a lock
he was in
pictures LOL
Don't ever
piss one off
just to be
pissed upon
sounds like a
pistol shot
didn't land on
stepped ashore on
Plymouth Rock
your life is
printed on
windows, not as
prison bars
mirrored within military
prison walls
topics than jailers and
Richard Bach
to get
rid of Mars
blue, TO
ripped apart
may wanna
risk a lot
hold the great
river locked
sport, like the
silver fox
put in a
silver rod
longer look on
sin apart
the biggest
sin of all
half to
sing a song
the patient to
sing along
hand over a
single heart
you with a
single thought
Jerusalem thy
sister calls
to the
skin, but heart
in the
sphere of thought
ship began to
split apart
visible, part is
still unsolved
trying frantically to
swim across
stop obeying, the
system falls
System Shock
the state corporate
system wants
inheritance, not a
thing apart
the easiest
thing of all
pictures and
things of art
things were blocked
I remember
things, but not
all you
do not
think of God
this a waltz
this one on
old like
this one was
investors get
this one wrong
I don't want
this pomade
are indifferent in
been remiss in
completely honest in
liberal position in
not equality in
of making in
special role in
than yourself in
this regard
Where does
this stuff stop
who fought
this were wrong
in the
thrill of song
and 10 billion
trillion stars
working on the
Unicode mods
in possessing a
vicious dog
shaved your chin
whiskers off
peace and good
will abroad
by the
in the
of the
that the
were the
will of God
not the
Will of God
trying frantically to
win across
in the most right-
wing salons
he was holding,
Winston thought
she'd warm a
winter's frost
hand they
wish cut off
disguising reality behind
wishful thought
only one
with a car
came out
old faggot
with a dog
a child
with a doll
That begins
you want
with a job
you do
with a mob
I wake
with a start
it up
with a straw
it reacts
with a wall
to debauch me
with applause
shoot them
with bird shot
work but
with gloves on
beat you
with one arm
demons and heaven
with seraphs
you connect
with the ball
hit him
nothing wrong
with the car
the filings
with the card
all proportion
with the cause
they go
with the cloth
be workin'
knock heads
with the cops
sweeping in
with the dawn
one communicate
with the gods
eyes, but
must look
with the heart
It comes
with the job
for himself
get right
with the law
in accord
with the laws
that joined
with the Scots
replaced him
with the Shah
to go
with the song
the one
with the thong
happy until their
How beautiful the
peace-loving as good
women are
to fight the
women off
I know what
women want
it was a
written art
mankind have no
written law
paper it is
written on
with 1 extra syllable
act, he is
is the subject
they received and
acted upon
this too
afflicts us all
its hoof
amid the stars
its realm
amidst the stars
beneath the
ashes of Char
it's hard
being a cop
in the
Being of God
machines in a
bicycle shop
not a
blessing of God
account for
act of
law or
segregationist is
breaking the law
business, not
buying the stock
who's really
calling the shots
nature of the
chemical bond
to physical and
chemical laws
College of Obst
Thank you for
coming along
zeal in encouraging
critical thought
of dirty,
doing a job
pussy, I'm
dropping some off
contains the final
efficient cause
to me of
Egyptian art
is the
ending of thought
as no two
Englishmen are
Erica Jong
them might
even love ya
that are literally
the army started
this country is
whole thing was
within me was
world that is
falling apart
they've caught
filching a chop
up to
finish her off
back to
responsibility to
She will
we will
finish the job
back and
finish us off
folding bucksaw
may God
forgive us all
one who has
forgiven all
this country was
founded upon
We are
getting a dog
- hang
gliding, come on
read like a
hospital chart
people cannot be
infringed upon
as what to
insist upon
the transformation I
insisted on
that I'm
keeping a chart
Kidding, come on
world and
leaving a scar
and sang very
lyrical songs
mean my Dark
Magician card
me from
making a start
God and profit-
making must stop
less of an all-
of the most
of this most
merciful God
they're still
missing a lot
than the
music of Bach
the boundaries of
musical art
looked like a
musical box
C major two
octaves apart
outlive us all
same guy
passing the bar
you don't take
personal calls
dissolved before his
personal charm
faith in a
personal god
concept of a
personal God
is a deep
personal loss
such a distinctive
personal mark
effect, mechanism and
physical law
abiding as the
fine according to
previous convictions about
physical laws
important stimuli to
physical thought
what his actual
positions are
the true
with the
practice of law
by order of
President Clark
influenced by Indian
religious thought
a great
rubbing of parts
you from
seeing the thoughts
volume and started
singing along
Dancing flirting
skimming along
of not
sparing the rod
the oldest
subjects of art
us really
taking a shot
you're not
taking the job
a guy
talking a walk
technical talk
neglect, contempt, and
trampling upon
drop that
visits the heart
walking the dog
I am
watching the stars
I quit
wearing a bra
are you
wearing a thong
voracious, funneling
whirlwind of God
by the
wishes of all
that is
within us all
with 2 extra syllables
New Frontier for
American art
obligations and to
American law
intelligence of the
American mob
in this sinister
American plot
out-sing anyone in
American pop
tremendously stimulated by
American thought
unfriendly as many
Americans thought
never accomplished
anything but harm
is the
beginning of thought
for the
benefit of all
subversive and
challenging of all
stuff and
connecting the dots
distorting the Laws
It's an
electrical charge
the military
encampments of God
for it
engages the heart
infected the Doc
and I are
insisting upon
bloodstream, and the
intestinal walls
home and American
leadership abroad
to advocate
obeying just laws
This is
organism talk
lava brink, a
precipitous fall
A fact worth
reflecting upon
the most
sensitive of hearts
Two fabulous, wonderful,
succulent gumballs
fending off a psi-
terrorist assault
city and its
theatrical stars
with 3 extra syllables
capacity to undertake
analytical thought
government's public relations
initiatives abroad
be terminal
interfaces of God
disputes and
interpreting the law
be some
overarching first cause
all in
overrating a boss
in your
understanding of God
with 4 extra syllables
wouldn't have
exterminated 'em all
feels like a
geopolitical spa
be the
representative of god