exact syllable matches
Everybody do the
acorn dance
at her
age, smoked grass
on the impact
our much-abused foreign
aid program
I'm gonna
aim for that
ain't no plan
and I
ain't no rat
This place
ain't so bad
as hell
ain't your dad
motives are
base or bad
Bayonne ham
Bayonne hams
I'm to
blame for that
want this
chain so bad
today will
will not
change those facts
chased those brats
found a
date for Ann
been a
day for that
Center, about
eight rows back
by following the
on the noble
eightfold path
follow the
The Noble
Eightfold Path
gonna save
Face for last
typical selfish, back-stabbing, slut-
faced ho-bag
yet Everything
fades so fast
not to
fate nor chance
Georg Brandes
Named after
Georg Rasch
I forgave
Grace for that
gray nomad
gray nomads
beginning of a
better than a
great romance
grey nomad
grey nomads
Hey, don't laugh
go to
men to
there's no
jail for that
James Forman
Kate Chopin
Don't be
late for class
is too
It's too
late for that
lay low, man
was not
was science
Were never
were not
woman was
made for man
Are fugues
was not
made for that
made no gaffes
homework by e-
mail or fax
time to
you can
make your stand
discrimination by the
male gonads
You need
mates for plan
Good men
may go bad
a roundabout
name for chance
have a
name for that
his first
name, or last
Christendom has rightly
named romance
values for which
NATO stands
don't get
you get
paid for that
before you've
paid your tab
all gonna
allowance to
are gonna
going to
is gonna
make you
should I
They're gonna
time you
you gonna
You're gonna
pay for that
until she
pays for that
want this
place so bad
plainclothes man
not everyone can
play Chopin
a guy
play so bad
you need to
play Warcraft
like a
race horse, man
differences in
race or class
It concerns my
race program
Rail Road Flat
day for the
railroad man
of road or
out on the
railroad track
river by the
railroad tracks
Probably a
railroad tramp
railroad tramps
coal mine, a
railroad, banks
cosplaying the character
the now giant-sized
Rainbow Dash
rainbow flag
rainbow flags
rainbow glass
rainbow plant
rainbow plants
just sunshine and
rainbows, and
aroused, just
ate it,
locomotive, just
not here,
own horse,
seat, please
stole it,
raise your hand
Raise your hand
If so,
raise your hands
Raise your hands
under the
same old gang
into the
same old jam
copy of the
on to the
same program
from the
Indo-Aryan, the
suggests the
same source as
Same source as
alone will
came to
have to
Hell to
here to
you wanna
save your ass
You couldn't
save your dad
I'm gonna
save your Dad
I just
so I
Tonight I
saved your ass
I didn't
say no bags
a slave
scrape your back
scrape your plaque
honored to
instead of
want to
shake your hand
it's a
shame for fans
Everyone from
space knows that
anybody with my
by the European
didn't have a
East peace, the
it's called the
of the US
programs, and the
space program
Space program
of the Chinese
Space Program
Space programme
space programmes
space programs
with either
Spain or France
Sprain your back
if you
sprained your back
blood will
stain your hands
take more than
but don't
take no crap
invade and
take those lands
up and
take your chance
happened and
they both laughed
seek what
they don't have
Trust me,
they don't last
And over
they go and
gets broken,
they go back
In short,
they go bad
eyes and
they go blank
her and
they hold hands
comment on your Will-they-or-won't-
they joe-mance
What Did
They Know And
least say
they know that
me, and
they know, man
They won't stand
imitation of a semi-house-
trained polecat
vapour baths
vapour lamp
vapour lamps
drive, I
wait for that
wait, go back
a long
way for that
reality this
way or that
I want a
weight program
You've gained
weight so fast
with 1 extra syllable
I was
always broke, and
He can
always go back
she will
always know that
that, she's
always known that
the land-there's
always more land
and she
mourning, and
always wore black
she get
We drove
away so fast
to scare
away your fans
you might
donate your land
before I
erase your ass
think you
want to
erase your past
cares about an
The emergency
escape program
day you'll
escape your past
in direct
exchange for cash
call the Honeybee
exchange program
I can't
explain, oh yeah
a double
latte, oh yeah
Mondeo Man
Otsego bass
I get
repaid for that
great whale,
retain, O man
influence with the
Stargate Program
them on the
Today programme
tomato can
from my ship,
Tomato Can
tomato cans
I've got little
tomato plants
To the pickford
tomato ranch
involved in a
workplace romance
with 2 extra syllables
own to
compensate for that
Interchange Format
short, you've
overplayed your hand
propagates so fast
I don't
terminate your ass
with 3 extra syllables
anything that
accelerates so fast