exact syllable matches
a blow dart gun
give me
a blowjob once
a born artist
her as
a born target
a Chancellorsville,
a Cold Harbor
have we
a court artist
a crowbar work
there is
a FOURTH option
a go on her
It is
a growth problem
really am
a horse doctor
a phone call, what
don't have
a porn problem
works in
a Post Office
Oxford as
she is
a Rhodes scholar
A Rhodes scholar
Bateman, as
champion is
her being
I am
I'm not
might be
my brother,
to me,
unforgettable musician,
You are
You need
a role model
promise you
a rose garden
dancing to
a slow pavane
lead of
role in
starring in
would in
a soap opera
a sore spot, huh
don't have
a soul, Doctor
sounds like
a throat lozenge
officially considered
a war proper
a female, and
a war-goddess
anyone of being
that I was
the US as
a warmonger
a whole lot worse
parents can't even
afford lawyers
in motion,
but goes onward
the ankle,
but no farther
with honor
but no honors
in poetry and
composed dramas
how gun
control laws worked
by method of-birth-
control stop birth
man into an electrically-
controlled monster
stinks and so
does Obama
done or not done
generally resulted
from those causes
judge it
from those lawyers
get that
get them
walk away
you inherited
You ran
from your father
is dripping
from your nostrils
the best
from your partner
from your promise
miles away
from your target
from your yacht club
Fuck your honor
fuss, no bother
gloves, no gauntlets
gun, or not, hm
have our
guts for garters
Excuse me,
hello, Doctor
faithful to
her lord Rama
just hit
her more often
clung to
of loving
her own daughter
She has
her own office
pool of
woven from
her own vomit
I ride
her so often
kind of
judge or lawyers
needed this
junk no longer
Just don't harm her
And that's
just for starters
there were
just so awful
Just your conscience
My forbidden
love for Chocolat
love your chocolate
love your daughter
The publishers
loved your novel
and drafted the
Corollary to the
it with the
Monroe Doctrine
a six
month old daughter
lasts six
months or longer
would be
much more artful
expectations were
gains were
much more modest
must go, Papa
baffling flames
of Cold Harbor
jail because
of Ford's pardon
the case
of Lord Pomfret
commercial mind
of most authors
the bane
of most scholars
in the spirit
of Obama
the last
of ol' Marla
a piece
of old carpet
a load
of old cobblers
a prisoner
of old karma
an accumulation
by contemplation
of old knowledge
the contents
of those garments
be one
of those monsters
a pocket
of your armor
the voice
of your conscience
be proud
in front
was worthy
of your daughter
the flesh
of your daughters
no mention
spitting image
the death
the place
very much
very proud
you instead
of your father
be sons
of your Father
Colonial dependence
the measure
of your fathers
the best
the limits
of your knowledge
it because
It's because
of your lawyer
this one
of your monster
than either
of your monsters
the responsibilities
of your office
coins out
fell out
muskier interior
of your pocket
cards out
hands out
of your pockets
that's part
the nature
of your problem
at some
take care
of your problems
a number
of your rockets
the husband
of your sovereign
of one
of your targets
it out
let go
the contents
of your wallet
one for knowledge
Aqua Unit
Patrol Squad 1
machines to
perform all works
the record, our
record, partner
were FUN
records, all fun
of the Great
Reforms model
cannot successful
dumb and
Right to
women who
run for office
down and
run your office
is the
search for Brahman
a disinterested
search for knowledge
I'm gonna
search your locker
it in
may try
some cold water
end and
some more boxes
dude on
some soap opera
the Coast Guard, sir
The pina and
the colada
died from
the cold water
detail in
even in
presented before
the court martial
We keep
the courts honest
way to
the dole office
the door was rung
I'm Carr,
the floor walker
The Fourth Doctor
which is
the fourth Prana
just like
We are
the ghost monsters
run from
surrounded by
the Ghost Monsters
owner of
the Gold Saucer
by protecting
prices on
protection of
the home market
am at
favourite in
grant from
Roses with
the Home Office
the hose on her
the millions of
the loanmonger
work of
the Lord prosper
they are,
the more cautious
more millionaires,
the more paupers
racing was
the most common
race, and
the most constant
the most part of
get rid of
the no-hopers
jab to
the old honker
it at
lost at
over to
pass through
stop at
stop by
This ain't
way as
work at
work for
the post office
The post office
and desperately to
the post-office
that in
the pro column
the road, Farmer
the rose are one
never opened Into
the rose-garden
the way
the show started
sky,Diamonds in
the snow sparkle
Kano as
the sole author
The War Doctor
charge of
the War Office
the war on drugs
the War on Drugs
long before
times since
the war started
can have
probably down
the whole bottle
hallmark of
the whole genre
that is
the whole Gospel
gonna wake
the whole Hostel
part of
the whole knowledge
to corner
the whole market
brain was
This is
the whole problem
the whores are us
made me
over with
thirst for knowledge
I never
touched your daughter
of shock toddles
toward Papa
against the drift
toward softness
right to
trust your father
Trust your partner
you can
trust, your lawyer
wear a
tux more often
Uh, four dollars
Unknown Author
McGregor died from
unknown causes
true community
unknown on Earth
he knocked
up your daughter
up your office
up, your honor
us your promise
us your wallet
have cursed
us, O Father
Smith who
were court-martialed
seventy-seven men
were so honored
What, no father
what's your offer
What's your offer
what's your problem
What's your problem
do sometimes
work for monsters
because you
work for Rossum
that the
world's grown honest
worse no farther
with 1 extra syllable
Who looks
after your father
the universe,
ancient or modern
by the
ancients or moderns
and that is
Baltimore's problem
autobiographical work by
but not President
Counselor to President
did not know
Donald Trump, not
First inauguration of
how to pronounce
Inauguration of
John McCain or
Memorandum to President
Political positions of
served under President
serving under President
Something something something,
the administration of
there because of
Barack Obama
Barrack Obama
is the
basis for knowledge
our dreams
become so common
Then he
becomes your partner
been a
need a
needs a
better role model
britches for ya, Nerd
You have
broken your promise
Come on,
Buffalo Bottom
buzzer goes off, just
westward to
capture Port Arthur
and kick some
Casanova butt
to be
cattle for monsters
the non
causa pro causa
sphere without
centers or margins
Charlotte Rose Thomas
man he
chooses holds office
Almeida arrived in
Colombo's harbour
Harold Koontz and
Cyril O'Donnell
make me
deeper, more thoughtful
is my associate,
Delmar O'Donnell
become a
doctor or lawyer
have no
doctrine, no dogma
into trouble
dollar for dollar
Donna, oh Donna
drama, The
Drama or Dramas
to finish whatever
Dumbledore started
of the
engine, no bonnet
a golden
era for lawyers
be it
ever so harmless
who do
evil for profit
listen to
experts or prophets
Isn't Maine
famous for lobster
forget to
fasten your condom
Fire your shotgun
with a
fondness for profit
Live in
fragments no longer
not really
gaga for Gaga
gotta go wash up
is the
greatest role model
beseech your
guidance, most awesome
it doesn't
happen more often
happens so often
sickness, or
hunger, or darkness
that he
isn't your father
Robert Ludlum's
Jason Bourne novels
He, in
Jesus, your Father
Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Written by
Joseph O'Donnell
its previous
judgments or doctrine
I mean
Karen, your daughter
kitchen door on her
anything else,
larger or smaller
or in
liquids or solids
chestnut groves of
Luxembourg Garden
it was the
Luxembourg gardens
see that
Major Hogan, sir
in their
manner or conduct
anti-choicers commit
murder or arson
one who
murdered your father
necessary, usual,
normal, or proper
would not
occur so often
compete with
open source products
open your heart up
anymore, we'll
order more often
over the
other four carbons
Here's the
other four dollars
cancel out
our clone problem
and determination of
great ingenuity of
hallowed principles of
leisurely essays of
seven years ago
the breed of
the fashion of
the history of
the land of
traps that ensnared
our forefathers
only on
our own bottom
interpreter than
our own conscience
ourselves by
suffering from
our own karma
privacy in
our own office
Our swords are rust
Over your father
alienated by an
overblown market
struggle of the
overgrown monster
owner knows not of
even a
parent or sovereign
for the
people no longer
beach, or a
drinking a virgin
pina colada
a mediocre
poem or novel
Poitier or Potter
use this
power more often
other than
power or profit
you must
preserve your honour
using an animated
pterosaur fossil
raising these
questions more often
against other
races for profit
Robert Costanza
As in
Russian for vodka
recovered the fifty
sacred horse-bollocks
as real
sanctions for conduct
not be
shaken or altered
must sit
silent no longer
away, gold,
silver, more daughters
to your
Spirit Stone, Father
a parrot,
squirrel, or dolphin
structured forms are burned
suffer no longer
I've already
taken your honor
with the
teacher, no problem
His name is
Theodore Bonkers
Theodore Parker
Theodore Roszak
border, expanded further
under Obama
and living
under your opera
resulting in more
uniform trauma
where our
union grows stronger
or unwise,
useful or harmful
Vogel chose honor
We will
wander no longer
wonders who
wasn't so honest
wasn't your father
William Hope Hodgson
with 2 extra syllables
all others
antient or modern
anyone for dodgems
nothing of
betrayal or honor
Canada, or farther
Is this
chauvinist or Marxist
are either
citizens or fathers
Commander no longer
is a
condition for knowledge
thy physitian,
confessor, nor lawyer
opportunity to
consider your options
Consider, your Honors
for their
departure for Austin
to be
disloyal or hostile
that happiness
existed no longer
of their,
existence or knowledge
to be
exploited for profit
in the
exquisite stone garden
to the
filmmaker or artist
will be
forgotten no longer
find you've
forgotten your wallet
general court martial
true, merciful,
generous, or honest
direction of
Governor George Wallace
outside my
horizon or province
their most
important role models
possible, no
indulgence or pardon
message is
innocent or harmless
Innocent, Your Honor
Jihad and
martyrdom for Allah
mention of
massacres or slaughter
call a
mistrial Your Honor
are extended,
movable, or solid
a professional
musician or artist
courses to
overcome your problem
at either
oxygen or carbon
against this
powerful role model
institution so
powerful, so hostile
Gitmo love
has spoken to
mild criticism from
So thanks,
the fact of
President Obama
Remember your father
Alas, you
resemble your father
these family
reunions more often
course, I'm endorsing
serious questions about
Senator Obama
sleaziest show on earth
even the
spokesperson for products
well we
succeeded, your honor
politicians working
together more often
have incredible
tolerance for darkness
You're a
wonderful role model
with 3 extra syllables
acceptable, Your Honor
home from
Antarctica more often
get into
Argentina no problem
locked into
competition for markets
elevator closed on her
time, attention,
information or knowledge
ingredients for pasta
itself Paris
initiates no dramas
information into
intelligence or knowledge
Prize in
Literature for Popper
other than
oppositions grow stronger
represented your father
beer they
substituted for water
popular fictional
television soap opera
with 4 extra syllables
to prevent
intimidation or trauma
the only
qualification for office
races neither
unintelligent nor slothful