exact syllable matches

only one sector-
the Forest
be inappropriate,
arrogant or smug
belt of the crozier
out and
belted the homer
Benjamin Morris
bestest stuff for us
of a
better word, normal
better work for us
cellular mobile
cellular mobiles
centered world order
Credible sources
dare utter those words
die the
death of abortions
death of the former
Deborah Foreman
the accusative
definite form of
Definite form of
is a very
delicate moment
del bastone e
della carota
edge of the forest
edge of the ocean
edible dormice
make your
eldest son homeless
names containing the
element koa
elephant doses
else but a soldier
with the Mauryan
Emperor Ashoka
And nobody understood
Emperor Norton
bell to
end a performance
end of a whole world
end of the Cobras
end of the former
end of the poem
end of the quarter
Soma, beloved
enter the ocean
as we
enter the portal
the waters
entered the ocean
stand at an
epochal moment
a time,
ever a moment
ever done for us
the biggest earthquake
ever recorded
is ever open,
ever unbroken
Gothic tea-room and
Everett ordered
back into
evidence, so what
made nevertheless an
excellent clothier
beautiful prose and
excellent poems
Excellent soldier
excellent soldiers
team and a
federal warrant
A modern
claire, the
From a
From novella,
From the
of the
to, the
feminine form of
Feminine form of
General Crozier
I Quote You,
General Forrest
threw up on
General Holden
General Morgan
the Triumph of
the welfare of
General Motors
policy similar to
General Motors'
general warrant
general warrants
General's orders
from touching their
genital organs
Get someone over
Glens, the world over
head of the corner
hell of a soldier
Hell of a soldier
you're not
jealous of Sora
jealous of your, er
my best friend
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Morgan
length of the short run
school after
lessons were over
let her work for us
let the world warm up
as a
measure of morals
technical definitions in
medical sources
men of the Old World
men the world over
mendicant order
mendicant orders
both mechanical and
mental performance
him to
mess the performance
along the entire
Latinos on the
out on the
Mexican border
there was no
Mexican Joker
me about your
parent's proposal
They were all
pencil composers
a graduation
present from Lois
and as
present from nobles
wouldn't have
questioned the order
regiments or none
regular open
regular order
crazy, or
regular, or what
to meet some
regulars normals
are highly
relevant for us
rest of the mortals
rest of the show first
scent of the forest
and only
second a soldier
back for a
second abortion
From and uncertain
repetition of the
second component
a due
is a
loses all
lost his
such little
taste, no
was no
sense of proportion
sense of the Torah
and a
settled world order
girl who's had
seven abortions
puzzled over it
several moments
but dry in
several portions
Cookie Monster eats
several soldiers
century, apparently from
symbol derive from
several sources
Shrek chugged the potion
Man, that's a
stellar performance
Temperament Sorter
is not
tenable for us
A superstitious
terrible omen
text of the order
them under your thumb
Then comes the warrant
he himself
then stumbles over
there, the trunk loaded
they're the worst sort of
threatened abortion
threatened abortions
mountains, through a
treacherous forest
trend of the moment
trends of the moment
when the worst shows up

with 1 extra syllable

condensers --
the whole works
most accomplished and
accessible poets
to negatively
affect the performance
his grandson, the
benevolent Ashoka
from this
collection of poems
concessions, but so what
connection, but for her
held in
contempt among mortals
neighbors is a
detestable notion
to carry this
development forward
and ultimately as multi-
dimensional order
opened up a
dimensional portal,
in the
to the
direction of motion
as this pointless
endeavor unfolded
envelop the whole earth
forever, her own son
This is an
impregnable fortress
coders to
impress other coders
a little
impression of Gordon
an inferno of
incredible horror
Indefinite form of
for one long,
ineffable moment
inspections were over
Intelligence quotient
more than the
Intelligence Quotient
intelligence quotients
intelligence soldier
hate, you
inventors of slogans
investment performance
Irregular form of
century to describe
irregular soldiers
itself but a moment
the nature of
molecular motions
very small
percentage of clover
personality as a
potential opponent
prevent such a horror
He's a
professional bowler
scepticism of the
professional poet
those of a
you were a
professional soldier
These are full-time
professional soldiers
protect the world border
Now it
resembles a forest
each with three
selectable poses
all time most
successful performer
we have
tremendous control of
all manner of
unbearable torture
of snubbing
whoever opposed her

with 2 extra syllables

accidental abortion
accidental abortions
a slum of
continental proportions
delicate and
evanescent of moments
for mankind of
fundamental proportions
well as several
independent promotions
interest the world over
a tragedy of
monumental proportions